Vincenc Kramář, Notes on Picasso's Exhibition on the website of the MET

Vincenc Kramář, Notes on Picasso's Exhibition on the website of the MET

On 30 April 2019 a joint project of the IAH CAS and Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art was presented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York., The cooperation resulted in a digital facsimile, with transcription and translation, of notes by Vincenc Kramář, on Picasso's 1913 exhibition at Heinrich Thannhauser's Moderne Galerie in Munich. The original notes are located in the Department of Documentation of the IAH CAS in Prague.

This digital resource offers access to a previously unpublished document written by the Czech art historian Vincenc Kramář (1877‒1960), an early collector of Cubist art, who played a central role in promoting Cubism in Prague. The facsimile includes Czech transcription, its translation into English as well as reproductions of those artworks which were at the exhibition together with the catalogue containing Kramář's notes.

For more information and the digital resource see:

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