házená, Handball

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I would learn the game hazena, learn its rules and its history.


The name "hazena" is in the Czech Republic use for more ball games and there could be a little bit problem with an English terminology. History of hazena in the Czech Republic is in details described on pages of Czech Handball Federation (Cesky svaz hazene), but only in Czech - http://www.chf.cz/chf/index.php?PAGE=cesky_svaz_hazene/07_historie/historie_hazene.htm&iq=2.

Hazena (other names: International Handball with 7 players, Handball, Kleinfeldhandball, Hallenhandball, Team-Handball, Handball Olympic)
- this sport is organised in international organisations: IAHF (1934-1939), IHF (1946-), EHF (1991- ) and its played in more than 140 countries - Rules in Czech, valid since August 1, 2005 are available on pages of the Czech Handball Federation (Cesky svaz hazene)- http://www.chf.zdarsko.cz/SouboryKeStazeni/legislativa/doc/26.doc and of course on pages of International Handball Federation - http://www.ihf.info/
- link 2005 Rules of the Game (in English, French, German)

Narodni hazena (it could be translated as a National Handball), its also called Ceska hazena (it could be translated as a Czech Handball)
- this game is played only in the Czech Republic
- this sport was organised in international organisations in the past  - FSFI-Féderation Sportive Féminine Internationale  (1921-1939) and IAAF (1926-1928)
There were several predecessors of narodni hazena:
- in 1905 a gym teacher Vaclav Karas published rules of some type of a handball game, called in Czech "vrhana s prenasenim"
- in 1906 described a gym inspector Josef Klenka another handball game, called in Czech "cilova or tercova", the game description was published in a book Telocvicne hry pro chlapecke skoly, the game was advertised and processed by Klenka´s collaborator Antonin Kristof. The game cilova was also presented at V. Sokol festival (1907). Rules of Cilova were inspired by American  handball and English football.
- At the same time gym teacher Antonin Kristof developed another game also called cilova,  he created its rules and the game was later called hazena (cilova). Rules were published in 1908 and in the same year two teams from a school called Straka academy played a public match. Kristof translated rules also into German and Esperanto.  Kristof established a sport club "Hazena Praha" in 1907 and in 1909 provoked creating  of Svazova komise krouzku hazene (Federal commission of hazena clubs),  first centre of narodni hazena. Development of narodni hazena was stopped by the World War 1. New, modified rules of narodni hazena were published by Jaroslav Trantina in 1918. In 1920 was established Ceskoslovensky svaz hazene (Czechoslovac federation of hazena).  After the World War 2 narodni hazena was not so popular already and was pushed out by hazena (handball).
- valid rules of narodni hazena are available at pages of Svaz narodni hazene (Narodni hazena federation - http://www.svaznarodnihazene.cz/slozka.asp?ID=1), unfortunately only in Czech  -  http://www.svaznarodnihazene.cz/slozka.asp?slozka=7&stav=5,
current rules are different from rules published by A.Kristof in 1908 (team has 11 players - 10 players in the field and 2 goalkeepers,  playing field 45 x 30 m  divided in three identical parts,  goalmouth with radius of  6 m, gates 2 x 2,40 m).
According to rules of hazena (cilova) by  Antonin Kristof (1908) there were 2 teams with 7 players, playing field 45 x 25 m divided in three identical parts, gates were 2 m wide and 2,5 m high, goalmouth was 4 x 6 m.
Rules were published in a book:
* Hry spolecenske. I., Hazena (cilova). Praha : Nakladatelstvi B.Kociho, 1908. 12 p.

Hazena is sometimes mentioned in English on following pages:
* http://www.vancouverhandball.ca/data/03_content/02_abouthandball/vhb02_02.php
* http://www.hand-ball.org/en/historia/historia_resumen.php
* http://www.hand-ball.org/en/historia/historia_origen_y_evolucion_del_balonmano.php
* MANGAN, J.A. Sport in Europe : politics, class, gender. London : Frank Cass, 1999. 268 p. ISBN 0714680052. - some pages are available via http://books.google.com

In Czech is history and rules of narodni hazena describen in following book:
* Ceska hazena. Praha : Statni telovychovne nakladatelstvi, 1955. 212 p.
* Narodni hazena : 1905-1975. Praha : Olympia, 1975. 24 s.

Some information in English could be in books, which are cited on http://www.ptejteseknihovny.cz/uloziste/aba001/historie-hazene/?searchterm=házená. You could also try to get in touch with the Svaz narodni hazene
(narodnihazena@cstv.cz) and ask them for some information on its rules etc.
You could also conntact specialised libraries, e.g. Physical Education Central Library at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University  (utk@ftvs.cuni.cz) or the Department of History of Physical Culture and Sports at the National Museum (vojtech_scheinost@nm.cz).

We hope this information will help you in your research.


Tělesná výchova a sport. Rekreace




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Datum zadání dotazu

15.10.2008 16:17

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