Biologia plantarum, 1991 (vol. 33), issue 6


Transitory pulse-like treatment with IAA solution more effectively induces xylogenesis in callus culture than permanent presence of the auxin

Wieslawa Kuternozińska, Marta Pilipowicz, W. Korohoda

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:433 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897714

Differentiation of Acerpseudoplatanus L. cells into tracheary elements (TE) and an increase in the number of TE inHaplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) A. Gray calli were observed after pulse-treatment of the cultures grown in glass tubes with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) solutions. The effect was enhanced if the treatment was repeated in three subsequent days. The manner of IAA application which caused a wave-like pattern of IAA flow through the callus culture appeared to be more important than the IAA concentration. Induction of differentiation of A.pseudoplatanus cells and an increase in the number of TE inH. gracilis callus did...

The effect of mineral nutrition on the growth and maintenance components of respiration during heterotrophic growth of barley seedlings

P. Sekerka, L. Nátr, J. Čatský

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:439 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897716

Spring barley seedling were grown in the dark for 21 d and respiration rates of the whole plant (including the seed), of the shoots, and of the roots were determined. A function describing the growth and maintenance components of respiration was interpolated through the experimental points and its parameters in plants under different mineral nutrition were compared. The plants grown in a complete nutrient solution showed the highest growth rate in the initial phase of development and thus reached the maximum respiration rate earlier than plants in the other variants. The highest proportion of substrate was respired in the shoot. Plants grown under...

Genome modifications in protoplast-derived tobacco plants: Contents of repetitive DNA sequences

B. Vyskot, J. Reich, J. Fajkus, M. Bezděk, J. Soška

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:448 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897717

Plasticity of the tobacco genome was studied by testing the DNAs of protoplast-derived regenerants with three different repetitive DNA sequences by the method of quantitative DNA/DNA hybridizations. A large population of 91 regenerants belonging to 35 different protoclones was analysed and a high degree of heterogeneity in the contents of the different DNA repeats was detected. The contents of middle repetitive sequences of two types were more stable or changed in the same direction, while the highly repetitive sequence varied independently and displayed a significant reduction in comparison with the two other sequences. Comparing the variation within...

Genome modifications in protoplast-derived tobacco plants: Phenotypic evaluation and RFLP Analysis

B Vyskot, J Fajkus, P Kuglík, Blažena Koukalová, Viera Kuhrová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:455-460 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897719

Genomic instability of protoplast-derived tobacco plants was studied by means of phenotypic evaluation, karyological analysis, and Southern blot experiments. Of the total number of 91 regenerants belonging to 35 different protoclones 57 plants displayed various morphological and/or functional aberrations, some of them being inherited into the progeny. A karyological study of 20 randomly chosen plants revealed 15 tetraploid and 5 diploid chromosome sets. A Southern blot hybridization analysis of three regenerants displayed some DNA polymorphism (RFLP) and thus confirmed that in such plants alterations in the genome structure could be found and that...

Meiotic transmission of T-DNA genes inArabidopsis thaliana plants and their expression after 5-azacytidine treatment

Daniela Pavingerová, M. Hrouda

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:461 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897720

Arabidopsis thaliana tumors were induced by octopine strain ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens B6S3 and its derivatives with modified T-DNA. Flowering shoots appeared sponta-neously onin vitro cultivated tumors and set seeds. R1 and R2 progeny of octopine synthesizing plants segregated in opine synthesis activities 3:1 and 15:1. Octopine synthase activity showed absolute linkage with agropine synthesis in most lines. In R3 and R4 progenies, the fraction of octopine synthase and agropine synthesis positive plants was lower than expected, but Mendelian segregation was restored if plants were cultivated...

Nitrogen metabolism inErica and soybean, two species differing by their sensitivity to inorganic N source

G. Guerrier

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:468 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897722

Growth of soybean was not altered, whatever the inorganic N-source (NO3, NH4 or a NO3/NH4 mixture); conversely, growth of Erica x darleyensis plants in vitro decreased more in. NH4 medium than in a NO3 medium, compared to a NO3/NH4 medium. The GS/GOGAT pathway (in NH4 medium), the nitrate and nitrite reductase activities (in NO3 medium), as the contents in free nitrogenous forms and total nitrogen (in NO3 and NH4 media) were not more altered in Erica than in soybean, compared to a NO3/NH4 medium....

Allelopathic impact of volatile components fromEucalyptus on crop plants

R. K. Kohli, Daljit Singh

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:475 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897723

The effect of crude volatile oils from the leaves ofEucalyptus globulus andE. citriodora and the pure terpenes - cineole and limonene from these oils, (in vapour form) was studied onPhaseolus aureus, Lens esculentum, Hordeum vulgare and Avena sativa. The parameters like germination of seeds, seedling growth, values of cell survival, and content of water and chlorophyll of the crops formed the system of bioefficacy study. The allelopathic impact of the oil vapours from the eucalypt tree becomes evident from the negative response of the parameters studied. The impact of the E. citriodora oil vapours compared to that ofE. globulus...

Quantitative characteristics of the conducting system in stem of winter wheat genotypes with spike fertility genes

Zdeňka Nátrová, Iva Mladičová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:484-490 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897724

Three groups of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes having spike fertility genes (SFG) were used in field trials: (1) Tetrastichon sessile spikelets (TSS), (2) Normal spikelets (NS), (3) Indeterminate rachilla spikelets (IRS). The capacity of conducting system of the peduncle and the ear sink capacity of the main stem have been measured. There was a highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.899 and higher) between peduncle diameter and parameters quantifying peduncle vascular system. Compared with the control cultivar Hana, the TSS and NSS genotypes had higher both the number of vascular bundles, phloem and bundle cross section...

Anatomical characteristics of the uppermost internode of winter wheat genoypes differing in stem length

ZdeŇka Nátrová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:491 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897726

Twenty one winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes classified as (1) short, (2) medium or (3) tall were grown in field trials. The following parameters have been measured on the main stem: stem length, peduncle length, dry mass and conducting system parameters including number of vascular bundles and their total and phloem area on peduncle cross section, ear yield and its components. Regardless of differences in peduncle length among the genotypes groups differing in stem length, the peduncle relative length varied only between 36 and 38 % of the total stem length. Nearly identical was also the peduncle specific dry mass reaching 7.4 to...

Leaf shape, stomata density and photosynthetic rate of the common oak leaves

Elena Masarovičová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:495-500 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897727

Leaf shape and size, stomata dimensions and density, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of the common oak leaves were investigated in shoots of various growth phases (polycyclic growth).
Mean and maximal daily net photosynthetic rates, shoot length, leaf area, stomatal density and chlorophyll contents were significantly higher in shoots of the second growth phase. Intraspecific differences in leaf shape were found within each shoot growth phase.

Book Review

Signal perception and transduction in higher plants

Eva Zažímalová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:438 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897715

Receptors, membrane transport and signal transduction

Eva Zažímalová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:454 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897718

Plant gene transfer

V. Novák

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:467 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897721

Experiments in crop science

V. Novák

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:490 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897725

Vascular plants as epiphytes. Evolution and ecophysiology

Juna Pospišilová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:500 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897728

Activation and desensitization of transducing pathways

Ivana Macháčková

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:504 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897730

Tissue cultures in woody plants propagation

Juna Pospišilová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:509 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897732

Brief Communications

Etude par la R. M. N. de la germination de la Graine d'Avoine

R. Lenk, R. Degli Agosti, H. Greppin

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:501-504 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897729

The time-evolution of germination of oat seeds, suspended in the standard 5mm N. M. R. tube and supplied by water, was investigated continuouslyin vivo by the pulsed N. M. R. of water protons at the level of the seed. The results show that the spin- lattice relaxation time T1 yield the physiological information: in the germinated (living) seeds, the T1's are higher than in the killed seeds.

Effect of red light on ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity in pea leaves

Elzbieta Romanowska, H. J. Treumann

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:505 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897731

The ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate activity and its relative content in pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Bordi) seedlings grown either under white or red light were investigated. Plants grown under red light had a lower ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCO) activity as compared to plants grown under white light, if expressed on a fresh mass. These activities were very similar under both lights, as calculated on protein basis, although the relative content of RuBPCO was higher in the red one. The activity of RuBPCO under red light corresponds to the lower rate of net photosynthesis. The results are discussed in respect to possible presence of...

Quantitative comparison of chloroplast Ultrastructure in mesophyll cells of triazine resistant and triazine sensitiveAmaranthus retroflexus L. plants

J. Kutík, Eva Bergmannová

Biologia plantarum 1991, 33:510-512 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02897733

Ultrastructure of chloroplasts in leaf mesophyll cells of triazine resistant and triazine sensitiveAmaranthus retroflexus L. plants was evaluated stereologically. The most striking difference between both types of the chloroplasts was a small volume of starch inclusions in triazine resistant plants.