HomePh.D. Study at IOCBArchive - 2018Physical and Computational Chemistry

Physical and Computational Chemistry

Tutor Josef Lazar, Ph.D.

Josef Lazar

Topic Development and applications of superresolution polarization microscopy
Faculty MFF UK, PrF UK and FJFI CVUT

Two-photon polarization microscopy allows sensitive observations of molecular processes, as well as making insights into protein structure, directly in living cells. We plan to extend the range of the observable molecular processes by combining polarization microscopy with optical superresolution techniques. The multidisciplinary project will involve optical engineering, as well as techniques of cell biology and physiology.

Leading references:
Lazar J., Bondar A., Timr S., Firestein S.J.: Two-photon polarization microscopy reveals protein structure and function. Nature Methods 8: 684-690, 2011.
Bondar, A., and Lazar J.: The G protein Gi1 exhibits basal coupling but not preassembly with G protein-coupled receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292: 9690-9698, 2017
Timr S., Bondar A., Cwiklik L., Stefl M., Hof M., Vazdar M., Lazar J., Jungwirth P.:
Accurate Determination of the Orientational Distribution of a Fluorescent Molecule in a Phospholipid Membrane. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118: 855-863, 2013.