
LECTURE QUALITAS "Preclinical PET imaging"

Prof. Tove Grönroos, Ph.D.

University of Turku, Finland

Lecture: "Preclinical PET imaging"

Date: 22.2. 2016. start: 3 PM

Institute of Physiology CAS (Department of Radiometry) will organize within the programme QUALITAS one day workshop "18F-FDG  PET imaging in laboratory animals with PET/CT apparatus Albira“, further to the lecture of Prof. Tove Grönroos, Ph.D. from University of Turku "Preclinical PET imaging" (which will be done on February 22 at 15:00 h).  This workshop is meant for interested and informed persons and its objective is to show several examples of practical use of PET/CT apparatus Albira for studies on special model strains of laboratory rats and mice administered with 18F-FDG (see accompanied figures).

We ask the potential participants in this workshop to register themselves on e-mail address: in advance, at the latest on February 22, 2016. The number of participants is limited.

The attendants will meet in the main building A, in vestibul in front of the Lecture hall, on Tuesday February 23, 2016 at 8:15 h.  

Example of possibilities for potential use of the instrument in our conditions