Biologia plantarum 46:445-448, 2003 | DOI: 10.1023/B:BIOP.0000023892.82238.f8
Molecular Characterization of Three Heritiera Species Using AFLP Markers
- 1 DNA Fingerprinting Laboratory, Department of Plant Biotechnology, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Orissa, India
- 2 Department of Taxonomy and Conservation, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Orissa, India
- 3 DNA Fingerprinting and Rice Genome Laboratory, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
In the present study three species of Heritiera Aiton (Sterculiaceae) were characterized using 9 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations and the genetic relationship among these three species was assessed, Nine AFLP primer combinations yielded 445 bands out of which 210 were monomorphic and 235 were polymorphic. Out of the 235 polymorphic bands 79 were present only in a single species. Among the total amplified bands 255 were shared between H. fomes and H. littoralis, 225 were shared between H. fomes and H. macrophylla and 306 bands were shared between H. littoralis and H. macrophylla. The cluster analysis showed H. littoralis is closer to H. macrophylla than H. fomes. The similarity between H. fomes and H. littoralis was higher than that of H. fomes and H. macrophylla. The present study indicates that H. littoralis is better classified as mangrove associate or back mangal than a true mangrove.
Keywords: cluster analysis; mangroves; monomorphic and polymorphic bands
Subjects: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP); dendrogram; Heritiera fomes; Heritiera littoralis; Heritiera macrophylla; markers, genetic
Published: November 1, 2003Show citation
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