
zbMATH Prague Editorial Unit

Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Reviewer Service

Review Submission Interface

For reviewers cooperating with the Prague Editorial Unit there is a special web interface which allows submitting reviews and managing the work assigned to them.
In order to register as a new reviewer and to get a login for access to the system please contact the editor.

Contents of Reviews

A review of a mathematical work should give a brief and clear account of its contents. Reviews of papers in applied mathematics should concentrate on the mathematical aspects. Reading the review is not intended to be a substitute for reading the original paper; the primary purpose is to help the user to decide whether he or she needs to read the original. Therefore, the main results of the paper should be briefly described, preferably in a non-technical manner.
You as a reviewer have, in principle, no responsibility for checking the correctness or novelty of the original, but if you do discover that it contains a significant error or that it overlaps significantly with other work, you should mention that fact.
If you come to the conclusion that the summary or another part of the paper’s text describes the contents in the best way, you may decide to take such a text as (part of) your review. In this case, please clearly label extensive direct quotes in your review.

Style and Format

Reviews should preferably be written in English; reviews in French or German will also be accepted. They should be clear in style and consistent with the standards of usage in the language chosen. A reader with a moderate knowledge of the language in question should be able to understand the review. In the case of a translated title of the original, please check its correctness.

The review may vary in length from a few lines to a more elaborate text, depending particularly on your evaluation of the importance of the work you review. Please prepare your review in TeX without using self-defined Macros (AMS-TeX is preferred but all TeX styles are supported). Please do not include tables, large diagrams, drawings or formulas of minor importance. Please use alternative fonts (bold, italics etc.) only if necessary, e.g. in formulas or for highlighting the authors of cited publications (see below).

References to related work are always appreciated. When giving references, please try to be as specific and accurate as possible so that the references can be identified unambiguously. The following two examples present patterns which should be followed (including the brackets, punctuation, italics for author's name and metadata). We shall appreciate if you try to find the corresponding entry in zbMATH and indicate the correct metadata. Note, that search through the database zbMATH is possible even without a subscription; the first three results of every search are displayed for free.

Example 1: journal article (Zbl 1170.35066)
[{\it J. Krieger} et al., Duke Math. J. 147, No. 1, 1--53 (2009; Zbl 1170.35066)]

Example 2: book (Zbl 1151.55001)
[{\it J. Barge} and {\it J. Lannes}, Suites de Sturm, indice de Maslov et p\'eriodicit\'e de Bott. Basel: Birkh\"auser (2008; Zbl 1151.55001)]

The editor is proofreading the submitted reviews. However, given the amount of processed entries we cannot send you proofs. It is thus extremely important that the content of your manuscript is as accurate as possible.

Subject Classification
The publications you receive for reviewing are usually classified by the authors or our editors according to the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) 2010. The provided MSC codes may not be suitable or complete; therefore, we kindly ask you to check the suggested classification and complete or correct them if necessary.

Please describe the publication’s content with a set of keywords that give a quick outline of the subjects covered. If there are preassigned keywords, you may also use (some of) them if you consider them suitable.

Organizational Aspects of the Reviewing Task

Contact with the Editorial Office
In particular, please inform the editor as early and precisely as possible about any changes of your address, e-mail address or fields of interest so that we can correct our files, keep in contact with you and enable you to use the Reviewer's Web Interface.
When assigning reviews to you, we always try to meet your fields of interest. But if you do not want to review a particular paper, please return it to us as soon as possible with a short comment and perhaps a recommendation for another reviewer.
Please also contact us if you wish to receive less or more articles or books, or if you wish a hiatus for a certain period.

Delivery of Items to be Reviewed
Books to be reviewed will be sent to you via normal mail. Articles will be provided in PDF format by a download link in the inviting e-mail message.

Time for Reviewing
Prompt publication of reviews enhances their usefulness. If possible, please provide us with your review within eight weeks. In case you need more time for your review, please let us know.

Review Submission
Reviews should be delivered electronically via our web interface. In case of any problems please contact the editor.

International Editorial Units
Since the late 1990s, zbMATH has expanded its editorial basis with the installation of a number of cooperating external editorial units in different countries. Hence it may happen that from time to time you will receive material for reviewing from these external editorial units or from the editors in Berlin. Please be sure that in this case you send your review back to the respective cooperating unit.
The reviews requested by the Prague Editorial Unit should be submitted exclusively via our web interface.

Legal Matters

The reviewing task for zbMATH is based on the following legal agreement.

The reviewer transfers onto FIZ Karlsruhe all exclusive exploitation rights relating to the reviews of zbMATH in printed or electronical form as well as the right for adaptation of the delivered reviews, these rights worldwide and for an indefinite period of time. The zbMATH editorial office of FIZ Karlsruhe is entitled to assigning these rights to third persons or to grant non-exclusive rights.

Storage of Personal Data
We notify that we store your address and your fields of interest electronically. These data are used exclusively by the editorial office in connection with your task as a reviewer for zbMATH.

Use Restrictions for Electronic Documents
E-books and articles that we make available to you electronically may only be used for reviewing purposes; in particular, legal regulations prohibit the circulation of these documents.
Depending on the publishers’ terms and conditions, the review copy may have to be deleted after submitting the review. For detailed information please see the cover page of the respective article.

Benefits and Privileges for Registered Reviewers

Review Material and Financial Compensation
Hardcopies of books and articles that you have reviewed remain your property.
In compensation for your out-of-pocket expenses, you will be credited with a flat rate of 3.00 EUR per review (excluding book reviews and authors’ abstracts). If you would like this credit to be transferred to a bank account, please advise the editors in Berlin accordingly.

Discount on Springer Books
Springer Verlag grants reviewers of zbMATH a discount of 40% on Springer books ordered for their personal use in case of cash payment. The discount is increased to 50% if the reviewer’s credit is used for the purchase.
Please place your book order directly with the editorial office.
[Institute of Mathematics CAS]
Last changed February 1, 2018.