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ÚvodDvorana slávyAntonín HolýCurriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. Antonin Holý, DrSc., dr.h.c.mult.

Prof. RNDr. Antonin Holý, DrSc., dr.h.c.mult.

1.září 1936 – 16.července 2012


1960-1963 Ph.D. study in the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences, Prague (1963) in synthetic organic chemistry.
1954-1959 University education at Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague (1959) in organic chemistry.
1966 Postdoctoral stay: MPI für experimentelle Medizin, Goettingen (Prof. F.Cramer).
2005 Professor of Organic Chemistry.
2004 Habilitation.
1996-2003 Director of the Institute (legally permitted two 4-year terms).
1986 Doctor of Sciences (the highest scientific degree in the Academy of Sciences).
1980-2010 Head of Department of Nucleic Acids Chemistry.
1974-2010 Head of the research group.
1963-1974 Research scientist in the group of nucleic acid chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Awards and Fellowships
2006 "De Scientia et Humanitate Optime meritis" (Supreme Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences).
2004 Member of European Academy of Sciences.
2004 Prize "Prix Bohemia" for scientific achievements.
2003 Honorary membership of the Rega Institute, Catholic University Leuven (Belgium).
2002 René Descartes Prize of the European Union.
2001 G.Elion Prize of ISAR (International Society of Antiviral Research).
2001 State medal of the Czech Republic "Pour Merit".
1990 Medal of Czech Chemical Society.
1986 State Prize for Chemistry.
Honorary Doctorates and Professorships
2009 University of South Bohemia in České Budìjovice
2008 University of Manchester's School of Chemistry
2006 Gilead Sciences Distinguished Chair in Medicinal Chemistry.
2005 University of Ghent (Belgium).
2001 Institute of Chemical Technology Prague and Votocek Medal.
2001 Palacký University Olomouc.
Publications and patents
Author of more than 600 original papers, 60 patents and numerous patent equivalents. Chapters in several scientific monographies. Author of original textbook "Principles of bioorganic chemistry in the design of antivirals and cytostatics (in Czech), edited 2005.
Present membership in Editorial Boards
Antiviral Research; Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.
Special one-term course on bioorganic chemistry at the Faculties of Sciences of the Charles University in Prague and Palacký University in Olomouc. Educated numerous Ph.D. students and M.S.students (in the research group there are at present 6 Ph.D. students, 1 external Ph.D. student, 5 M.Sc. students).
Research interest
Medicinal chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry, phosphorus chemistry, nucleic acid chemistry and biochemistry, development of antivirals and antineoplastics, enzymes of nucleoside metabolism and their inhibitors.
Major achievements
Design & synthesis of acyclic nucleosides and their phosphonomethyl ethers (acyclic nucleoside phosphonates, ANP); three of these compounds are themselves or active principles of antiviral drugs Vistide, Viread (AIDS), Hepsera (hepatitis B), Truvada (AIDS) and Atripla [three drug combination pill (AIDS)]. Additional drug candidates are in the process of development (NDA stage).