Biologia plantarum, 1959 (vol. 1), issue 3


Electron microscopy of the aster yellows virus (Leptomotropus callistephi Ryzhkov)

Alexey Evstafievich Protsenko

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:187-191 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928683

In homogenates of parts of the plantsCirsium arvense SCOP.,Cineraria hybrida hort.,Reseda odorata L.,Taraxacum officinale WEB. andGladiolus imbricatus L., infected by aster yellows, and inCuscuta europea L., which transferred the aster yellows virus from.Cirsium arvense toPetunia hybrida, similar spherical (polygonal) particles of 30-50 millimicrons, most frequently 35-40 millimicrons, were found. Comparison with homogenates from healthy plants showed that these may be considered to be virospores of the aster yellows virus.

Callose formation in pollen tubes and incompatibility

Jaroslav Tupý

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:192-198 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928684

1. Attention is called to the possibility of using resoroin blue for the staining of pollen tubes within the style tissue and the method of staining is described.
2. In pollen tubes, the growth of which is inhibited due to incompatibility, there is at least twice the amount of callose relatively to their length as there is in normally growing compatible tubes. In apple this is primarily due to the greater length of the callose plugs, in tobacco also to their greater density.
3. The regularity of the formation of callose in pollen tubes increases with the rate of their growth.
4. It is suggested that the physiological basis of callose formation...

The application of extracted humus substances to overground parts of plants

Zdenék Sladký

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:199-204 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928685

The work presented in this paper was a study of the influence of different isolated humus substances when applied to the overground parts of plants by spraying on the leaves. The humus components employed showed varying effects on growth, respiration and chlorophyll content inBegonia semperflorens Link et Otto. The result of the physiological changes is reflected in morphological changes of the overground parts and particularly in the structure of the root system. Fulvic acids were found to be the most effective of the humus components when sprayed on leaves.

Stimulation of the growth ofTrifolium pratense following exposure to low doses of chronic gamma irradiation

Robert Hončariv

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:205-210 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928686

Results of the action of low doses of gamma irradiation, intensity 1-80 to 0-24 r/day, are recorded in this paper. Irradiation was carried out on a gamma field with a 0-50 g. equiv. Ra Co60 source throughout the whole vegetative cycle.Trifolium pratense var. Jičínský was chosen as the experimental material. Growth and the yield of green matter was followed both on individually bedded out plants and on sown plots. Results of the measurement and weighing of the plants were statistically evaluated by means of the t-test and analysis of variation. Small, daily radiation doses (1.80-0.30 r per day) produced a significant stimulatory effect...

Anagallis arvensis L. als indikator der anwesenheit von viren aus der gruppe der samenlosigkeit (akarpie) - stolbur und vergilbungskrankheiten

Ctibor Blattný

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:211-222 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928687

Die gelbsuchtartige Erkrankung vonAnagallis arvensis L. zeigt nach Beobachtungen in der Natur die Gegenwart von Viren aus der Gruppe der Akarpien (Vergilbungen) und Stolbur an.Anagallis arvensis L. undStellaria media (L.) VILL. zeigten bei Versuchen des Jahres 1957 die Anwesenheit dieser Krankheiten, sowie auch von purple-top und yellow-top der Kartoffeln an, sofern die ZwergzikadenMacrosteles laevis RIB. undCalligypona pelludda F. anwesend waren. Ein Versuch auf der Dachterrasse - in Abwesenheit beider genannten Zikadenarten - erwies, dass die angeführten Krankheiten weder von der ZwergzikadeEmpoasca flavescens...

Oat sterile-dwarf virus disease

Vladimír Průša, Evžen Jermoljev, Josef Vacke

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:223-234 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928688

This paper presents a summary of new evidence for regarding sterility and dwarfing of oats (OSDV) as a virus disease. Brief references are also made to the identification of a further virus in Czechoslovakia-the wheat striate virus (WSV). Both viruses are transmitted by the leafhopperCalligypona pellucida F. The wheat striate virus differs from the oat sterile-dwarf virus in that it can be passed transovarially by the infected females of the vector to their progeny. This characteristic, which made it possible for the two viruses to be separated from each other, was demonstrated for the first time for pathogenic viruses on the European continent...

Dry matter production and growth in length of overground parts ofCarex humilis leyss

Milena Smetánková

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:235-247 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928689

1. The relative suitability of three natural habitats ofGarex humilis was determined on the basis of dry matter production of individual plants at the end of the growing period. In the habitat which was found to be the most favourable from this point of view the lowest degree of ground cover by the plant concerned was also recorded. It is therefore possible "to assume that it is not only factors connected with the habitat that influence the occurrence ofCarex humilis under the given conditions.
2. A comparison of the course of the growth curve with changes in air temperature indicates that, for the initial growing period when soil...

Der einfluss der dichte des pflanzenbestandes auf wachstum, wasser-, chlorophyll- und phosphorgehalt in weizen und korn

František Plhák

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:248 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928690

Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurden die Weizensorte Podbořanka und Těšover Korn benutzt. Der Versuch verlief unter Feldbedingungen bei verschiedenen Pflanzenbestandsdichten. Die schwächste Diehte entsprach der üblichen Norm der Getreideaussaat (400 Getreidekörner auf einen Quadratmeter), die stärkste war fünfmal so dicht. Im Laufe der Vegetationsperiode wurden fünf Messungen durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Dichte des Pflanzenbestandes vor allem das Pflanzenwachstum hemmte. Dabei wurden die vegetativen Organe der Versuchspflanzen stärker als die Reproduktionsorgane geschwächt. Eine Erhöhung der Diehte bewirkte zugleich auch eine Herabsetzung des...

The effect of ethylene chlorhydrin on carbohydrate metabolism in potatoes

Anstázia Ginterová

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:258-265 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928691

Paper chromatography was applied to the investigation of free sugars present in the vicinity of dormant potato tuber eyelets treated with ethylene chlorhydrin. At the same time aldolase activity was determined. It was shown by the results that the present assumptions on the role of carbohydrates as material for the increase in respiration produced by ethylen chlorhydrin do not conform to actual findings, since the decrease in the starch content in potato tubers during the first phases after exposure to ethylene chlorhydrin is reflected quantitatively in the level of free sugars. The inhibition of aldolase activity prevents further catabolism of free...

Evaluation of experimental results by using graphs with conjugate scales

Miloš Spurný

Biologia plantarum 1959, 1:266-276 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02928692

In evaluating graphically the relationships between three or more dependent variables it was found useful to construct graphs with complementary systems of co-ordinates which have certain properties in common with nomographs. It is therefore recommended that this method should be applied in practical biology as it is often necessary to work with empirically determined relationships for which it is difficult to obtain a mathematical expression suitable for constructing a true nomograph. The advantage of the proposed procedure consists in the fact that the resulting diagram (nomograph) depicts the relationships between all the data investigated.