Biologia plantarum, 1969 (vol. 11), issue 1


The effect of carbamide and thiocarbamide on the resistance of apple to apple scab

Miloslava Hanušová

Biologia plantarum 11:1-7, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920725

Carbamide and thiocarbamide decreased the resistance of apple to apple scab when infiltrated into apple leaves prior to infection with the disease. In three apple varieties these two substances strikingly stimulated infection with two monosporic isolates of the fungusVenturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint. It was established that both carbamide and thiocarbamide inhibited polyphenol oxidase activity in apple leavesin vivo, butin vitro only thiocarbamide was inhibitory. It can be concluded that the effect on apple resistance to apple scab is based on an inhibition of polyphenol oxidase.

Influence of sodium humate and nutritive conditions on the content of nucleic acids, particularly on the ribosomal ribonucleic acid in wheat roots

Svatava Fialová

Biologia plantarum 11:8, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920726

Changes in the nucleic acid (NA) content were studied in roots of young wheat plants cultivated under various nutritive conditions, namely in a nutrient solution, in distilled water and in a solution of sodium humate in distilled water. Changes in the ribosomal ribonucleic acid (RNA) in particular and their connection with growth rate were investigated. The amount of the NA fraction investigated (more than 90 per cent of which is represented by the ribosomal RNA) changed substantially under the cultivation conditions studied. In roots of one plant cultivated in water the content of the NA fraction investigated was at the most about 25 μg and it...

Fractions of non-specific esterase in root tip ofVicia faba L. revealed by disc electrophoresis in acrylamide gel

J. Sahulka, K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 11:23, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920727

Fractions of non-specific esterase were studied in homogenates ofVicia faba L. root tips using disc electrophoresis in acrylamide gel. With α-naphthyl acetate, 7 bands were revealed in electrophoreograms, whereas only 5 bands appeared with naphthol AS acetate; the position of bands detected with naphthol AS acetate corresponds to 5 of 7 bands which appear when using α-naphthyl acetate. If incubated with α-naphthyl acetate, 1 band is totally blocked by the inhibitor E 600, whereas the other bands are weakened slightly and-more or less- proportionally, similarly, as if incubated with naphthol AS acetate. No bands appear after...

Dependence of radiostrontium uptake by pea and lupin on the content of calcium in the nutrient solution

J. Balcar, Alena Březinová-Doškářová, J. Eder

Biologia plantarum 11:34-40, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920728

In lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Raman) it was shown that the uptake of89Sr from Knop's nutrient solution is significantly increased from a solution with decreased calcium content (one tenth of the normal content) and is slightly decreased from a solution with higher calcium content (150% of the normal content). The calciphile pea absorbs approximately 50% more calcium than the calciphobe lupin, and accordingly 50% radiostrontium less. The pea plant more strongly blocks the translocation of radiostrontium from roots to overground parts, as is proved by the higher discrimination factor of pea (i.e....

Serological studies of Bratislava mosaic virus of grape vine

J. Pozděna, G. Vanek

Biologia plantarum 11:41-48, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920729

Bratislava mosaic virus was transmitted mechanically toChenopodium quinoa. The virus was isolated by means of gradient ultracentrifugation and the, proteins were distributed on an automatic recording photometer. Single fractions were taken with a fraction collector and used as antigen.
At the same time, antigen from leaves of the variety Sylván zelený infected with the Bratislava mosaic virus was prepared by means of the gradient ultracentrifugation.
The antisera were obtained from rabbits immunized with individual antigens. The antisera were tested with the saps ofC. quinoa infected with the Bratislava mosaic virus, by the method...

Action of Ypenyl [5-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-aminomethyluracil] on the chromosomes ofVicia faba

Jana Šlotová, Z. Karpfel

Biologia plantarum 11:49, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920730

An investigation was carried out on ability of Ypenyl,i.e. 5-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-aminomethyluracil to induce structural disturbances of chromosomes and changes of mitotic activity of meristematic cells ofVicia faba. The cytostatic employed induced chromosomal aberrations mostly of the chromatide type, the greater part of which were localized in the group of small chromosomes. The frequency of aberrations was proportional to the concentration of the substance used as well as to the duration of treatment. After a 24 hour treatment with 0.01mm solution of Ypenyl the maximum incidence of aberrations was found after 8 hour recovery in water....

Diurnal dynamics of natural growth substances in peach leaves and shoots

Z. Raška, F. Hladík

Biologia plantarum 11:60-67, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920731

A study has been made of the level of naturally-occurring growth substances and inhibitors in acid-soluble fraction of peach leaves and shoots using paper chromatography and bioassay methods.
The content of substances which stimulate growth ofAvena coleoptile sections calculated on a fresh weight basis can be expressed by a one-peak curve with a maximum at 10 a.m. The shoots were higher in growth substances than leaves in all periods of time examined. The extract contained two substances which significantly stimulated the growth of coleoptile (accelerator-2 and-3). High inhibition was found in the area of inhibitor-β and to a lesser...

Effect of different constant soil moisture levels on foliage development in maize

J. Václavík

Biologia plantarum 11:68, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920732

The effects of constant soil moisture levels of 90, 60 and 40% of the maximum capillary capacity, applied beginning from the planting of the germinated kernels, on the dynamics of the foliage development of maize was studied in relation to ontogenical changes in leaf area of individual leaves. There were two maxima in the growth of total leaf area (characterized by leaf area duration and loaf area relative growth rate) unrelated to the soil mositure. The first maximum which was less marked, appeared in the phase of 5-8 leaves, the second and main increase being observed before flowering in the phase of 10-12 leaves. The effects of continued decrease...

Inhibitory ability of sap from different tobacco varieties on potato virus Y

J. Chod, J. Polák, J. Čermák, K. Škula

Biologia plantarum 11:79, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920733

In these experiments the inhibitory ability of 12 varieties ofNicotiana tabacum L. to potato virus Y was studied by means of drop serological precipitation method. In 11 varieties under study a correlation was found between field resistance and the inhibitory ability of sap. Varieties S 390/1, line 40, fixed A 1 exhibited low inhibitory ability of sap, lines Bel 61-10, R 3, Criolo and Burley N-15 were of medium inhibitory ability and high inhibitory ability was found in varieities Viržinský zlatý, line 37, A 5205 and R 1. The variety Viržinský zlatý, which is believed to be susceptible to potato virus Y was found to have high inhibitory ability....

Fractionation of proteins of pea stem sections during root formation and its inhibition by kinetin and ethionine

M. Kamínek

Biologia plantarum 11:86-94, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920734

Changes in the protein constituents in pea stem sections during root formation and its inhibition by kinetin and ethionine were studied. Only quantitative differences in the protein fractions separated on DEAE-cellulose column were noted.
The formation of foci of meristematic cells in pericycle was accompanied by an increase in the amount of fraction "l". This fraction disappeared rapidly in sections where root formation either did not occur (internodial sections without nodes) or was inhibited by ethionine (stem sections with basal and apical nodes). Incubation of stem sections in a kinetin solution for 16 hours after cutting of stems partially...

Brief Communications

Mycoplasma-like microorganism and virus particles in the leafhopperJavesella pellucida (F.) transmitting the oat sterile dwarf disease

J. Brčák, O. Králík

Biologia plantarum 11:95, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920735