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Project: Scenario of long-term trends in the stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere system
Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases affects not only the troposphere; its effect is observed to penetrate throughout the upper atmosphere deep into the thermosphere and ionosphere. The project should help to create the first complex scenario of long-term changes and trends in the whole region above the tropopause up to the upper thermosphere and upper ionosphere and significantly improve the current scenario of trends in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere. A mutual role of man-made pollution (greenhouse gases, ozone depleting substances) in trends in the upper atmosphere as a whole will be established. Impact of the recent extreme solar cycle minimum on trends will be estimated. We expect to fill in at least partly the main gap in current knowledge of trends in the upper atmosphere – trends in winds and atmospheric wave activity in the mesosphere and mesopause region. The results are complementary to and should complete the extensive investigations of greenhouse gas-induced warming of the troposphere to get the overall pattern of global change of human environment.
Funded by: GA ČR. GA15-03909S
Duration: 2015–2017
Investigator: Laštovička, J.
Tým: Križan P., Kozubek M.
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