Biologia plantarum, 1988 (vol. 30), issue 4


Book review

Jarmila Solarová

Biologia plantarum 30:259, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878204

Book review

Ingbid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 30:284, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878209

Book review

Jarmila SolÁrovÁ

Biologia plantarum 30:293, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878211

Book review

Jarmila SolÁrovÁ

Biologia plantarum 30:299, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878213

Book reviews

Z. Šesták, J. Dobr, Dagmar Součková, Zuzana Josefusová, Libuše Pavlová, Z. Opatrný, T. Gichner, J. Velemínsky, F. Pospíšil, V. Škrdleta, V. Novák, Jarmila Solárová

Biologia plantarum 30:312-320, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878217

Original Papers

The effect of DMSO on excretion of proteins and phenolic substances byNicotiana tabacum cells into culture medium

L. Meravý, Milena Cvikrová, Marie Hrubcová

Biologia plantarum 30:241-246, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878201

Supplement of liquid culture medium with 5 % (v/v) of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for two subcultivation intervals increased permeability of cell suspension culture of Nicotiana tabactim L. This effect resulted in reduction of fresh mass yield, increase of relative protein content and release of protein into medium during the first subcultivation. Permeabilized cells were further cultivated either in DMSO-free or DMSO-containing medium. Recovery of cells occurred in the former medium characterized by an increase in fresh mass and changes in content and excretion of proteins similar to that found during the first subcultivation in presence of DMSO. Cells...

Karyotype stability in long-term callus derived plants ofCrepis tectorum L.

J. Sengupta, S. Jha, S. Sen

Biologia plantarum 30:247-251, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878202

The study of in vitro growth of Crepis tectorum revealed 100 % callusing and 40 % plantlet regeneration. The root and leaf used as explants showed the normal diploid (2n=8) chromosome constitution. In one month old culture 95 % callus cells were diploid. The callus maintained in 2,4-D 1 mg 1-1 for two years showed 62 % diploid, 5 % tetraploid and 33 % hyperdiploid cells. The differentiation of shoot occurred in two year old calli after subeulturing in 2 mg I-1 BAP and the potentiality of regeneration was retained for more than one year. The leaf-tips of regenerated plants were homogeneous and identical to the donor plant both in number and morphology...

Proton extrusion by Leaf Discs ofVicia faba L.: Influence of inhibitors and phytohormones on H+ extrusion†

U. Petzold, I. Dahse, P. Jacob

Biologia plantarum 30:252-259, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878203

The present investigations were designed to elucidate the linkage of medium acidification to metabolism and to study the influence of phytohormones (IAA, ABA) and fusieoccin (FC) on H+ extrusion from peeled leaf tissue of Vicia faba. H+ release, which was sensitive to the metabolic inhibitors sodium azide, vanadate, DCCD, and cycloheximide, was promoted by 5 to 50 μM IAA and 10 μ FC, but transiently diminished by 10 μM ABA. FC was a much more powerful inducer of H+ extrusion than IAA. Other weak acids such as acetate and citrate had no effect on H+ extruding activity of Vicia leaf tissue indicating that the IAA effect is specific. These results...

Involvement of gibberellins in breaking bud dormancy in euphorbia crinkle mosaic virus-infected stem cuttings ofEuphorbia pulcherrima willd.

S. Nath, C. L. Mandahar

Biologia plantarum 30:260, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878205

Euphorbia pulcherrima, an ornamental plant, exhibits severe systemic viral infection. It grows vegetatively during summer and is dormant in winter. During the dormant period the buds on healthy stem cuttings remained dormant or rarely formed cyathia while the buds on virus-infected stem cuttings grew into leafy shoots and never became dormant. Quantitative estimation has revealed that breaking of bud dormancy in virus-infected stem cuttings may be regulated by markedly higher GA-like activity in them throughout the period than in their corresponding healthy stem cuttings.

Effect of chilling on the opening and abscisic acid content of dormant lateral buds of willow

R. S. Barros, S. J. Neill

Biologia plantarum 30:264-267, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878206

A reduction in abscisic acid (ABA) content was not a pre-requisite for the breaking of dormancy of vegetative lateral buds of both field-grown trees and shoots of willow (Salix viminalis L.) maintained in controlled conditions. Similar variations in bud ABA levels were observed whether the shoots were stored in a warm (22 ± 1 °C) or cold (6 ± 0.5 °C) environment. Following transfer to a growth room the ABA content of chilled buds declined more rapidly than did that of non-chilled buds.

Evolution and distribution of growth in etiolated hypocotyls ofLupinus albus

A. Ortuño, J. Sanchez-Bravo, M. Acosta, F. Sabater

Biologia plantarum 30:268-274, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878207

The variations in length and fresh and dry mass of etiolated hypocotyls of lupin during the growth have been studied. The growth exhibited by the different zones delimited along the hypocotyl was dependent on the localization of the zone as well as on the age of seedlings, but in both cases the pattern of growth was similar. During the period of growth studied (seedlings 7 to 21 d old), the growth of hypocotyl was basically due to cell elongation, since the relative elongation of cells was positively correlated with the relative elongation of the hypocotyl.

Hexokinases of tobacco leaves: Subcellular localization and characterization

Milada ŠindelÁŘovÂ, L. ŠindelÂr

Biologia plantarum 30:275-284, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878208

Subeellular localization of the enzymes which phosphorylate hexoses was studied in photosynthesizing tobacco leaves by means of differential centrifugation and centrifugation in sucrose gradient. More than 80 % of the total hexokinase activity of leaf tissues were found to be associated with the particulate fraction of mitochondria; however, the ratio of the particulate hexokinase fraction to the soluble fraction was influenced by the extraction medium applied. The particulate hexokinases showed a high affinity to glucose (Km = 26.8 μM) and a relatively low affinity to fructose (Km = 17.6 mM). They had a broad pH optimum, because 81 % of the phosphorylating...

Comparative study of growth and carbon uptake inFagus sylvatica L. trees growing under different light conditions

Elena MasarovičovÁ

Biologia plantarum 30:285-293, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878210

Growth, carbon uptake and carbon utilization in leaves of various growing phase shoots (GPS) on beech trees(Fagus sylvatica L.) growing under different light conditions were compared. The values of photosynthetic capacity (maximum daily net photosynthetic rate, Pn max) were used as comparable parameters.
Daily time and irradiance (I, PhAR), when PN max was attained, were investigated similarly. Statistically significant differences were found in growth, Pn max and SLM (specific leaf mass) between different GPS and within the same stand, as well as within the same GPS and different stands. Pn max and SLM increased in the leaves of GPS I (spring...

Growth and ionic relations of six triticale cultivars as affected by salinity

M. Salim

Biologia plantarum 30:294, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878212

Growth and ionic relations were studied in six triticale cultivars of different geographical origins grown in a greenhouse in nutrient solution with or without the addition of 100 mM NaCl. In 21 d old plants of all the six cultivars growth was little affected in the salt treatment, whereas in the subsequent three harvests during vegetative phase (after 31, 38 and 45 d), growth reduction effects of salinity were progressively pronounced. Generally, shoots of all the six cultivars accumulated relatively more K+ as compared to Na+ or Cl-. Differential accumulation of K+, Na+ and Cl- by various cultivars was coupled with variable rates of Na+ and Cl- transport...

The karyological study of broad bean root tips treated with 9- (RS)- (2,3- dihydroxypropyl) adenine (DHPA)

Dagmar Tomášková, K. Beneš, A. Holý

Biologia plantarum 30:300-304, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878214

The time course and concentration dependence of mitotic index decrease was studied in squashes of root tips ofVieia faba L. treated with 9-(RS)-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl) adonine. The appearance of lobate nuclei and binucleate cells was confirmed, using the mentioned procedure. It was proved that the substance under study is not a clastogen. In electronmicrographs no disintegration of cell structure was seen even after long exposure to the drug, but particular organelles were altered. The results are discussed from the viewpoints of cell pharmacology and cell pathology.

Effect of kinetin on interspecific crosses inBrassica

N. Sarla

Biologia plantarum 30:305-308, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878215

Application of kinetin to four interspecific crosses in Brassica, either singly or in combination with NAA, resulted in larger length and retention time of ovaries, increased frequency of ovules with embryos and aided embryo development.

Identification of rye chromosomes in triticales by giemsa staining in relation to grain shrivelling

R. R. Komabneni, V. K. Khanna

Biologia plantarum 30:309-311, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878216

In hexaploid triticale, cultivar UPT 72142 having highly shrivelled grains, there were only five pairs of rye chromosomes, whereas cultivars UPT 78268 and UPT 79245 having medium grains had six and five pairs, respectively. Plump grained cultivars UPT 79347 and UPT 79339 had 2 pairs of rye chromosomes. A decrease in the number of rye chromosomes in triticales is con-elated with grain improvement.