HomePh.D. Study at IOCBTopics 2019Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Tutor Ing. Petr Beier, Ph.D.

Petr Beier

Topic Synthesis and application of N-fluoroalkylated compounds
Faculty FCHT UCT, PřF UK

The recently reported synthesis of perfluoroalkyl azides and triazoles1 opened the door to study properties and reactivity of these compounds. In this project, the rich chemistry of (per)fluoroalkyl azides and triazoles1-6 will be investigated and new synthetic approaches to underdeveloped N-fluoroalkyl-containing compounds such as azides, azoles, ureas, carbamates, and amides will be studied. This class of compounds is expected to find utilization in drug discovery and in the development of new materials.

Key references:
1. Z. E. Blastik, S. Voltrová, V. Matoušek, B. Jurásek, D. W. Manley, B. Klepetářová, P. Beier Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 346.
2. S. Voltrová, M. Muselli, J. Filgas, V. Matoušek, B. Klepetářová, P. Beier, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2017, 15, 4962.
3. V. Motornov, A. Markos, P. Beier Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 3258.
4. Z. Blastik, B. Klepetářová, P. Beier Chem. Select 2018, 3, 7045.
5. S. Voltrová, I. Putovný, V. Matoušek, B. Klepetářová, P. Beier Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2018, 5087.
6. V. Motornov, P. Beier J. Org. Chem. 2018, in press.