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Konference / Neděle, 02.06.2019 - Pátek, 07.06.2019

Chairman: Oleg Heczko, FZU

Seminář / Úterý, 04.06.2019 13:30

Prof. Tanmay Vachaspati (Cosmology Initiative, Arizona State University, USA)


We show that certain quantum systems in non-trivial classical backgrounds can be mapped into entirely classical systems in higher dimensions. The evolution of the classical system can be used to obtain the particle production rate as well as the quantum backreaction on the classical background. The technique has many potential applications, including breather/oscillon dynamics, Hawking radiation and black hole evaporation, and particle production during inflation.

Oznámení v...

Seminář / Úterý, 04.06.2019 15:00

Mauro Fernandes Pereira (Department of Condensed Matter Theory, FZÚ AV ČR, v.v.i.)

Abstract: This talk starts with a review of analytical approximations for the nonlinear GHz-THz response of semiconductor superlattices, which are compared and contrasted with a rigorous numerical solution. Next we show experimental verifications of the theory for both voltage and input power control of the nonlinear response as well as the rectification of current-voltage current curves due to input power. To the best of our knowledge these are first verifications in this range and show very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. In the final part of the talk we...

Oznámení / Čtvrtek, 06.06.2019 - Sobota, 08.06.2019

Přijďte nás navštívit na Veletrh vědy - největší český science festival! Od čtvrka do soboty 6. - 8. 6. v PVA EXPO Letňany, vstup zdarma.

Pomocí virtuální reality se naživo podíváte na detektor ATLAS v CERN v Ženevě 100 metrů pod zemí či do hal nejsilnějších laserů světa v ELI Beamlines a centru HiLASE. V mlžné komoře na vlastní oči uvidíte dráhy částic kosmického záření, které prolétají všude kolem nás a naši kosmologové Vás seznámí s tajemstvími vesmíru. Vyzkoušíte si hojení ran nízkoteplotním plazmatem a mnoho dalšího! Letošní...

Seminář / Pondělí, 10.06.2019 14:00

Abdel F. Isakovic (Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)

Abstract: Charge and spin density waves (CDW/SDW) have been a subject of condensed matter research for decades. The current interest on this topic stems in part from the CDW/SDW status in the phase diagram of superconductors, especially high Tc and related novel superconductors. Additional long term interest in these materials and states originates in their occurrence in quasi-1D and quasi-2D geometries, making their nano- and atomic scale realizations candidates for quantum materials. In this talk, we will review several approaches we have been developing since mid 2000s,...

Seminář / Úterý, 11.06.2019 15:00

Stephan W. Koch (Philipps University Marburg)

Abstract: This talk presents an overview of our recent work on the interaction of ultrashort, high-intensity terahertz pulses with semiconductor materials. After a brief introduction to the field of extreme nonlinear optics in atoms and solids, the basic ingredients of the microscopic semiconductor modelling are summarized. Examples of successful theory-experiment comparisons are discussed, including the generation of very high harmonics, dynamical Bloch oscillations, internal quantum interference effects, quasiparticle collisions, as well as lightwave valleytronics in TMDCs...

Seminář / Pátek, 14.06.2019 09:00 - 11:00

Dr. Stefan Zollner (Academic Department Head and Professor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA)

Dr. Stefan Zollner will give a series of public lectures on Optical Properties of Solids for the Institute of Physics. The lectures are recorded and placed online including other materials.

Part IX covers the following topics: Interband transitions, van Hove singularities, critical-point lineshapes.

The lectures follow the textbook by Mark Fox “Optical Properties of Solids”, with additional materials by the instructor to make the...

Workshop / Neděle, 16.06.2019 18:00 - Čtvrtek, 20.06.2019 14:00

The workshop will bring together the forefront science experts as well as young scientists interested in topological aspects of magnetic, superconducting, ferroelectric as well as liquid crystal matter.
Workshop webpage...

Workshop / Čtvrtek, 20.06.2019 09:00 - Pátek, 21.06.2019 18:00

V. Petříček, M. Dušek, J. Rohlíček

Tento workshop pokrývá základy práce s programem Jana2006 pro klasické i modulované struktury z monokrystalových a práškových difrakčních dat.

Stránka workshopu
Stránka programu Jana2006
Ostatní workshopy k programu Jana2006...

Seminář / Pátek, 21.06.2019 09:00 - 11:00

Dr. Stefan Zollner (Academic Department Head and Professor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA)

Dr. Stefan Zollner will give a series of public lectures on Optical Properties of Solids for the Institute of Physics. The lectures are recorded and placed online including other materials.

Part X covers the following topics: Photoluminescence, Einstein coefficients, quantum confinement, quantum wells, wires, and dots.

The lectures follow the textbook by Mark Fox “Optical Properties of Solids”, with additional materials by the...


Minulé události

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 30.05.2019 14:00

Magnetic and structural properties of Fe5SiB2 under pressure

Seminář / Úterý, 28.05.2019 15:00

Realistic description of strong correlations in solids

Seminář / Úterý, 28.05.2019 11:00

University of Connecticut, opportunities for collaboration and technology park

Seminář / Úterý, 28.05.2019 10:00

Density matrix renormalization group method in quantum chemistry

Seminář / Pátek, 24.05.2019 09:00

Optical Properties of Solids VIII

Seminář / Středa, 22.05.2019 10:00

Characterization of local properties of polymer system in bond-fluctuation model

Seminář / Úterý, 21.05.2019 15:00

Weyl metal, flat band insulator and superconductivity in thin films

Oznámení / Pondělí, 20.05.2019 14:00

Attosecond Physics at the Nanoscale: the next frontier

Oznámení / Čtvrtek, 16.05.2019 18:00

Mezinárodní den světla

Seminář / Úterý, 14.05.2019 14:00

Emergence of Majorana States in Atomic-Scale Hybrid Systems
