Knižní tipy

Dar indického velvyslanectví obohatil fond knihovny o řadu knih o indické historii, kultuře, umění, politice i kuchyni. Nechybí bohatě ilustrované či fotografické knihy zobrazující každodenní život v Indii, její kulturní i přírodní dědictví. Dozvíte se řadu zajímavostí o józe, klasických indických tancích nebo nekrásnějších indických palácích. Letos také slavíme 150. výročí narození Mahátmy Gándhího; ve výběru naleznete působivou obrazovou publikaci mapující celý jeho život. Knihy o politice se věnují mezinárodním vztahům z pohledu bývalých amerických velvyslanců či pracovníka Institutu bezpečnostních studií a analytiky v Novém Dillí.

Knihy vám vypůjčíme u pultu výpůjčních služeb, s čipovou kartou můžete využít samoobslužný výpůjční kiosek, který najdete vlevo u východu ze studovny.


Pramod Kapoor

Gandhi: an illustrated biography

The book is an intimate study into the evolution of a mischievous, fun-loving boy, into the Mahatma. From his schooling and early marriage in Kathiawar to his first brushes with the grandeur of London; from his chance employment for a legal case in South Africa to a train ride in Pietermaritzburg that led to his first fight for equality; from a relatively unsuccessful lawyer to a globally celebrated crusader for human rights. This book is the result of intensive research and tracks Gandhi’s life through photographs sourced from across the world. The chronological text and accompanying photographs bring out his unique complexities.

Nakladatel: Lustre Press, Roli Books [2016]

Shyam Saran

How India sees the world: Kautilya to the 21st Century

Former India Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran has had a ringside view of the most critical events and shifts in Indian foreign policy in the new millennium. In this magisterial book, Saran discerns the threads that tie together his experiences as a diplomat. In his book, part memoir and part thesis on India’s international relations since Independence, Shyam Saran discerns the threads that tie together his experiences as a diplomat. Using the prism of Kautilya’s Arthashastra and other ancient treatises on statecraft, Saran shows the historical sources of India’s worldview.

Nakladatel: Juggernaut, 2017

Mildred Archer

Early views of India: the picturesque journeys of Thomas and William Daniell 1786–1794: the complete aquatints

Autorka popisuje, komentuje a s jinými díly srovnává celkem 33 tzv. akvatint (zrnkových leptů) Thomase a jeho synovce Williama Daniellse. Díla, která britští grafici vytvořili na konci 18. století zejména v Kalkatě a později v Anglii, zobrazují orientální krajinu.

Nakladatel: Thames and Hudson, 1980

Sharada Dwivedi, Rahul Mehrotra

Bombay: the cities within

This book is an attempt to understand Bombay’s contemporary skyline that presents a medley of architectural silhouettes where cotton mill chimney stacks, neo-Gothic towers, skyscrapers, shanty settlements and domestic vernacular dwellings all coalesce to form the many layered cosmopolitanism which characterizes the palimpsest that is the metropolis of Bombay.

Nakladatel: India Book House, 1995

Dhruv C. Katoch, Skakti Sinha

Terrorism today: aspects, challenges and responses

Terrorism did not begin with 26/11 or even 9/11. However, the massive investments made by different countries for its eradication seem to have yielded only sub-optimal results. From Paris to Pathankot, acts of terror continue to cause havoc throughout the world. Diverse groups like the Boko Haram compete with those like the Lashkar-e-Taiba in causing mayhem. The rise of the Islamic State presents a unique case of a proto-state established and run by a terrorist organisation, which combines public brutality with revenue-generating activities to emerge as the face of global terror today. The book is the outcome of an international Counter-Terrorism Conference convened by the India Foundation at Jaipur in March 2015.

Nakladatel: India Foundation : Pentagon Press, 2016

Vikas Khanna

My Great India Cookbook

An authority on eclectic cuisine, and with an experience of over twenty years, Chef Vikas Khanna brings together the most delicious recipes from his travels across India. From Bharwan Murgh to Parda-Nashin Kebabs, Surat Patra to Fanasachi Bhaaji, and from Shirazi Pulao to Bepadiya Rotli, there are recipes to suit every palate and preference. Celebrating the richness and variety of Indian cooking, Vikas shares exclusive recipes for delectable starters, lip-smacking chutneys and achars, and mouth-watering desserts made on special occasions.

Nakladatel: Penguin/Viking, 2012

Namrata Goswami

India’s approach to Asia: strategy, geopolitics and responsibility

This book offers wide ranging divergent perspectives on India’s role in managing and shaping Asian Security. Issues that are dealt with in detail include major power rivalries, tensions over disputed territories, freedom of Sea Lanes of Communications (SLOCs), security dilemmas connected to military modernization, the robustness of regional institutional mechanisms, intra-state conflicts and last but not the least, the perspectives of major actors like Russia, China and India on Asian regional order: whether they view it as purely competitive or cooperative-competitive.

Nakladatel: Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses : Pentagon Press, 2016

Ishita, Banerjee-Dube

A history of modern India

This book is aimed as an open-ended account that both unravels the making of modern India yet questions the intimate linkages between the writing of history and the narration of the nation.The chapters offer a tapestry of diverse pasts and different perceptions that shaped modern India.

Nakladatel: Cambridge University Press, 2015

Valmik Thapar

Tiger: the ultimate guide

The Ultimate Guide is a fitting tribute to this fascinating creature. An indispensible resource for animal lovers and conservationists alike, this book offers the most complete account to date of the natural and cultural history of the tiger – from its evolution and behavior to its symbolic importance in myth and ritual. Illustrated with more than 200 images, the guide features an unsurpassed collection of photographs of tigers in the wild, many never before published, that showcase the work of some of the world’s finest photographers.

Nakladatel: Oxford University Press : Two Brothers Press, 2006

Sachin Chaturvedi

The logic of sharing: Indian approach to South-South cooperation

India’s development cooperation programmes reflect the broad principles that inform Indian foreign policy in general. In essence they reflect sovereign equality and belief in friendly relations with all countries, parricularly India’s neighbours coupled with opposition to colonialism and a continued commitment to the amplification of human freedom and the creation of equitable conditions for the peaceful and harmonious developrnenr of nations. Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi underlined that while the juxtaposition of peace and prosperity is not a contrivance for establishing moral prospects, the two conditions are indissolubly linked. Such pragmatism is evident in the genesis and evolution of India’s development cooperation policy.

Nakladatel: Cambridge University Press, 2016

Teresita and Howard B. Schaffer

India at the global high table: the quest for regional primacy and strategic autonomy

In this insightful and integrated analysis, former US ambassadors Teresita Schaffer and Howard Schaffer examine how India is managing its evolving role on the world stage. They focus particularly on the country’s strategic vision and foreign policy and the negotiating behavior that links the two. The book weaves together four concepts – India’s exceptionalism; its non-alignment and drive for ‘strategic autonomy’ its determination to maintain regional primacy; and, more recently, its surging economy – to explore where the country stands today.

Nakladatel: Harper Collins India, 2016

Radhika Khanna

Yoga: from the Ganges to Wall Street

This book not only offers an introduction to the history and philosophy of yoga, but also describes the asanas in conjunction with controlled breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation.Yoga is the oldest, most complete system of personal development in the world. It encompasses body, mind and spirit.


Amita Baig

Forts & palaces of India

This book takes us on a splendid tour of these magnificent structures through the whole of India from Kashmir in the north to Kerala in the South. The architectural magnificence and luxury of these royal forts and palaces of India are highlighted in the full colour pictures and detailed essays. Over 325 colour photographs revel in the buildings’ glorious details and features, while vivid descriptions of each palace transport the reader back in time into a realm of truly royal experience

Nakladatel: Om Books International, 2012

Vir Sanghi, Raghu Rai

Bombay = Mumbai: where dreams don’t die

One of India’s finest photojournalists, Raghu Rai started shooting Mumbai nearly 40 years ago from 1970 onwards. Over the years, he captured important occasions, festivals, demonstrations and special moments from the everyday life of ordinary people. It was a varied and mixed experience of the rich, the famous, the ordinary and the commonplace. The genius of Raghu lies in the way film stars and salarymen, all seem to fit seamlessly into his Bombay. Nothing jars. Nothing seems out of place. The statues at Elephanta, the slums at Dharavi and the lights outside the Taj Mahal Hotel, all seem an integral part of the same city.

Nakladatel: Om Books International, [2010]

Bob Rupani

India’s 100 best destinations

This book showcases India’s 100 best holiday destinations in a splendid manner. It is largely based on the first-hand experiences of its author, Bob Rupani, who has travelled extensively across India, a country that holds out the promise of adventure. Just around the next bend, over the next hill, past the next town is another discovery. From the Himalayas to the Western Ghats; from the Thar Desert to Goa’s golden beaches; from Agra’s Taj Mahal to its lookalike, the Bibi Ka Maqbara in Aurangabad; from jungles rich in wildlife to diverse rainforests; from open grasslands to wet -marshlands and from known to unknown destinations, this book features incredible places spread all over India.

Nakladatel: Rupani Media, 2013

Leela Venkataraman

Indian classical dance: the renaissance and beyond

Reprezentativní pohled na současnou podobu klasického indického tance pokrývá osm tradičních tanečních forem a jejich vývoj (renesanci) v posledních letech britské nadvlády a následujících desetiletích. Změny v indické společnosti, nacionální hlediska i obnovování národní kulturní identity současně s mezinárodním aspektem vývoje posledních šesti desítek let zachycuje autorka, taneční kritička a historička tance, z perspektivy změn soudobé prezentace indického klasického tance a v souvislosti s novými generacemi indických tanečníků a hudebníků.

Nakladatel: Niyogi Books, 2015