Biologia plantarum, 1966 (vol. 8), issue 4


The morphology and function of vesicles and of vesicle related formations in cell ultrastructure

Ivan Hršel

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:263-272 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930660

The author intended here to present a classification of discontinuous, particulate membraneous structures of the plant cell, including (1) dense bodies, (2) vacuoles, (3) vesicles in plastids and mitochondria, (4) vesicles outside the protoplast and (5) vesicles surrounded by a compound (double) membrane. Three types of dense bodies (1) are distinguished: (a)Mühlethaler's spherosomes, including phragmosomes (b) lipoid bodies and (c) classical spherosomes. Type (a) is characterized in particular by being clearly bounded by the unit membrane; the matrix of these structures after ordinary treatment is grey in the positive and shows a more or less visible...

Stimulation of the growth ofChlorella pyrenoidosa by penicillin

Lucian Gruia

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:273-276 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930661

The influence of penicillin in concontrations of 8.3-10,000 IU/ml on algaChlorella pyrenoidosa was studied. Depending on temperature, the concentrations of 14 to 6,000 IU/ml have a stimulating influence on algal growth which may go as far as 1572% as against the control. The differences in temperature (15° to 18°C or 25° to 28° C) and in the concentration of mineral substances in the Knop solution employed do not affect the mode of action of penicillin, but affect the absolute production of algae whose maximum lies between 2,500 and 3,000 IU penicillin/ml.

Peroxidase isozymes in wheat infected withTilletia controversa Kühn and rye infected withPuccinia recondita Rob. exDesm

Vladimír Macko, Anton Novacký

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:277 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930662

Peroxidase isozymes were studied in the case of two diseases:Tilletia controversa in wheat andPuccinia recondita in rye. The method employed was that of disc-electrophoresis on acrylamid gel. In the case of systemic disease (Tilletia controversa) no change was found in the isozyme pattern until a concentration of pathogen took place in the ears that began to form. Proofs are given that the new isozyme in unmatured ears comes from the pathogen. In the case of rye infected withPuccinia recondita a new isozyme was found; the latter does not originate in the pathogen, its origin is being discussed.

Polyploidy and pollen variability in Pimpinella monoecia

Sheila Joshi, S. S. Raghuvanshi

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:281-287 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930663

Treatment of seedlings ofPimpinella monoecia with colchicine-gammexane lead to the production of tetraploids. The tetraploids besides showing the meiotic anomalies like univalents, split spindles, multiple spindles, micro-nuclei, nondisjunction, strays, etc., exhibited pollen grains which were triradiate, triangular and quadriradiate while the controls had only one type of bipolar radiosymmetric grains. They have been classified into different types and their frequency has been determinod. A scheme has been presented representing the development of these variable grains from the control type A, which is based on the observation of grains showing...

Seed failure following hybridisation between 4nCorchorus capsularis L. (strain D. 154) and 3nC. olitorius L. (strain C.G.) and its reciprocal and some cytogenetical observations

R. M. Datta, M. R. Choudhury

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:288-291 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930664

In both types of crosses (3n C.G.×4n D 154 and 4n D 154×3n C.G.) pods were found to set. In the first case pods shed within 4 days. In the second case pods were found to persist till maturity. Only a few uppermost ovules were found to be fertilized. Pollen tubes were seen to reach the ovules within 24 hours.
In 4n D 154×3n C.G. fusion of sperm with the egg was not noted to be complete till 3 days but the secondary nucleus is fertilized by other sperm. In 3n C.G.×D 154 fusion of sperm with egg or with polars was not complete within 3 days. Signs of degeneration of ovules were noted on the 5th day in both cases.

Heterogeneous production of laccase by mycelium of white-rot fungi

Lubomír Scháněl

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:292-298 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930665

Mycelium of white-rot fungi secretes laccase into the medium. It was found by cultivation on malt-agar plates that the mycelium does not produce laccase equally in all its parts. The youngest hyphae at the margins of the colony represent usually the maximum producers, whereas older hyphae produce less or none at all. An exception here isCollybia velutipes which is the weakest producer of laccase of all the fungi studied and where only the older hyphae begin to secrete it. Manometric estimation of laccase showed that maximum specific activity of laccase is achieved at the boundary between the phases of initial and linear growth and i11...

Mikrorespirometrische Bestimmung der Atmungsintensität an Vegetationskegeln von Weizenpflanzen beim Übergang von der vegetativen zur generativen Entwicklungsphase

Jan Krekule, Lola Teltscherová

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:299 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930666

Mit Hilfe eines volumetrischen Mikrorespirometers (nachZurzycki) wurde die Atmungsintensität an Vegetationskegoln von Winterweizen in drei, den Übergang vom vegetativen zum generativen Zustand bezeichnenden Etappen der Organogenese bestimmt. Die Atmungsintensität bezogen auf einen Vegetationskegel, das Trockengewicht oder den Proteinstickstoff war in der 2. und 3. Etappe der Organogenese niedrig, in der 4. Etappe höher. Die festgestellten Unterschiede sind wahrscheinlich mit den anatomischen Veränderungen, die in den Vegetationskegeln im Laufe des Differenzierungsprozesses stattfinden, verbunden. Dies betrifft besonders den steigenden Anteil der sich...

Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) und Hafer (Avena sativa L.) in Wasserkulturen bei ergänzter Ernährung

Jaroslav Minář, Zdeněk Laštůvka

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:305 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930667

Wir verfolgten die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von in Wasserkultur gezogenen Hafers und Gerste. In den Experimenten wurde die mögliche Konkurrenz um Wachstumsfaktoren entfernt und es wurde die Rolle der Wurzelausscheidungen bei der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung des Wachstums und der NPK-Anhäufung in den Versuchspflanzen geprüft. In einer Variante wurde periodisch stets jeden zweiten Tag auf die Dauer von 6 Stunden die Nährlösung aus den Kultivierungsgefässen geschöpft. Nach 43tägigem Kultivieren wurde eine signifikante Wachstumsinhibition des Hafers und Stimulation der Gerste festgestellt. Im Einklang mit den Wachstumsveränderungen war der N- und K-Gehalt...

Stomatal and cuticular transpiration of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris M.) attacked by rust (Uromyces appendiculatus [Pers.] Link)

Cesare Sempio, Ondrej Majerník, Vittorio Raggi

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:316-320 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930668

The changes of stomatal and cuticular transpiration of bean plants were investigated by graphical transpiration curves method (Slavík 1958). Bean leaves were infected by fungusUromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Link. After the infection the intensity of stomatal transpiration had a decreasing tendency. Beginning with the sixth day after infection, the proportion of stomatal and cuticular transpirations becomes more expressive, i.e. the leaves transpire more by cuticles than by stomata. The higher share of cuticular transpiration brings extensive water relations to the diseased plants.

Limitations for finding a linear relationship between chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity

Zdeněk Šesták

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:336 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930670

In experiments with fodder cabbage and sugar beet the influences were tested which restrict the finding of a uniform linear dependence between the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate. The main factor is most probably the irradiation during the growth of plants and the measuring of photosynthetic rate. Changes in the density and length of irradiation with the proceeding spring season are reflected in the decrease of unit chlorophyll activity in all leaves of the plant. Such differences were not observed in plants grown in winter months at a low greenhouse irradiation density. High irradiation density during the measurement of photosynthesis...


Academician BOHUMIL MĚMEC (*12.3.1873 +7.4.1966)

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 1966, 8:321 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930669