Biologia plantarum, 1960 (vol. 2), issue 1


The heritability of the amylolytic activity in barley

Josef Nečas

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:1-18 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920693

During investigation of amylase activities as continuously variable biochemical features it was found that they are very sensitive to changes in the intensity of vegetative factors. The results of analysis of variance indicate that these characters not only tend to be inheritable themselves, but also the nature and intensity of their reactions to changes in the agro-ecological factors of the external environment show a similar tendency. The actual expression of these features in individuals belonging to a genetically homogeneous group must be considered as the resultant of all reactions of the realisation process concerned, on stimulatory and inhibitory...

Content of different forms of vitamin C in potatoes treated with ethylene chlorhydrin

Anastázia Ginterová

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:19 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920694

The levels of l-ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and of the bound form of vitamin C were investigated in the tissue from the vicinity of eyelets of dormant potatoes after treating the tubers with ethylene chlorhydrin. During the first week after exposure the l-ascorbic acid level does not change, significantly while the dehydroascorbic acid level decreases markedly. This decrease persists even during the following weeks and returns to normal only on the fourth week after treatment. The l-ascorbic acid level displays a decreasing tendency but a marked decrease may be observed only during the fourth experimental week. The level of the bound form of...

Quantitative assay of serological reactions by measuring turbidity in comparative plant serology

Josef Kloz

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:27-42 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920695

A technical procedure is described together with slight modifications and technical alternations, for the application of the quantitative serological method in work with labile plant proteins, particularly those from vegetative organs.
The procedure is based on the well-known method developed byBoyden et al., usingLibby's "photronreflectometer". The results published here have been obtained in the course of the determination of applicability of the following modifications to a quantitative evaluation of serological reactions:
a) The use of "acetone preparations" in obtaining antigens: A single operation is sufficient to remove undesirable admixtures,...

The effect of gibberellic acid on the dynamics of chlorophyll synthesis in etiolated seedlings

Zdeněk Šesták, Jaroslav Ullmann

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:43 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920696

Chlorophyll formation in etiolated seedlings of wheat and maize, grown for 8 days on Knop's nutrient solution with 10μg. gibberellic acid (further GA) added per ml. was investigated and compared with control plants. Under the light of fluorescent tubes of an intensity of 3000 lux a significant decrease in the amount of chlorophyll (a+b) was observed at all time intervals from 0 to 24 hr., expressed both per dry weight and per leaf length. Experimental results indicate a decreased rate of chlorophyll formation in the presence of GA.
At the same time, a lower content of carotenoids was found in etiolated plants than in controls grown...

Über die Wechselwirkung der Gibberellinsäure und anderer Stimulatoren in den Wachstumskorrelationen

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:48 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920697

Weder die Dominanzverhältnisse zwischen den Sprossanlagen noch die Regulationswirkungen der Laub- und Keimblätter, die unter anderem für die vorzeitige Wachstumssistierung namentlich bei den Holzgewächsen verantwortlich sind, lassen sich durch Gibberellinsäure verändern. Doch setzt GS die von assimilierenden Blättern und vegetativen Speicherorganen ausgehenden Hemmungen herab und ersetzt in dieser Hinsicht die Stimulationswirkungen der Wurzeln, allerdings nur unvollständig, da es nachher zu den bekannten Ernährungs- und Gestaltungsstörungen kommt. Auf die Knollenbildung wirkt GS ungünstig, da die Terminalknospe der Knollenanlage zu starkem Streckungswachstum...

Interspecific hybridization between Corchorus olitorius Linn. (strain C. G.) and C. sidoides F. Muell., and C. capsularis Linn. (strain D 154) and C. sidoides Muell

R. M. Datta, S. K. Dana

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:61-66 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920698

1. In C. olitorius ♀ × C. sidoides ♂, the pod set was 29.4 per cent and the percentage of pod harvested (out of the set pods) was 20 per cent. All harvested pods were empty.
2. In C. sidoides ♀ × C. olitorius ♂, the pod set was 26.8 per cent and that 9.0 per of the cent pods were harvested. The single harvested pod yielded the following types of seeds-4 empty seeds, 9 partially full seeds and 4 apparently full seeds. The apparently full seeds were underweighed. All seeds were non-viable.
3. The pod sets in C. capsularis ♀ × C. sidoides ♂ and in its reciprocal...

The application of neutron activation chromatography to the determination of the purity of phosphate preparations

Jiří Luštinec

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:67-69 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920699

Free amino acid relations in apple leaves before and during the differentiation of flower buds

Josef Sahulka, Alice Sílová

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:70-75 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920700

The authors have followed the free amino-acid relations in leaves of the apple variety Ontario, before and during the differentiation of flower buds. At the time when the flower buds were being differentiated on the fruitspurs, there was found to be an almost complete disappearance of arginine from the leaves. In the period before differentiation there was a temporary drop in the aspartic acid content and a temporary rise in γ-amino-butyric acid content; except for arginine, the over-all proportions of amino acids were preserved. It is not as yet possible to decide whether the above changes have any connection with the differentiation of flower...

Über die Bodenfeuchtigkeit, bei der die Pflanzen absterben

Žarko Stojanov

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:79-87 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920702

In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine einfache Methode beschrieben, mit deren Hilfe es möglich ist, die kritische Bodenfeuchtigkeit ganz objektiv zu bestimmen, bei der die Pflanzen absterben und zwar im Gegensatz zur Bestimmung des Welkungspunktes, die durch subjektive Fehler belastet ist.
Versuche an Sonnenblumen, Bohnen, Mais, Weizen, Buchweizen, Gräsern, Waldholzbäumen und verschiedenen Arten und Abarten des Zuchtweizens zeigten, dass die Bodenfeuchtigkeit, bei der die Pflanzen absterben, bei den verschiedenen Arten und Abarten verschieden ist. Ferner sind andere Arbeiten des Autors zitiert (Stojanov 1955, 1957b, und 1958) in denen er zeigte, dass...

Brief Communications

Determination of water deficit in disks cut out from leaf blades

Jiří Čatský

Biologia plantarum 1960, 2:76 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920701

The author describes a method for the determination of water deficit in disks punched out of leaves. The disks, 8 mm. in diameter, are placed on polyethylene rings and saturated in the apertures of a polyurethane foam plate which has been saturated with water (fig. 1, photo 1 and 2). This arrangement makes it possible for the tissue to be completely saturated in 3 hours with a minimum opportunity for infiltration.