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7 Feb 15 - 6 Feb 20
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Seminář Ústavu termomechaniky

je organizován Ústavem termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.
obvykle každou první středu v měsíci od 10:00
v posluchárnách B nebo A (výjimečně C - klub) v hlavní budově Ústavu termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., (kontaktní informace zde)


Program semináře: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Příští přednášky:

středa 31. července 2019 v 10:00, posluchárna B

Control of Grid-side Converters under Grid Imbalance

Prof. Yongsug Suh, Ph.D.,
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea

The growing penetration of renewable energy sources into the present power grid requires that renewable energy sources provide the similar electrical characteristics as those of classical thermal power plants. In order to meet this requirement, active front-end converters; grid-side converters of renewable energy sources have been evolving to offer various control features to properly regulate the active and reactive output power. Recently, grid codes about LVRT and operation under unbalanced grid become very strict. In general, unbalanced current is caused by unbalanced grid conditions, and it leads to unbalanced voltage at PCC (Point of Common Coupling). These unbalanced voltage conditions generate a significant ripple and distortion of dc-link and ac input current of grid-side converters which eventually undermine various control features of grid side converter. This seminar covers the latest requirements on the gridside converter of renewable energy sources particularly under grid imbalance. The impact of grid imbalance on the operation of grid-side converters is analyzed based on the positive and negative sequential component theory of unbalanced electrical network. The various control techniques to properly compensate for the generation of harmonics are introduced. These control techniques are aimed to enhance the grid-friendly electrical characteristics of renewable energy sources. As a result, these control techniques are expected to play a positive role in growing penetration of renewable energy sources into the present power grid.

středa 9. srpna 2019 v 10:00, posluchárna B

The Martensitic Transformation in In-Tl Alloys Revisited

Prof. Trevor R. Finlayson,
University of Melbourne, Australia

The traditional view for the martensitic transformation in In-xat%Tl alloys, for 15.5 ≤ x ≤ 30.5 was via a double shear such as: (101)[10-1]; (011)[01-1], on the basis of optical microscopy observations and measurements of the (c11 - c12)/2 elastic constant. These early results, together with a calculation of the phonon dispersion relations based on a model pseudopotential and the measured elastic constants as input parameters, suggested that the transformation was driven by the softening of low-ζ [ζζ0][ζ-ζ0] phonons, which provided the motivation for a measurement of the phonon dispersion relations using neutron, inelastic scattering. This now historical background for the transformation in In-Tl alloys will be reviewed.
However, the suggested low-ζ [ζζ0][ζ-ζ0] phonon softening has never been observed experimentally, despite phonon measurements to as low as ζ = 0.02 rlu on the [ζζ0][ζ-ζ0] branch. An alternative model for the formation of coherent nuclei and growth along conjugate {111} planes was once proposed by Geisler. This model is consistent with some electron diffuse scattering data as well as yielding identical x-ray pole figure results as those for the double-shear mechanism. Appropriate nuclei could be generated by <111><11-2> atomic displacements.
To test such an idea, we have measured the [ζζζ]T phonon branch for a good quality In-Tl crystal in a recent experiment using the cold triple-axis instrument, SIKA, at the Australian OPAL Research Reactor. The initial results have shown that the zone-boundary, [ζζζ]T phonon softens with decreasing temperature, which may provide the dynamical behaviour consistent with the Geisler model for the transformation. Further experiments are planned to investigate this softening and the consequential microstructural behaviour.

Associate Professor Trevor Finlayson has been an Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Melbourne since February, 2007, following an academic career at Monash University where he had been engaged to introduce and teach Materials Science as an undergraduate discipline during the early 1970s. His research has covered a range of projects in the field of condensed matter physics/materials science, including aspects of superconductivity, magnetism, ferro- and piezo-electricity, phase transformations and the direct measurement of stresses in materials using diffraction techniques. His current projects involve studies on martensitic alloys and magnesia-partially-stabilized zirconia, using neutron scattering.

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