Biologia plantarum, 1970 (vol. 12), issue 4


Light regime effect on the growth rate variability ofScenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb. Clones originating from cells treated by a mutagen when grown on the surface of a solid medium

J. Nečas

Biologia plantarum 12:281-290, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922158

The light regime effect on the growth rate variability of clones of one chlorococcal alga strain growing on the surface of a solid medium was studied from the point of view of the clone selections manifesting the desired grade of this complex character. Several combinations of light regimes used for the cultivation of coenobia treated by UV-light and untreated control on two types of solid media proved the significance of manifestation degree changes of this character due to the given light conditions. The sizes of the alga colonies after a certain growth time on the surface of solid medium were evaluated statistically and the values obtained indicated...

Sensitivity of apple seed germination to light and some growth regulators

St. Lewak, Krystyna Bialek, Irena Sińska

Biologia plantarum 12:291-296, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922159

Experiments were aimed at checking whether the non-stratified apple embryos are sensitive to growth factors and light. The effect of growth regulators on light sensitivity was also studied. The stimulating or inhibiting effect of GA3, benzyladenine and IAA or coumarin on the dynamics of apple embryo germination was demonstrated. Seasonal fluctuations of the effect of the growth factors were noted. The stimulating effect of light on the germination of non-stratified apple embryos was demonstrated. This effect is independent of season and seems to be independent of the effects of growth regulators.

Interaction of cucumber mosaic virus and potato virus y with tobacco mosaic virus

Zdeňka Procházková

Biologia plantarum 12:297-304, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922160

A study was performed on the interaction of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) of potato virus Y (PVY) with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
Interference was evaluated using tobacco plantsNicotiana tabacum cv. Java responding to CMV and PVY with a systemic infection and to TMV with local necrotic lesions. The decrease in TMV - induced lesion number gave evidence of a decrease in susceptibility caused by the previous infection with CMV or PVY, the decrease of lesion enlargement demonstrated a decreased TMV reproduction in the plants previously infected with CMV or PVY. The interference concerned was incomplete, as evaluated from reproduction of the...

Professor Vladimír Rypáček

R. N. Vladimír

Biologia plantarum 12:305-307, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922161

Effect of trophic conditions and humic acid on alanine transamination in wheat plants

Alena Činčerová

Biologia plantarum 12:308-314, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922162

In dialyzed extracts from winter wheat plants an intensive enzymatical transamination reaction occurred between L-α-alanine and α-ketoglutaric acid (L-α-alanine + + 2-oxoglutarate = pyruvate + L-glutamate, EC as well as a weak nonenzymatical transamination reaction, practically immeasurable. Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate strongly affected the reaction rate. Besides the transamination product-glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid was formed in this reaction. This amino acid could have originated neither via proteolysis of the enzyme extract, nor via decarboxylation from glutamate formed, nor via transamination of succinic-γ-semialdehyde...