Mgr. Juraj Franek Ph.D.,
+420 549 494 636
Department of Biblical Studies
Research focus
- earliest Greek Christian apologetics
- epigraphy and ancient Greek magic, esp. so-called curse tablets (defixiones)
- method and theory in the study of religions
- philosophy of religion
Academic websites profile ( etc.)
2016: Ph.D. in Philosophy (dissertation thesis: "Critique of Religion from the Antiquity to the Present Times", FF MU)
2010: M.A. in Classical Studies (diploma thesis: "Aristophanes' Clouds", FF MU)
2009: M.A. in Philosophy (diploma thesis: "Reception of Socrates in Hellenistic and Patristic Philosophy", FF MU)
Employment history
from 1. 1. 2019 - now: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
from 1. 9. 2012 - now: Department of Classical Studies, Masaryk University
Assistant professor at the Department of Classical Studies, Masaryk University.
Conference papers and lectures abroad
Adjuration Formula with ὁρκίζω/adiuro in Greek and Latin Epigraphical Documentation. Symposium Classicum Peregrinum: Blessings and Curses in Antiquity. Lonato di Garda, Italy, 21.-24. 6. 2018 (co-author: Daniela Urbanová).
ὁρκίζω in griechischen epigraphischen Zeugnissen. Institut für Papyrologie, Universität Heidelberg. Heidelberg, Germany, 11. 4. 2018.
Magic on Lead: Simile-Formula on Ancient Greek and Latin Curse Tablets. 15th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy: Languages – Culture of Writing – Identities in Antiquity. University of Vienna – Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna, Austria, 28. 8. - 1. 9. 2017 (co-author: Daniela Urbanová).
Cognitive Science of Religion, Ontological Commitment and Evolutionary Debunking Arguments. 5th International Kraków Study of Religions Symposium: Understanding and Explanation in the Study of Religions, in the Memory of Walter Burkert (1931-2015). Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 7.-9. 11. 2016.
Vrah, alebo hrdina? Recepcia Bruta mladšieho v talianskom renesančnom humanizme. Ideológia v premenách času v pamiatkach gréckej a latinskej tradície: Medzinárodná konferencia pri príležitosti sedemdesiatin profesora Daniela Škovieru. Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 18.-19. 11. 2016.
Naturalistic Theory of Religion in Pomponazzi's De Incantationibus and its Significance. Portuguese and European Humanism: 5th Centenary of Cicero Lusitanus, Jerónimo Osório (1515-1580). University of Coimbra – University of Lisboa, Coimbra – Lisboa, Portugal, 9.-10. 12. 2015.
Return of the Prodigal Son: Cognitive Science of Religion and the Re-Emergence of the Problem of Explanation in the Study of Religions. Religious Ideas & Scientific Thought: McGill Centre for Research on Religion 7th Annual Graduate Student Conference. McGill University, Montréal, Canada, 25.-26. 9. 2015.
Muse in Homeric Epics: A Cognitive Perspective. Seminars on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Delphi, Greece, 2.-12. 8. 2014.
Naturalistic and Sui Generis Approaches to the Phenomenon of Religion. Seminars on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture. European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Delphi, Greece, 2.-12. 8. 2014.
Il campo semantico di 'nomen' nelle tavole defixionum. Latin Vulgaire – Latin Tardif, 11th International Conference on Late and Vulgar Latin. Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 1.-5. 9. 2014 (co-author: Daniela Urbanová).
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
Naturalismus a protekcionismus ve studiu náboženství. Vědecké setkání Ústavu religionistky FF MU, Masaryk University, Brno, 31. 10. 2017.
Omnibus Omnia: The Reception of Socrates in Early Christian Literature. Laetae segetes IV. Masaryk University, Brno, 19.-21. 11. 2014.
Presocratic Philosophy and the Origins of Religion. Laetae segetes III. Masaryk University, Brno, 13.-16. 11. 2012.
Some Methodological Remarks on the Phonology of Ancient Greek. Moderní teorie v klasické filologii a filologii starých jazyků. Masaryk University, Brno, 4.-5. 11. 2011.
Lucretius and the Modern Interdisciplinary Critique of Religion. International Conference on Classical and Byzantine Literature: "Literary crossroads". Masaryk University, Brno, 19.-22. 9. 2010.
Current projects
- earliest Greek apologists, Greek defixiones