Biologia plantarum, 1979 (vol. 21), issue 5


Book review

B. Slavík

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:389 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878239

Book reviews

J. Ludvík, K. Beneš, J. Tupý, J. Slavík, Danuše Hodáňova, T. Gichner, J. Brčák, S. Zadrazil, J. Čatský, B. Slavík, Jiřina Slavíková

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:395-400 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878241

Original Papers

Observations on the structure and ontogeny of stomata and trichomes on developing and mature pericarps ofCassia occidentalis L

P. K. R. Reddy, G. L. Shah

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:321-327 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878228

Paracytic, anisocytic, anomocytic, transitional forms, tetracytic, cyclocytic stomata and partly and completely amphicyclic forms are found, often on the same surface, in nine combinations. The most frequent type is paracytic. A few morphological variations in the basic types and eight types of abnormalities in stomata are recorded. The stomatal ontogeny may be mesogenous, mesoperigenous or perigenous. Trichomes are multicellular glandular club-shaped and unicellular eglandular. The taxonomic significance of stomata is indicated.

Morphogenetic effects of various growth substances on the cotyledonary stomata of brinjal and tomato

G. S. R. Murthy, J. A. Inamdar

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:328-335 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878229

The effect of different growth substances on the development of normal and abnormal stomata are presented. Anomocytic, paracytic, anisocytic and stoma with a single subsidiary cell are observed. Abnormal developments like persistent stomatal cells, degeneration of guard cells, unusual thickening, unequal guard cells, single guard cells and size and shape of the pore are noticed in various growth substances. The growth substances also affect the stomatal frequency, stomatal index, epidermal frequency and size of guard and epidermal cells in both the plants. The highest meristematic activity is found in MOR 100 ppm in brinjal and in GA 25 ppm in tomato....

Aging of Anagallis arvensis L.: Regulation of rooting capacity of leaves and shoots by light, sucrose and indole acetic acid

Christiane Larrieu, V. S. Trippi

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:336-344 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878230

The rooting capacity of leaves isolated from a vegetative clone ofAnagallis arvensis L. exposed to 9 hours of light (75 W m-2) at 22 °C and 15 hours of dark at 12 °C a day is significant only in F1 young leaves and not in adult ones. The rooting capacity of the young leaves and of the vegetative shoots is greater in longer photoperiods. The leaves make roots even under weak (14 W m-2) irradiance. The rooting capacity of the leaves is diminished and even suppressed by exogenous sucrose (14,60 ×10-3M). This inhibition may be counteracted by IAA (10-6M). When leaves and shoots are taken from...

Effects of high osmotic potential of a medium on mitotic cycle in roots ofVicia faba L

A. Mueín

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:345-350 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878231

The present paper deals with the effects of osmotic potential of a medium on cell reproduction and elongation of the roots ofVicia faba L. andVicia sativa L. As the osmoticum polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) in various concentrations ranging from 5 % to 25 % (i.e. fromca.-0.11 up to -1.27 MPa) has been used. The results show that at higher concentrations than 7.5 %, the growth of roots is slowed down and at the concentration of 25 % PEG this decrease in growth rate is as much as 6 fold compared with the control. The mitotic cycle is prolonged, however, only 1.86 times. Thus, the inhibition of root growth is caused mainly by...

Structural aspects of the regulation of starch accumulation in stem pith explants of kale

J. Kutík, K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:351-354 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878232

Anatomical aspects were studied of starch deposition in primary explants of stem pith of marrow-stem kale. During cultivation on semisolid media containing glucose and growth substances starch is accumulated in the inner part of the explant but absent on its periphery. The starch localization pattern formed within originally quite homogeneous tissue seems to be caused both by gradients of substances absorbed from culture medium and by physiological gradients manifested in the explanted tissue. Strange enlarged grains were abundant in cells with high starch content.

The cytological analysis of causes affecting the root cell length

Mária Luxová

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:355-360 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878233

The final length of the root cell is the result of a series of prooesses which represent a transition of the growing cell from its origin up to the completion of its elongation. These processes are associated on the one hand with cell proliferation, or, after the termination of proliferation, with the proceeding DNA synthesis, and with cell elongation on the other. The group of properties characterizing the growth region of the root as a cytologically heterogeneous complex, is at the same time the group of causes which affect the length of root cells. The individual cases documented in the paper point out the fact that the mechanisms regulating growth...

CO2 compensation concentration in bean Leaves: Effect of photon flux density and leaf age

J. Čatský, Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:361-364 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878234

Carbon dioxide compensation concentration,Г, net photosynthetic rate,Pn, and photorespiration rate,Rl, were measured in young, adult and old primary leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. over a range of photon flux densities using a closed system with IRGA. Irrespective of leaf age,Г decreased rapidly with rising photon flux density up toca. 260 (μmol m-2 s-1. From this valueГ did not change with photon flux density under constant temperature, reaching on the average 178, 118 and 239 mg m-3 in young, adult and old leaves, respectively. Changes with age in...

Poly(A)+ RNA synthesis in germinating pollen ofNicotiana tabacum L

J. Süss, J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:365-371 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878235

Poly(A)+RNA is synthesized during the first hours of pollen germination and is rapidly incorporated into polysomal structures. After a 2-h pulse with uracil-14C, 42% of the transcribed fraction of polysomal RNA is polyadenylated. Following 4 h of germination the amount of the newly-made poly(A)+RNA decreases steadily at the rate of about 14% per h, whereas that of rapidly-labelled poly(A)-RNA continues to grow. Beginning 1 h of cultivation the ratio of poly(A)-/poly(A)+RNA increases exponentially. Similarly as in non-polyadenylated mRNA the main portion of the synthesized polysomal poly(A)+RNA...

The capability of the algaeChlorella vulgaris andScenedesmus obliquus of utilizing amino acids as the sole nitrogen source

Jiřina Dvořáková

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:372-375 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878236

The capability of utilizing 20 amino acids and 2 amides as the sole nitrogen source for growth was studied in two green algae (Chlorophyceae). A comparison was made of the growth rate of algae in a mineral nutrient solution containing nitrate as the nitrogen source, with that in the same solution in which nitrogen in the form of nitrate was substituted by an equivalent nitrogen amount in the form of various amino acids. In addition to this, another series of experiments was carried out in whioh both culture media were supplied with glucose. The results show that both algae utilize a series of amino acids in dependence of their structure (mostly...

The role of gibberellins and cytokinins in the growth correlative effect of cotyledons in flax and pea

Hoang Minh Tan, J. Šebánek, Šárka Klíčová

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:376-382 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878237

It is wellknown that following the amputation, or darkening of one cotyledon in decapitated flax seedlings, the opposite remaining, or illuminated, cotyledon exerts a stimulatory effect on the growth of its axillary bud. For the induction of this stimulating effect a 21-72 h continuous darkening of the cotyledon is sufficient. Endogenous gibberellins take part in the stimulation effect of the illuminated cotyledon, since their level in the illuminated cotyledon increases as early as 12-48 h following the darkening of the opposite cotyledon. The apical part of the cotyledon has a higher growth stimulatory effect on the growth of the cotyledonary axillary...

Mutagenic effects of short term action of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine onChlamydomonas geitleri

J. Nečas, Daniela Pavingerová

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:383-389 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878238

A possible method of finding the best concentration of a chemical mutagen or a shortterm action is demonstrated by the results obtained withChlamydomonas geitleri. Mostly two cases occur. We must either use the shortest time of the mutagen action with a sufficiently high effect or utilize the whole limited time for this action using a suitable concentration with a similar effect. It is possible to choose such a structure of the doae of the chemical mutagen which in the mutation spectrum ensures either the optimal frequencies of all components or of only some of them chosen beforehand.

Brief Communications

A simple procedure of the preparation of suspensions suitable for an estimate of cell number in established tissue culture of white poplar (Populus alba L.'pyramidalis')

L. Bilisics, Š. Karácsonyi, Marta Kubačková

Biologia plantarum 1979, 21:390-394 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878240

A simple maceration procedure for cell suspension preparation from white poplar tissue culture has been devised which makes it possible to count cell number from microphotographs reliably. The results obtained are suitable for quantitative evaluation of cell proliferation tissue growth.