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14 Jul 12 - 6 Oct 20
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Jan Laštovička

Function: Head of the Department
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 267 103 055


Graduated in geophysics, Faculty of mathematics and physics of Charles University in Prague. CSc (= PhD) in 1973. RNDr in 1974. DrSc (= DSc or research professor) in 1987.

Employment and academic experience:


1967-1994, Geophysical Institute ASCR (from PhD student to head of Department of the Ionosphere).

1994-present, Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR (1998-2006 director of the Institute, 2007-2011 chairman of the Board of the Institute, now head of Department of Aeronomy).

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.

Until 2012 member of Scientific Board, member of various commissions and sub-commisions, teaching Stratosphere and Mesosphere for doctoral students.

Professional interests:

Research activities – physics and aeronomy of the ionosphere, long-term trends in the ionosphere-atmosphere system, solar-terrestrial relations, impact of space weather and of atmospheric waves on the ionosphere, ozone and the middle atmosphere. Author/co-author of more than 320 papers and 450 presentations

International activities - IAGA: Vice-president (1999-2003). Now chairman of working group II.F Long-term Trends in the Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere. COSPAR: Member of COSPAR Council and chairman of the Czech National Committee. SCOSTEP: Member of SCOSTEP Council and co-chairman of the VarSITI WG-3 (long-term trends in MLT). European Council (ERC): He was a member of panel PE-10 for evaluating projects in program Ideas. European Geosciences Union - secretary for the Ionosphere. Member of EGU, AGU and AOGS. Convener/organizer of more than 30 international symposia/ workshops/sessions. Member of Czech Committees: COSPAR, IUGG (vice-chairman) and SCOSTEP. He was a member of many international projects. 

Editorial activities - Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Space Research (from January 2010 to end of 2013; currently co-editor), topical editor of Studia geophysica et geodaetica (2004-2009). Guest-editor of more than 15 special issues of various journals, and editor of section Geophysics and Geochemistry of the UNESCO Encyclopedia EOLSS.

International honours - Member of European Academy of Sciences. Listed in various Who"s Who of the International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England, American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, USA, Marquis, New York, USA., and Madison, USA.



Selected publications:



Hobbies – hiking, skiing, history, breakfast.

Family: wife Marcela (RNDr., CSc.), son Radek (ing., PhD), granddaughters Dita and Andrea.