Biologia plantarum, 1966 (vol. 8), issue 2


Construction of a simple nomogram for evaluating two-wavelength spectrophotometric determination of chlorophylls

Zdeněk Šesták

Biologia plantarum 8:97-109, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930617

The calculation and construction of a simple nomogram to be used instead of a set of two equations in a two-wavelength spectrophotometric determination of chlorophyllsa, b, their total amount and ratio is are described. Any pair of equations can be represented nomographically by this construction.

Uptake of RNA by the root system of tomato

Alena Doškářová

Biologia plantarum 8:110-116, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930618

Exogenous RNA is degraded under sterile conditions in solution to fragments greater than tetranucleotides which can be taken up by the tomato. The degradation and uptake are not equilibre at first. Equilibrium is established only after 20 hours. Fragments of high-molecular RNA are taken up more readily than those of artificially degraded RNA.
Isolated roots take up RNA fragments in the same manner as the whole tomato.

The effect of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid on the development ofHordeum distichum L. ovule

Oega Erdelská

Biologia plantarum 8:117-121, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930619

Application of a 1% aqueous solution of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid at the three-leaf phase brings about abnormalities in the development of barley ovule. The most typical abnormality is the complete or partial abortion of the embryonal sac, disturbances in the orientation of the embryonal sac (associated with the development of an integumental excrescence) and concrescences of two or more ovules. The abnormal ovules remain mostly unfertilized, which can have a negative influence on the crop.

Der Einfluss von Pyrazon auf die Katalase-Aktivität in den Blättern der Senfpflanze (Sinapsis alba L.) und der Zuckerrübe

Jiří Zemánek, Eleonora Mydlilová, Michaela Bylinská

Biologia plantarum 8:122-126, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930620

Senf- (Sinapis alba L.) und Zuckerrübenpflanzen wurden in der Phase des ersten echten Blattpaares mit dem Herbizid Pyrazon (=1-Phenyl-4-amino-5-chlorpyridazon-6) in Form eines Spritzpulvers-Pyramin-in der Konzentration 0,4% besprüht. 1, 4, 7 und 14 Tage nach der Besprühung wurde mit Hilfe der volumetrischen Methode nachJermakov und Mitarbeitern die Katalase-Aktivität im Blattsaft gemessen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Katalase-Aktivität in den Blättern der sensitiven Pflanze (Senf) durch die Einwirkung von Pyrazon im Vergleich mit dem Blattsaft aus unbesprühten Blättern herabgesetzt erschien, wogegen sie in den Blättern der resistenten Pflanze...

Study of transovarial passage of the oat sterile-dwarf virus

Josef Vacke

Biologia plantarum 8:127-130, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930621

The possibility of passage of the oat sterile-dwarf virus by the leafhopper Calligypona pellucida F. as vector was studied in the years 1961-1964. Females infected in a greenhouse as well as in nature produced 6,000 eggs from which some 3,500 nymphs hatched. Of these, 3,423 were subjected to individual testing on oat seedlings. In seven cases (0,2%) a transfer of the studied virus through eggs of infected females to their offspring was observed. The infectivity began to manifest itself 9-23 days after hatching.

Studies in pectic enzymes of parasitic fungi VI. Factors affecting the secretion of pectic enzymes byAlternaria tenuis

D. K. Pandey, S. C. Gupta

Biologia plantarum 8:131-141, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930622

The effects of various cultural factors on the secretion of three pectic enzymes (PP, PG and PE) byAlternaria tenuis on synthetic media were studied. The results can be summarised as follow:
1. No definite correlation between the secretion of pectic enzymes, pH of the medium and the growth of the fungus was observed.
2. The secretion of the enzyme was dependent on the presence of pectin in the medium.
3. While various sugars were found to be equally effective, production of the enzymes was better on a medium without any sugar.
4. After varying the various concentrations and constituents of the medium, the following medium was found...

The effect of zinc on the biosynthesis of tryptophan, andol auxins and gibberellins in barley

Nikola Mašev, Milan Kutáček

Biologia plantarum 8:142, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930623

The action of zinc on the growth of barley and the biosynthesis of indol compounds and gibberellin-like substances was investigated in a number of concentrations of zinc from doses stimulating growth to toxic doses. The seeds were soaked before sowing in solutions of zinc sulphate (5.10-5 to 5.10-1% Zn), and the plants cultivated for 7 days in water. Lower concentrations of zinc increased both plant growth and the biosynthesis of tryptophan and auxins. At the optimum concentration of 5.10-3% Zn this increase in tryptophan amounted to 241% of the variant without zinc; in substances with an RF corresponding...

The influence of gamma radiation on the biosynthesis of indoles and gibberellins in barley the action of zinc on the restitution of growth substance level in irradiated plants

Milan Kutáček, Nikola Mašev, Květa Oplištilová, Roman Bulgakov

Biologia plantarum 8:152, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930624

Investigations were made on the effect of exposing barley seeds to gamma-radiation (5-40 kR), alone and in combination with the application of zinc (soaking the seeds in solutions containing 5.10-5-5.10-1% Zn for 12 hours before sowing) on growth and on the content of tryptophan, indole auxins and gibberellin-like substances in seven-day plants. Radiation decreased both growth and the content of tryptophan (e.g. by about 53% at 30 kR), of indole auxins (by about 60% auxin in the zone of IAA on the chromatogram at 30 kR), and also the content of gibberellin-like substances (by about 67% gibberellin content in the zone of GA3...

Proteins found during maturation and germination of seeds ofPhaseolus vulgaris L.

Josef Kloz, Věra Turková, Eva Klozová

Biologia plantarum 8:164-173, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930625

Seeds of the beanPhaseolus vulgaris L. (Veltruská Saxa cultivar) were gathered gradually at different stages of development, starting at fertilization up to full maturity. Seeds were freeze-dried and the dry solid used for preparing extracts which were analyzed by immunoelectrophoresis for the presence of proteins resembling those contained in the cotyledons of a mature seed. Proteins from cotyledons of the first stages of development of bean seedlings were analyzed similarly.
After a preparatory period, approximately from the second-third seed development stage, there is a period of intense protein synthesis that characterizes cotyledons...

Modelluntersuchungen an röntgenstrahlen-mutierten Pflanzen

F. Weiling

Biologia plantarum 8:175-186, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930626

Die modellmässige Erfassung der Wachstumsverhältnisse bei höheren Pflanzen setzt die Möglichkeit einer Markierung des gesamten, von einer bestimmten Zelle sich herleitenden Gewebes voraus. Derartige Markierungen sind etwa bei der Entmischung eines heterogenen Chloroplastenbestandes einer Zelle, bei Polyploidisierung einzelner Zellen und der sich aus diesen herleitenden Geweben sowie bei künstlichen z. B. mittels Röntgenstrahlen induzierten Mutationen gegeben. Mutiert im letzten Falle etwa eine Initiale der L II, so weist ein gewisser Anteil der sporogenen Masse die gleiche Mutation auf. Unter der Voraussetzung fehlender Zellelimination entspricht dieser...