Biologia plantarum, 1975 (vol. 17), issue 5


The effect of CCC on the levels of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid, gibberellins and cytokinins inVicia faba plants

H. M. M. El-Antably

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:322-328 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921154

Vicia faba plants cv. 'Erfordia' were treated with single application of CCC at 250 mg l-1, 7 days before extraction. Such a concentration resulted in a 10.4, 14, 5 and 3.3 fold, respectively, increase in the levels of endogenous IAA, ABA, gibberellins and cytokinins relative to the controls. The results obtained indicate that a single application of CCC at a low concentration was sufficient to enhance the endogenous growth hormones in the treated plants. The results were obtained using GLC analyses for IAA, ABA and cytokinins, and the lettuce hypocotyl and soybean callus bioassay for gibberellins and cytokinins, respectively.

Changes in the metabolism of ascorbate and glycolate inNicotiana tabacum L. infected with potato Y virus

Olga Makovcová, L. Šindelář

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:329-334 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921155

Changes in the metabolic pathway linked up directly with respiratory pathways were followed inN. tabacum L. cv. 'Samsun' plants inoculated with potato Y virus. The consumption of oxygen in infected tissues before the occurrence of visible symptoms (up to the sixth day) was lower than in control plants, then it started to rise and the tenth day after inoculation it reached 116% of the control. It was established that two main respiratory chains were involved, from which the glutathion-ascorbate system was responsible for the total respiration rate during the entire period of investigation.
The other respiratory system,i.e. NADPH-glyoxalate-glycolate,...

Investigations on protein- and ribonucleic acid synthesis during imbibition of inhibited or light-induced lettuce seeds

M. Hecker, K. H. Köhler

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:335-338 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921156

The relationships between protein- and RNA synthesis and the germination behaviour of lettuce seeds were studied. Protein synthesis starts right at the beginning of imbibition and increases until the radicle protrudes. According to our results the causes for a blocked development of scotodormant lettuce seeds cannot be seen in a generally reduced protein or RNA synthesis.

The regulation of DNA synthesis in inhibited and activatedAgrostemma githago seeds

M. Hecker

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:339-346 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921157

The relationships between DNA synthesis and germination capacity ofAgrostemma seeds have been studied. Protein synthesis and RNA synthesis are activated at the very beginning of imbibition, whereas DNA synthesis starts in the second part of the imbibition phase.
Agrostemma seeds inhibited by higher temperature (30° C), or aged seeds with a low germination capacity are characterized by a remarkably reduced protein synthesis. DNA synthesis is also reduced. The inhibition of protein-synthesis ofAgrostemma embryos fed with cycloheximid or actinomycin D causes a depression of DNA synthesis. These results indicate that the initiation...

Comparative study of the regeneration potential of the carpophores of Coprinus congregatus developed under various conditions of temperature and light

J. P. Bret

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:347-351 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921158

The manner of regeneration phenomena of carpophores ofCoprinus congregatus planted on the fresh nutritional substrate was studied. In the cultures taken from the carpophores that had completed their development the first viable regenerated primordiums appear mainly on the mycelium developed from the carpophore-implant (indirect regeneration). On the contrary, in the cultures taken from the carpophores in which the final morphogenesis was checked by unfavourable conditions, temperature or light, the first regenerated structure developed essentially on carpophore-implants (direct regeneration). It appears that a relation exists between the regeneration...

Persistence and spread of mycoplasma in axenic callus tissue cultures of tobacco (Nicotiana glauca Grah.) in the presence of kinetin and IAA in nutrient medium

Eva Petrů, Marie Ulrychová

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:352-356 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921159

A technique is described for the establishment of infectious axenic callus cultures originated from stems of tobacco plants suffering from a mycoplasma disease, potato witches' broom. When stem pieces from a diseased tobacco plant (Nicotiana glaucaGrah.) are culture on a modified nutrient medium according toMurashige andSkoog (1962) with added kinetin (0.64 mg or 2.56 mg 1 000 ml-1) and IAA (2 mg or 4 mg 1 000 ml-1), the pathogen persists and spreads in the newly formed callus tissue. The presence of the pathogen was proved by implantation of callus slices into stems of tomato plants which indicate the disease very reliably....

Book reviews

J. Brčák

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:356 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921160

Uptake and translocation of root-fed32P in response to foliar and root applications of CCC and phosfon inPisum sativum

N. O. Adedipe

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:357-362 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921161

The uptake and translocation of32P applied to nutrient solutions, as influenced by (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) and 2, 4-dichlorobenzyltributylphosphonium chloride (Phosfon), were investigated in growth chambers. Specific effects depended on the "Retardin", the method of application, and the concentration.
Foliar applications of CCC had no significant effect on32P uptake 5 h after feeding. At 20 and 80h after feeding, CCC at 100 and at 1 000 mg l-1 decreased P uptake. With root applications of CCC the same concentrations decreased P uptake as early as 5h after feeding, while the 1 mg l-1...

Influence of bacterial streak disease development on changes in phenolics, soluble amino acids and carbohydrates of rice leaves

P. Ranga Reddy, R. Sridhar

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:363-367 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921162

The healthy leaves of rice cultivar 'BJ 1' resistant to bacterial leaf streak pathogen (Xanthomonas translucens f. sp.oryzicola) contained higher quantities of total phenolic compounds, reducing and nonreducing sugars than the susceptible cultivar 'IR 8', while the leaves of cultivar 'IR 8' possessed larger concentration of total soluble amino acids than the resistant cultivar 'BJ 1'.
In the leaves of cultivar 'BJ 1', the disease development caused an initial decrease in the concentration of phenols followed by an increase at later stages. As a result of inoculation, soluble carbohydrates and amino acids generally decreased in the...

Book reviews

Z. Šesták, K. Beneš, Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:383-384 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921168

Brief Communications

A modifiedAmaranthus betacyanin test for cytokinin bioassay

F. Reda, O. Rasmussen

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:368-370 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921163

A modified procedure for the extraction of betacyanin fromAmaranthus seedlings is described. Application of this modification increased the absorbance of cytokinin-treatedAmaranthus explants in most cases. The modifiedAmaranthus test is compared with the soybean callus test in the bioassay of kinetin, 6-benzylaminopurine, and 6(δ,δ-dimethylallyl) aminopurine.

Influence of some herbicides on the reproduction of tobacco mosaic virus inNicotiana tabacum cv. 'Samsun'

L. Šindelář, Olga Makovcová

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:371-373 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921164

The application of 10-3 g 1-1 of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and 6-chloro-2-ethylamino-4-isopropyl-amino-1,3,5-triazine toNicotiana tabacum cv. 'Samsun' plants inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus results in an increase in the content of this virus in the tissues. When whole plants are used, TMV content increases by 20% after herbicide application; when leaf dises are used, the amount of the virus can be doubled by the herbicide in comparison with control untreated inoculated discs. The results clearly show that the used non-selective herbicides act as stimulators...

The staining of chromosomes and nuclei in squashes of root tips with aluminium lake of nuclear fast red

Dagmar Poláčková, K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:374-375 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921165

In squashes of broad bean and sunflower root tips, the staining with aluminium lake of nuclear fast red led to reliable results, comparable-otherwise-with the use of acetoorcein and similar procedures: the nucleus and ohromosomes are brightly red, the cytoplasm weakly pink.

Attempts to overcome the sterility of common garlic (Allium sativum L.)

F. J. Novák, P. Havránek

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:376-379 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921166

Neither the incubation of the flower scapes of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in tetracycline solution nor the extirpation of the bulblets from the inflorescences led to the development of fertile binuclear pollen. Higher tetracycline concentrations than 125 mg per litre showed a clearly phytotoxic effect. The removal of the bulblets from the inflorescences improved the survival of flowers but it enabled only the initial stages of seed development. The seeds obtained were defective and not able to germinate. The hypothesis on infectious nature of the factors causing sterility in garlic is discussed.

Contribution to the study of cytokinin production by phytopathogenic fungi

Gabriela Vizárová

Biologia plantarum 1975, 17:380-382 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921167

The excretion of cytokinins into the cultivating medium, which are produced by the phytopathogenic fungiMonilia sp. andCytospora sp. has been investigated. All the isolates of the fungi used in the experiments (Monilia fructicola, Monilia fructigena, isolate 2 and 4,Monilia laxa isolate 3 andCytospora sp. isolate CPL and C1) have been found to produce cytokinins. The production is increased during the formation of the fructification organs. Among the isolates investigatedMonilia fructigena isolate 4 andCytospora sp. isolate CPL showed the highest production of cytokinins. After chromatographic...