Biologia plantarum 50:537-541, 2006 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-006-0085-2

Regulations of granule-bound starch synthase I gene expression in rice leaves by temperature and drought stress

S. J. Wang1,*, L. F. Liu1, C. K. Chen1, L. W. Chen1
1 Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Effects of temperature (15/10, 25/20, 30/25, and 35/30 °C) and drought stresses on the expression of granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene were examined in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. The GBSSI expression was higher at the low temperature (15/10 °C), and the transcript level decreased at temperatures higher than 30 °C. Protein phosphorylation was involved in the low temperature-stimulated signal transduction of GBSSI regulation. The expression of GBSSI in rice seedling was reduced under a drought stress. Even though exogenous ABA played a role to reduce the GBSSI transcript accumulation under non-stress condition, the reducing of GBSSI expression by drought stress appeared to be mediated by an ABA-independent pathway.

Keywords: abscisic acid; Oryza sativa
Subjects: abscisic acid (ABA); drought stress; Oryza sativa; rice; starch; starch synthase; temperature, high, stress

Received: February 11, 2005; Accepted: September 9, 2005; Published: December 1, 2006Show citation

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Wang, S.J., Liu, L.F., Chen, C.K., & Chen, L.W. (2006). Regulations of granule-bound starch synthase I gene expression in rice leaves by temperature and drought stress. Biologia plantarum50(4), 537-541. doi: 10.1007/s10535-006-0085-2.
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