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49th Heyrovsk� Discussion

  Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kavan, DSc.
  Ing. Pavel Janda, CSc.
  (+420) 266 053 975,966
|   P L A C E   &   T R A N S P O R T A T I O N   |

The renaissance castle (chateau) T�e�� is located in the small town T�e��, in southeastern Bohemia about 15 km south of Jihlava (which is situated on the highway D1 Prague-Brno, approx. 120 km from Prague), in an attractive, peaceful locality rich in historical monuments and of beautiful natural scenery.

Departure of a charter bus from Prague to T�e��:
Sunday, May 29th, 2016 (the time will be specified) from the J. Heyrovsk� Institute (Dolej�kova 3, Praha 8 - see the orientation map).

Arrival at the Castle from Prague to T�e��:
Sunday, May 29th, 2016 afternoon (before dinner) from the J. Heyrovsk� Institute

How to reach the J. Heyrovsk� Institute:

By metro : take line C to the station �L�dv� and walk for about 4 min
By tram : No. 10 to the stop �L�dv�
By car : via Dav�dkova street and Pod vod�renskou v�� street
to the Institute

The Institute will be open on Sunday from 10:00 for possible luggage deposit.

Departure of a charter bus from the Castle to Prague:
Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 (the time will be specified later) with direct connection to the Prague Airport.

 � 2010 J. Heyrovsk� Institute of Physical Chemistry, v. v. i., Vera Mansfeldova