Biologia plantarum 56:192-196, 2012 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-012-0041-2
Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on drought stress-induced changes in Chorispora bungeana
- 1 Key Laboratory of Arid and Pasture Agroecology of Ministry of Education, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P.R. China
- 2 Department of Life Sciences, Zhengzhou Normal University, Zhengzhou, Henan, P.R. China
Brassinosteroids (BRs) have been proposed to increase the resistance of plants to drought stress. The effect of foliar application of 0.1 μM 24-epibrassinolide (EBR) on chlorophyll (Chl) content, photosystem 2 (PS 2) photochemistry, membrane permeability, lipid peroxidation, relative water content (RWC), proline content, and the antioxidant system in drought-stressed Chorispora bungeana plants was investigated. The results showed that polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced water stress decreased RWC, Chl content and variable to maximum Chl fluorescence ratio (Fv/Fm) less in plants pretreated with EBR than in non-pretreated plants. In addition, lipid peroxidation, measured in terms of malondialdehyde content, membrane permeability and proline content in drought-stressed plants were less increased in EBR pretreated plants, while antioxidative enzyme activities and reduced ascorbate and glutathione contents were more increased in EBR pretreated than in non-pretreated plants. These results suggested that EBR could improve plant growth under drought stress
Keywords: antioxidative enzymes; brassinosteroids; chlorophyll; lipid peroxidation; membrane permeability; photosystem; proline; reactive oxygen species
Subjects: brassinosteroids; chlorophyll; lipid peroxidation; photosystem; proline; reactive oxygen species; water stress; chlorophyll fluorescence; electrolyte leakage; malondialdehyde; water content; superoxide dismutase; catalase; ascorbate peroxidase; glutathione reductase; ascorbate; glutathione
Species: Chorispora bungeana
Received: April 23, 2010; Accepted: April 4, 2011; Published: March 1, 2012Show citation
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