Biologia plantarum, 1960 (vol. 2), issue 2


Humic acid interactions in the growth process

Jiří Řeřábek

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:88 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920656

A characteristic feature of the effects of humic acids on plant growth is the stimulation of growth in length of the roots. This is sometimes explained as being due to the auxinoid nature of the acids.
The author has examined this assumption by testing segments of wheat coleoptiles and of flax hypocotyls. The growth of segments of both types remained unchanged in solutions of potassium humate in concentrations of 10-1 to 10-7 g./l. as compared with the controls in water.
A study was also made of the interaction of humic acids with auxins. The growth curves of segments in concentrations of auxin up to about 20 mg./l. (flax)...

Transport of radioactive phosphate in own-root and grafted trees after application of32P to root conductive tissue

Ludvík Chvojka, Arnošt Babický

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:98-106 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920657

The authors investigated the transport and localization of radioactive phosphorus in ownroot and grafted fruit trees. Radioactive phosphate was usually applied to conductive tissues of a thinner root (about 5-8 mm. in diameter). By periodic measurement of the radioactivity of leaves, the localization of radioactive phosphorus was determined in all top branches, and after 2-2.5 months in the four opposite sectors of the root system.
The experimental trees were grafted fruiting apple trees from 6 to 8 year-old (24 trees), own-root 5-6-year-old apple-trees (20 trees), own-root 4-6-year-old plum-trees (4 trees) and grafted 4-6year-old apricot-trees...

A field apparatus for the determination of intensity of photosynthesis

Jiří Čatský, Bohdan Slavík

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:107-112 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920658

The authors describe an apparatus for the determination of photosynthetic intensity under field conditions, which has passed through three years of testing. They present some practical comments on work with it. The apparatus operates on the basis of a continuous-flow gasometric method with a visual colorimetric determination of CO2 concentration in air (Čatský andSlavík 1958b). It makes it possible for one worker to control about 10 analyzed air currents (i. e. reading the CO2 concentration and gas flow in 10-minute intervals for each current). The apparatus used here is, for the sake of mobility, a four-place one and is placed...

Über die Bestäubungsökologie der Parnassia-Blüte

Erich Daumann

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:113-125 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920659

1. Die z. T. experimentelle Analyse des Blumenbesuches zweier Syrphiden-Arten (Tubifera pendula L., Syrphus balteatus Deg.) an Parnassia palustris L. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Tieren, die mit den Blüteneinrichtungen dieser Pflanze nicht vertraut waren, ergab, dass die "Scheinnektarien" der Blüten für die Fern- und Nahanlockung bedeutungslos und demnach für die Bestäubung entbehrlich sind.
2. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen ergänzen meine frühere Analyse des Blumenbesuches der genannten zwei Syrphiden-Arten an Parnassia (Daumann, 1932, 1935), die unter vorwiegender Berücksichtigung von Tieren ausgeführt wurden,...

Serological investigation of taxonic specificity of proteins in various plant organs in some taxons of the familyViciaceae

Josef Kloz, Věra Turková, Eva Klozová

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:126-138 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920660

The authers compared taxon and organ specificity of proteins of several species of the familyViciaceae, using qantitative serological methods. Each organ possesses a defined organ specificity of protein characters, the species specificity being preserved. On the basis of the results obtained both methodical and more detailed ontogenic and phylogenetic assumptions and conclusions could be drawn.

Studies on pectolytic enzyme system of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn properties of protopectinase

K. B. Deshpande

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:139-151 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920661

The study of physico-chemical properties of protopectinase secreted by R. solani was for the first time made and recorded in this paper. The results can be summarised as follows.
1. Protopectinase preparation killed the cells even before maceration was completed.
2. Dilution with water and with autoclaved enzyme solution reduced macerating activity less than toxicity, and thus, indicated that toxins other than enzymes were present in culture filtrates.
3. Protopectinase was highly thermolabile as activity was completely lost after heating for 5 minutes at and above 60° C. When the enzyme was stored at 25° C. for 15 days, there was 80%...

The influence of humus acid on the respiration of plant roots

Miroslava Šmídová

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:152-164 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920662

Humus acid (Humussäure Riedel de Haen AG. Seelze Hannover) in 0.01% concentration increases the respiration intensity of plant roots grown in water cultures both as regards O2 consumption and CO2 production, while RQ (CO2:O2) is only very slightly increased. The plants used in these experiments were the winter wheat Pyšelka (Triticum vulgare Vill.), maize Zaj íček's "Český koňský zub" (Zea mays L.) and the gourd Veltrusská velkoplodá (Cucurbita maxima L.). O2 consumption and CO2 production were determined on separated root tips by the direct Warburg method. It was...

Brief Communications

Aufklatschchromatographie der Zucker der durch Humussäure beeinflusten Weizenpflanzen

Alena Činčerová

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:165-168 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920663

Im vorliegenden Beitrag ist eine einfache Methode der Aufklatschchromatographie für die Bewertung des Zuckergehaltes in der Trockensubstanz der Aufklatsche (Aufklatschmasse) beschrieben. Diese Methode ist zum Zwecke der Verfolgung des Spiegels der einzelnen Zucker in den Wurzelspitzen des Weizens ausgearbeitet worden, der in Kulturen mit Humussäurezusatz bei verschiedener relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit wuchs. In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist er am Beispiel der Glukose, unter den Bedingungen niedriger, relativer Feuchtigkeit klargestellt worden. Der Glukosegehalt sinkt mit der Entwicklung der Pflanze bis zum Eintritt der Phase des zweiten Blattes. Während...