Biologia plantarum, 1982 (vol. 24), issue 6


Book review

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:406 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880433

Book review

J. Benada

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:414 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880436

Book review

J. Velemínský

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:433 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880440

Book review

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:439 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880442

Book reviews

F. Pospíšil, Vlasta Catská

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:467 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880446

Book reviews

J. Krekule, J. Kutík, Jana Pospíšilová, Vlasta Čatská, Frideta Seidlová, Ingrid Tichá, J. Čatský

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:476-480 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880450

Original Papers

The importance of FeEDTA for reversibility of phosphate-induced chlorosis in maize (Zea mays L.)

Hana Vejsadová, Z. Laštůvka

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:401-406 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880432

Chlorosis induced with a supraoptimum dose of phosphorus in nutrient solution (69 mg P l-1) was reverted by spraying of leaves of chlorotio maize plants (Zea mays L.) with FeEDTA. Biomass formation, chlorophyll and iron content were decreased in the above-ground parts of plants grown under chlorosis-inducing conditions. Spraying always decreased content of inorganic phosphorus (Pi/Fe ratio was significantly changed), increased chlorophyll content in old plants and stimulated dry mass formation at supraoptimum phosphorus doses. FeEDTA application improved phosphate utilization (portion of phosphate in organic bonds was increased)....

Histochemical studies of alpha and beta-glucosidases in the germinating pollen grains ofPortulaca grandiflora

P. P. Sood, Z. T. Chauhan

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:407-409 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880434

The paper deals with the distribution of alpha and beta-glucosidases in the germinating pollen grains ofPortulaca grandiflora. Both these enzymes are localized in the pollen wall and the cytoplasmic granules. The latter are distributed throughout the pollen cytoplasm, pollen tube and stigma hair. In non-germinating pollen grains, enzymes are concentrated in the pollen wall. Stigma hair sheaths are completely free from enzymes. The functional significance of these enzymes in the hydrolysis of phenolic glycosides and polysaccharides is discussed.

Analysis of specificities in the movement of cytoplasmic clusters in the cell ofAcetabularia mediterranea

E. M. Kof, J. Hřib, V. I. Kefeli

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:410-414 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880435

The movement of cytoplasmic clusters of high density was studied in the stalk ofAcetabularia mediterranea using time-lapse microcinematography during regeneration. The kinetics of expansion and contraction of cytoplasmic clusters is described in acropetal and basipetal directions.

The effect ofN-nitroso-N-ethylurea on mutagenesis ofCercospora beticola SACC

Dorota Brilová

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:415-422 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880437

Lethal and mutagenic effects ofN-nitroso-N-ethylurea (NEU) on the parasitic fungusCercospora beticola Sacc. was investigated. Mutation frequency increased and the number of surviving individuals (conidia) simultaneously decreased with increasing mutagen concentration and the period of its application.
Treatment ofC. beticola conidia with NEU induced 14 morphological mutants characterized by changes in pigmentation of air mycelium and substrate, excretion of the pigment into the cultivation medium and colonies morphology. A considerable proportion of morphological mutants lost their sporulation ability bothin vitro...

Barium effects inPhaseolus aureus, Cephalandra indica,Canna indica, Beta vulgaris, Triticum aestivum andLactuca sativa

Rina Debnath, S. Mukherji

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:423-429 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880438

Barium chloride at 0.1 mM concentration inhibited elongation of mungbean (Phaseolus aureus) roots more strongly than elongation of hypocotyls. Root growth was completely inhibited at 80 mM and there was no germination at 100 mM. Respiration rates which were directly proportional to seedling vigour declined at varying degrees at the growth-inhibitory concentrations of BaCl2. Barium retarded senescence in isolated leaf discs ofCephalandra indica by maintaining the chlorophyll level in darkness. The carotenes were similarly protected from degradation by Ba in darkness whereas xanthophylls were retained both in darkness and light....

Morphogenesis in callus tissue cultures of someMatricaria andAchillea Species

Eva Čellárová, Klára Greláková, M. Repčák, R. Hončariv

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:430-433 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880439

In the present paper we deal with the possibility of morphogenesis induction in callus tissue cultures of some representatives ofMatricaria andAchillea species. Shoot regeneration from calli ofMatricaria chamomilla andM. inodora has been induced by 0.1 mg l-1 kinetin or by combination of 0.5 mg l-1 kinetin and 0.5 mg l-1 NAA added to Murashige-Skoog culture medium. Rhizogenesis took place without any other addition of auxin. In callus tissue cultures ofAchillea ptarmica cultivated on Murashige-Skoog medium with 1 mg l-1 2,4-D after a year long cultivation the whole plant...

Times of measurement optimalization in the investigation of leaf water potential daily course

F. Matejka, J. Huzulák

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:434-439 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880441

Using the statistical analysis of leaf wator potential (ψ daily course of forest tree species (Quercus cerris, Acer campestre andCarpinus betulus) we have determined the optimal times of ψ measurement (i.e. at 08.00, 10.00 and 16.00) making possible the calculation of the ψ daily course resp. ψ-value at any time. The accuracy of the calculation does not deviate much from the errors of ψ measurement. The probable error of a single ψ-measurement was forQ. cerris 0.06 MPa and for bothA. campestre andC. betulus it was 0.05 MPa.

The persistence and lignin-like appearance of the primary cell wall of microsporocytes in male-sterile (CMS) sweet pepper,Capsicum annuum L

Jarmila Hendrychová-Tomková, Nguyen Thi Hoa Binh

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:440-445 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880443

Using differential staining of cell walls the anatomy of microsporogenesis was investigated on cross-sections of anthers of fertile plants of the sweet pepperCapsicum annuum L. cv. Severka, as well as of its sterile analogues. The lignin-like staining as observed in the microsporocyte primary walls of fertile plants disappears with their getting independent in the course of meiosis. On the contrary, in sterile plants the stain increases in intensity, the thick-walled microsporocytes usually form a continuous block up to the period of tetradogenesis, and so far as microspores originate, they are not dissociated outwards. Moreover, in sterile...

Sap flow rate and transpiration dynamics in the full-grown oak (Quercus robus L.) in floodplain forest exposed to seasonal floods as related to potential evapotranspiration and tree dimensions

J. Čermák, J. Úlehla, J. Kučera, M. Penka

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:446-460 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880444

Sap flow rate and transpiration dynamics were studied in the course of 3 years in a dominant tree species in the floodplain forest,i.e. in the full-grown oak (Quercus robur L.) tree, using the method of trunk heat balance devised by the authors. The investigations were carried out at a period at which regular and marked fluctuation in a relatively high water table usually occurred, culminating in seasonal flooding. High sap flow rate values in the tree were established under conditions of non-limiting water supply in soil (up to 400 kg per day or up to 39 000 kg per vegetation period) and characteristic daily flow curves (rounded with...

Lack of end-product control of nitrite reductase level in pea roots

J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:461-467 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880445

The effects of various ammonium salts and amino acids on nitrite reductase (NIR) induction in isolated pea roots cultured in media containing nitrate or nitrite and either exogenous sucrose or no sugar were investigated. Thg aim of these investigations was to determine if the NIR level is subject to end-product control. The results showed that even though some ammonium salts and casamino acids can depress NIR level under certain conditions this inhibition cannot be interpreted in terms of direct end-product inhibition of NIR synthesis because their effects were dependent on the character (anion) and toxicity of the respective ammonium salt, on the...

Brief Communications

The effect of leaf insertion on nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activity and NO3-N content inPisum sativum L.

Alena Gaudinová

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:468-470 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880447

Nitrate reductase (NR) activity estimated byin vivo andin vitro methods in 17 days old pea seedlings is the highest in young fully expanded leaves (4th leaf from the stem base). NO3-N content is parallel to the NR activity being also highest in the 4th leaf. On the other hand the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) is the highest in the youngest leaves which had not yet reached their maximum size (5th leaf). Equilibrium between NO3-N content and activity of enzymes involved in assimilation of nitrogen containing compounds in individual leaves is discussed in relation to their insertion.

The behaviour of the shoot apical meristem inChenopodium rubrum under conditions non-inductive for flowering

Frideta Seidlová, Ljubinka Ćulafić

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:471-473 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880448

The results of different photoperiodic treatments preventing flowering and representing the control vegetative treatments in the studies of floral induction and differentiation were studied inChenopodium rubrum seedlings. A fully vegetative growth pattern of the meristem was maintained only in continuous light or after a photoperiodic treatment which consisted in a 15 min light break of the 8 h dark periods which themselves are a threshold for flowering inChenopodium. Light breaks applied to 10 h and longer dark periods did not prevent the changes resembling the early events of transition to flowering. Disappearance of zonal pattern,...

The effect of nystatin on electrical characteristics of the algaHydrodictyon reticulatum

R. Metlička

Biologia plantarum 1982, 24:474-475 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880449

The effect of nystatin on the fresh-water algaHydrodictyon reticulatum was studied by estimating the electrical resistance of both the membranes and the intracellular fluid. The outflow of potassium ions into the external medium, occurring after addition of nystatin, was determined by flame photometry.
Values of ohmic resistance of membranes treated with nystatin ranged from 0.33 to 1.51 kΩcm2, the control values being 8.03-16.73 kΩcm2. Values of the resistance of intracellular fluid in nystatin-treated cells lay in the range of 3.21-7.13 kΩcm, those of control cells being 1.10 to 1.91 kΩcm.