Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
Ken Barat is a long standing expert in Laser Safety, particularly in the Research and Technology arena. He is the former Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, National Ignition Facility Directorate, and Laser Safety Advisor for LIGO, Allen Institute, Newport, and ELI Beamlines. He is also the author of several laser safety texts and articles, including Understanding Laser Accidents, Industrial Laser Safety at a Glance, Laser Safety Tools & Training 2nd edition and Laser Safety in the Lab. Mr. Barat is the chairman of the ANSI Standard committee for Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development and Testing and a member of the UK Laser Safety Forum, Laser Institute of America Fellow and Senior member of SPIE & IEEE as well as an OSA Distinguished Lecturer. He received both the Rockwell awards for laser safety education and twice LBNL Mentor of the year. Presently, he focuses on providing laser safety services titled Laser Safety Solutions.
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