Biologia plantarum, 1962 (vol. 4), issue 3


Über die Teilungsfähigkeit polyploider Zellen und die Restitution der mixoploiden Wurzelspitzen

Bohumil Němec

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:161 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933092

Wenn wir die Keimwurzeln der Puffbohne (Vicia faba L.) chloralisieren und später die Seitenwurzeln untersuchen, die in ihren chloralisierten Zonen entstanden, sehen wir, dass sich alle in einem verschiedenen Grade der Mixoploidie befinden (Němec 1961). Nach einer fünffachen Chloralisierung enthielten sie allermeist etwa bis zu einem Drittel polyploide Zellen, doch gibt es auch Vegetationsspitzen, die bis zu vier Fünftel polyploide Zellen enthalten. Die Zellen der Wurzelspitzen der Puffbohne ertragen unter dem Einfluss der Chloralisierung eine Erhöhung der Chromosomenzahl nur etwa auf 32n; solche Zellen können sich noch einigemale teilen, dann aber...

The effect of carbon dioxide on the cellular structures of wheat, barley and onion

Marie Naděžda Končalová

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:170 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933093

The effect of CO2 on the plasmatic structure of root-hairs of wheat and barley and the epidermal cells of onion was observed. The results were evaluated on living material with the aid of phase contrast. The root-hairs of barley and the epidermis of onion react to short exposure to an atmosphere of CO2 by a cessation in the flow of plasma, a lengthening of the mitochondria and a rounding of the plastids.
When the influence of CO2 lasts longer, it causes fragmentation of the mitochondria. In this phase the cells recover most quickly from the shock caused by their exposure to CO2. When the plant is under...

Über die interferenz des tabakmosaikvirus mit dem gurkenmosaikvirus in der tabakpflanze

Jaroslav Brčák

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:176-181 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933094

Blätter von Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi-nc, die mit Gurkenmosaikvirus (CMV) systemisch infiziert worden waren, wurden mit TabakmosaikvirusPurifikat (TMV) beimpft. Beim Vergleich mit den Kontrollpflanzen wurde unter dem Einfluss von CMV eine Herabsetzung der Susceptibilität für TMV beobachtet: Die Anzahl der Läsionen sank um 64-83%; die Läsionen wuchsen langsamer und die TMV-Konzentration lag bei ihnen (im Vergleich mit der Kontrolle nach einer sechstägigen TMV-Reproduktion) um 72-90% tiefer. Interferenzerscheinungen sind nicht beobachtet worden bei einem Zeitabstand von nur sieben Tagen zwischen den Infektionen beider Viren, wurden aber bei einem...

The activity of catalase and phosphatase in wheat when controlling the growth rate

Svatava Fialová, Marie Dobřemyslová

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:182 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933095

Potassium humate stimulated growth of wheat, increased the activity of phosphatase in the leaves and roots and and the activity of catalase in the roots.
A higher temperature (30° C) during cultivation caused a decline in the activity of phosphatase in the roots and leaves and a decline in the activity of catalase in the leaves. Anaesthetization of the embryos with chloroform retarded growth, increased the activity of the phosphatase only during the first days and increased the activity of the catalase. Similarly, removal of the endosperm caused growth to slow down. Wheat cultivated in this way had increased activity of catalase and phosphatase....

Über die korrelative Erhaltung entspreiteter Blattstiele

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:191 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933096

Auf Grund morphologischer Versuche mit Syringa vulgaris, Ligustrum ovalifolium, Philadelphus coronarius, Aesculus hippocastanum, Acer negundo und Bryophyllum crenatum wurde in dieser Arbeit die Abhängigkeit der Erhaltung entspreiteter Blattstiele von den korrelativen Einflüssen anderer Teile der Pflanze untersucht und die Möglichkeit der Nachahmung dieser Korrelationen mittels synthetischer Wuchsstoffe geprüft. Es zeigte sich, dass die Ganzheit der Pflanze, die vor allem durch die Regulationswirkungen der Wurzeln und Blätter bedingt ist, aus dem Verhalten der entspreiteten Stiele klarer hervorgeht als aus dem der ganzen Blätter. Dabei kommen Kompensationen,...

The influence of stimulating doses of 6-benzylaminopurine on awakening apple buds and on their consumption of oxygen

L. Chvojka, M. Trávníček, M. Zakouřilová

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:203-206 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933097

The influence of 6-benzylaminopurine on the respiration of apple buds of the Boskoop variety for 5 days after application of kinine was observed. It was discovered that the consumption of oxygen determined by the direct method of Warburg is higher from the first day after application of 6-benzyl-amonipurine and the increase is continually more marked up to the fifth day, when the consumption of oxygen in stimulated buds is 75 per cent higher than in the control buds.

Changes in the colour of potato tubers after irradiation of isolated sprouts

M. Šmálik, R. Hončariv, J. Drozd, A. Kubíková

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:207 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933098

The reaction ofSolanum tuberosum L. after the irradiation of isolated sprouts was examined. A dose causing marked changes was sought. After a dose of 1,000 r, deformations began to appear in the tuber and stem, which increased with higher doses. Deformations of the tuber were observed after a dose of 250 r. In hybrids 4/50, nests of red-skinned potatoes were found. This property is partly preserved during the subsequent generation. The material is being further examined.

Histochemical demonstration of esterase in the root tip of Vicia faba L. with azo-coupling method

K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:211 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933099

The localization of the non-specific esterase was studied by azo- coupling methods (α nyphtyl acetate or naphtol AS acetate + fast blue RR) in the root tip of the broad bean Vicia faba L. on transverse sections at different distances from the apex. With AS acetate both on frozen sections of material fixed with Baker's calcium-formol and on sections of paraffin-embedded objects, fixed with modified Wolman's acidified alcohol a positive reaction was observed in central cylinder. Different localization was observed on Baker-fixed frozen and on Wolman-fixed paraffin embedded material with a acetate. On Wolman-fixed material an intensive staining...

Differenzialdiagnostische Wirtspflanzen fürAgrobacterium tumefaciens undAgrobacterium rhizogenes

Jaroslav Limberk

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:220-225 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933100

Für eine Unterscheidung vonAgrobacterium tumefaciens undAgrobacterium rhizogenes sind drei geeignete Differenzialpflanzen gefunden worden.
1. Bryophyllum diagremontiana reagiert auf Agrobacterium tumefaciens mit der Bildung von Tumoren 32 Tage nach der Beimpfung und durch eine Stimulierung des Wuchses der Würzelchen am Rande der Tumoren (nach 52 Tagen). Bei Bryophyllum tubiflorum beträgt die Inkubationsfrist der Tumoren und der Würzelchen 30 Tage. Solanum laciniatum weist eine Inkubationsfrist für Tumoren von 15 Tagen auf, aber es kommt zu keiner Stimulierung des Würzeichenwachstums.
2. Nach einer Inokulierung mit Agrobacterium...

New Methods of Chromatographic Separation of Gibberellins A1 and A3

Milan Kutáček, Jan Rosmus, Zdeněk Deyl

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:226-231 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933101

New Chromatographic methods, chromatography in centrifugal field and thin-layer chromatography on alumina, were used for separating physiologically active gibberellins A1 and A3. Paper electrophoresis was found unsuitable for the separation of the two gibberellins. For centrifugal chromatography the system benzene-acetic acid-water (4:1:2) was found convenient. In both the centrifugal and thin layer chromatography the overflowing technique was applied with great success. In the case of centrifugal separation bromophenol blue was used to indicate the position of the solvent front. Development was stopped when the spot of the indicator...

The Electron Microscopic Investigation of Changes in Cytoplasmic Structures in Leaves ofCucumis sativa L. Infected with Cucumber Virus 4

Ivan Hešel

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:232 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933102

Leaf cells of healthy cucumber and cucumber infected with Cucumber virus 4 were studied living and fixed, using optical and electron microscopy. Under the electron microscope the infected leaves displayed changes in the structure of the ergastoplasm, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, bodies with an osmiophil matrix and chloroplasts. The chloroplasts exhibit symptoms of fatty degeneration which affects above all the lamellar systems of grana and intergrana. Weakly osmiophil globules, abundant in damaged chloroplasts, are probably formed through degeneration of grana. Chloroplasts of infected plants resemble some transitional stages of plastids observed...

An Anatomical Study of the Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Differentiation of the Shoot Apex in the SpeciesPerilla ocimoides L. in Short and Long Days

B. Hořavka, J. Krekule, F. Seidlová

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:239-245 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933103

From photoperiodic experiments and an anatomic study of the shoot apex in the facultative short-day plantsPerilla ocimoides L. it was shown in all cases that gibberellic acid (GA) application did not accelerate flower induction. Between the development grades 2 and 4, GA caused a certain temporary acceleration which, however, completely equalised in a short period and plants of both variants SD and SD+GA flowered at the same time. Long day plants (LDand LD+GA) also flowered simultaneously with a certain delay. GA caused the total length of the plant to increase in both cases by more than a double, while preserving practically the same number...

The Effect of Acute Irradiation of Balsam Seeds(Impatiens balsamina L. ) on the Formation of Anthocyanins in Blossoms

Eva Klozová

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:246 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933104

The indirect influence of irradiation on the production of anthocyanins in the blossoms of red balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.) was investigated. After 18 hrs. of swelling, seeds were irradiated with 4560 r and then changes in the anthocyanin content of blossoms were examined. In X0 three out of four lines tested displayed a marked increase in anthocyanin content by 18%, 18% and 29%. In X1 the quantitative content of anthocyanins either equalled that of the controls or was lower, in X2 a significant decrease in anthocyanin content in all the lines was observed. We are apparently dealing here with a physiological...

The Origin of Radiomutants of the Chlorine type in Arabidopsis thaliana L. (HEYNH.)

Milan Sosna

Biologia plantarum 1962, 4:255-259 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933105

After the application of a fractionated X-ray dose toArabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) plants, chlorine type mutations (simple recessive -cc- as compared with the normal type -CC-) characterised by changed proportions of chlorophyll colouring matter as well as a decreased leaf area, retarded development in the initial phase and a substantially longer vegetative cycle, make themselves apparent. In the course of future generations, however, these characteristics change in the direction of normal types and stabilise in the sixth generation. A genetical and cytological evaluation of this manifestation showed that this mutation is connected with lesser...