klasifikační systémy/ classification systems

Text dotazu

Dear Librarian, I am working on a study of classification systems world wide, and I would therefore be interested to know which classification system is used in your country. For example, here in the UK we use mainly Dewey and Library of Congress.
I would be especially grateful if you could let me know whether there are any websites or articles that deal with this system (even if they are not in English).
Thank you very much in advance, and I will acknowledge your help in my project.


Dear colleague,
Thank you for your e-mail. Here is our answer:
The classification system widely used in our country is UDC:
1. The abriged version - UDC TOP level class marks
2. UDC MRF that forms part of Czech national subject authority file CZENAS


Knihovnictví, informatika, všeobecné, referenční literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

09.01.2008 18:26

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