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Jan Bayer

2. května 2019 v 10:00 proběhne přednáška Ing. Jana Bayera, CSc. na téma Moving Dynamic Test Loads for Road Bridges - A Case Study. Přednáška proběhne na pracovišti ÚTAM Praha (Prosecká 809/76, Prague 9-Prosek) v malé zasedací místnosti.

Moving Dynamic Test Loads for Road Bridges - A Case Study

given by

Jan Bayer

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Two types of dynamic testing load for bridges - driving sprung mass and driving impulse load - are examined from the drive-by identification point of view. Numerical studies in ANSYS using contact elements and in MATLAB using a modal solution together with coupling force were performed. Equations for the estimation of the impulse load caused by a rolling cogwheel were suggested. The experiments confirmed that a driving impulse load is more efficient in exciting bridge vibrations. This, together with the fact that impulse loading is not sensitive to surface roughness, leads to the conclusion that, as a method for bridge health monitoring, impulse loading is more promising than using a driving sprung mass.

29. 4. 2019