Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
Principal investigator: Antonín Fejfar
Title: Next-generation interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells and modules by design and process innovations
Acronym: NextBase
Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.
Funding scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action
Project RCN: 205821
Project ID: 727523
Time period :1/10/2016 - 30/9/2019
Total cost: 5 668,751.25 EUR
EU contribution for Institute of Physics: 150,000 EUR
Coordinated in: Germany
The NextBase project, involving 8 research institutions and 6 companies, deals with the development of innovative high-performance c-Si solar cells and modules based on the interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction (IBC-SHJ) solar cell concept targeting cells with efficiency above 26.0% and corresponding solar modules with efficiency above 22.0%. In particular, a number of new design and process innovations throughout the wafer, cell and module fabrication that go beyond the state-of-the-art will be introduced into the device to achieve the targeted efficiency values. At the same time, the NextBase project pursues the development of a new industrial manufacturing tool and low-cost processes for the IBC-SHJ solar cells enabling a competitive IBC-SHJ solar module cost of < 0.35 €/Wp.
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