Projects archive

    • LocoMotive

      LocoMotive (Dissemination of knowledge concerning current R&D localisation motives of large regionally important private sector organisations) is the project within tthe activity "Regions of Knowledge" of the 6. Framework Programme. The project is focused on problems of investments in research and development of the large private companies in a given region and on comparison of situation and trends in the other European regions. The main aim of the project is to help creating effective policies for supporting the investments of private sector in research and development within the regional level. The project should contribute to improving and fordizing the regional and national policies, which will advance the atractivity of European regions for the investments of large private companies in research and development. 


      • Partners:

        TuTech Innovation GmbH (Germany) - project coordinator

        CEU Consulting and Center for regional Studies (Hungary)

        Culminatum Ltd Oy (Finnland)

        Interlace-invent ApS (Denmark)

        Oxford Science Enterprise Centre (Great Britain)

        Reseau Universitaire Toulose Midi-Pyrenees (France)

        Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands)

        Technology Centre AS CR

        Munk Centre for International Studies (Canada)

      • Outputs:

        The most important project results will be summarized in the final report (June 2007) and presented at the final conference (June 2007). The output is continuously published at the project website.   

      • Duration: 1 January 2006 - 30 June 2007 (18 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kučera Zdeněk
    • Proposal of the National Research Programme III

      The main objective of the project consisted in proposing thematic priorities for the National Research Programme III (NRP III) for years 2009-2014.

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre AS CR

      • Outputs:

        Project results will be summarized in the project report. Results of NPV I and NPV II projects are published at

      • Duration: 1. June 2006 - 30. June 2007
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education
      • Manager: Klusáček Karel
    • European Learning Network (Lnet)

      The objective of the project is to exchange experience and best practice in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in deprived urban areas among partner metropolitan regions

      • Partners:

        5 partners representing the following regions cooperate in the project: London, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Prague, Milano. The project coordinator is Great London Enterprise in cooperation with London Development Agency, London.

      • Outputs:

        The project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 July 2004 - 28 February 2007 (32 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kostić Miroslav
    • National Information Centre for European Research (NICER)

      NICER follows the Technology Centre project called National Contact Organization for the EU 5th Framework Programme (FP5) and it is focused on providing information on the EU 6th Framework Programme (FP6), especially on supporting Czech participation in projects, on prividing assistance in their preparation and search for partners, on enhancing knowledge and readiness of participants necessary for a successful involvement in international research cooperation as well as other activities related to building the European Research Area (ERA). An integral part of the NICER project is monitoring Czech participation in the FP6 for the needs of the state administration.

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre AS CR

      • Outputs:

        Project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 October 2003 - 31 December 2006
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education
      • Manager: Albrecht Vladimír
    • SMEs for Food

      The aim is to support SMEs in the field of food quality and safety in their participating in new types of projects of the 6th Framework Programme (Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence).

      • Partners:

        The project consortium consists of 17 partners from France, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey

      • Outputs:

        The project output will be published at

      • Duration: 1 December 2003 - 30 November 2006 (36 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa
    • EMTECH

      The aim of the project is to improve the development and transfer of new technologies in the field of embedded systems, especially by SMEs which have not participated in the EU Framework Programmes so far.

      • Partners:

        7 partners cooperate in the project – from Belgium, Germany, France, Austria, UK, Czech Republic and Sweden.

      • Outputs:

        The project output will be published in the project final report (September 2006).

      • Duration: 1 September 2004 - 31 August 2006 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Hillerová Eva

      The aim of the project is to motivate SMEs to participate in the FP6 projects in the field of surface transport.

      • Partners:

        The project is coordinated by a French company Réseau Scientifique et Technique – RST. The project consortium consists of 10 organizations from the following countries: France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland and Italy.

      • Outputs:

        The project output will be published in the final report (July 2006)

      • Duration: 1 July 2004 - 30 June 2006 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Škarka Martin
    • Integrating ACC

      The objective of the project is to support the involvement of researchers from candidate countries and new EU member states in the 6th Framework Programme in the field of “Sustainable development, global changes and ecosystems“

      • Partners:

        25 partners from 21 countries (France, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey) cooperate in the project.

      • Outputs:

        The project output will be published at

      • Duration: 1 April 2004 - 30 March 2006 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission

      The objective of the project is to create a database of innovative textile enterprises interested in participating in the 6th EU Framework Programme.

      • Partners:

        The project team consists of 9 partners – from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

      • Outputs:

        The resulting database will be added to databases of the CORDIS service

      • Duration: 1 September 2004 - 28 February 2006 (18 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Holmanová Jana

      The aim of the project is to reveal which fields of nanotechnology research in three selected sectors (materials – healthcare and medicine – energetics) are the most likely to be commercially applied in the next 10 years and may thus help build a competitive European industry. The project results will be used by the European Commission as one of the background studies for the preparation of the 7th Framework Programme in the field of nanotechnologies.

      • Partners:

        8 partners representing the following countries cooperate in the consortium: Italy (coordinator), Spain, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Israel, Czech Republic, Finland and France)

      • Outputs:

        Three nanoroadmaps, Roadmap MATERIALS, Roadmap HEALTH & MEDICAL SYSTEMS  a Roadmap ENERGY, represent the project output. Further information on the project can be found on the web site .

      • Duration: 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kubátová Jitka

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