Biologia plantarum 48:625-628, 2004 | DOI: 10.1023/B:BIOP.0000047165.52040.d0
Comparative Performance of Micropropagated and Seed-Grown Tomato Plants
- 1 Primary Industries Research Centre, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia
Morphological, physiological, fruit yield and quality related traits were compared between the seed-grown and tissue-cultured plants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Red Coat in a greenhouse. No significant differences were observed for any of the traits studied except for the number of leaves and branches, which were higher in the seed-grown plants than in tissue-cultured plants at the later stages of growth. No phenotypic abnormality of the tissue-cultured plants was observed suggesting that genetic fidelity of tissue cultured plants can be maintained if appropriate plant growth regulators are used with fewer member of subcultures in the multiplication medium.
Keywords: explant; genetic stability; Lycopersicon esculentum; morphogenesis; multiplication; photosynthetic rate; rooting; stomatal conductance; respiration rate
Subjects: acclimation from in vitro to ex vitro culture; auxins; citric acid; cuttings raised from in vitro, and ex vitro propagated or seed-grown plants; flower, gas exchange; fruit, gas exchange; gas exchange, micropropagated and seed-grown plants; growth analysis, plant development, biomass and yield enhancement; in vitro culture, acclimation, adaptation; in vitro culture, micropropagation; Lycopersicon esculentum; nutrient medium, B5 (Gamborg); nutrient medium, Murashige and Skoog; seed-grown and micropropagated plants; stomatal conductance, micropropagated and seed-grown plants; tomato, micropropagated and seed-grown plants
Published: December 1, 2004Show citation
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