Biologia plantarum, 1984 (vol. 26), issue 1


Book review

T. Giohner

Biologia plantarum 26:15, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880418

Book review

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 26:21, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880420

Book review

Věra HadačovÁ

Biologia plantarum 26:33, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880423

Book review

J. Velemínský

Biologia plantarum 26:55, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880427

Book reviews

J. Zima, Jana Opatrná, Z. Opatrný, Dagmar Dykyjová, J. Krekule, J. Velemínský, J. Ullmann, L. Adamec

Biologia plantarum 26:77-80, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880431

Original Papers

Diurnal variation in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, and irradiance of winter crop under different moisture levels

Pubshotam Rao, S. K. Agaewal

Biologia plantarum 26:1-4, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880415

Mustard (Brassica juncea) Coss., chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. and barley (Hordeum vulgare) L. were grown under different moisture levels. Diurnal changes in leaf water potential showed lower values and higher fluctuation in mustard, chickpea and barley grown with no irrigation as compared to one supplemental irrigation. Diurnal maximum of adaxial stomatal conductance in mustard and barley was higher under one irrigation treatment. In mustard stomatal conductance of abaxial surface of leaf remained higher than adaxial surface of leaf throughout the day, whereas the reverse was true in barley. Also the leaf and soil temperature and...

Growth requirements ofArabidopsis thaliana crown galls

M. Ondřej, Daniela Pavingerová, V. Našinec, M. Hrouda

Biologia plantarum 26:5-10, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880416

Crown galls induced onArabidopsis thaliana plants by octopine or nopaline strains ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens were grownin vitro on different media. Dark growth of all tumor tissues was strictly hormone-dependent. In contrast, hormonal autonomy was observed in the light where crown gall calli readily differentiated into teratomas and (sometimes fertile) plants. Differentiating tissues always grew more vigorously than subtended calli. The growth of transformed calli was stimulated by vitamins and partly inhibited by growth regulators in concentrations used for the maintenance of untransformed calli. Crown gall calli, teratomas and...

Transpiration of spring barley under nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency during leaf wilting

R. Hák, L. Nátr

Biologia plantarum 26:11-15, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880417

In an open gas exchange system with a thermocouple psychrometer the transpiration rate of the first leaf in 8-day plants of spring barley was measured in dependence on the water saturation deficit (ΔW sat). The plants were cultivated in Richter's nutrient solution, either complete, or deficient in nitrogen or phosphorus. The cuticular transpiration (as measured in the dark) was unaffected by N and P deficiency. The N deficiency reduced the transpiration rate by increasing stomatal resistance since full water saturation of the leaf (67% rate of the control variant) up to stomatal closing at Δ Wsat = 14%. The...

An improved system of subjecting plants to water stress

P. N. Singh, R. Prasad, M. Salim, A. Sharga

Biologia plantarum 26:16-21, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880419

An improved system of plant cultivation at stable and specific levels of polyethyleneglycol (PEG, mol. mass 1400-1600) - induced water stress has been described. To set up this system a perforated tubular glass vessel containing soil to support seedling growth was wrapped externally first with a layer of macroporous silica gel-G and then with three layers of a dialysis membrane of a lower exclusion limit (2000 mol. mass). Effects of 8 days of PEG - induced stress have been studied on uptake and translocation of N and P and growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. KN 16) seedlings. Some of the noteworthy improvements of the system were exelusion...

Relations between the seed tolerance or sensitivity to salinity at the germination time and the Na-components of nutrition

G. Guerrier

Biologia plantarum 26:22-28, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880421

Adsorption, absorption and translocation of sodium were compared in three species showing an ascending degree in tolerance to salinity: red cabbage (tolerant) shows higher Root Cationic Exchange Capacity than tomato (sensitive) or radish (intermediate). At low NaCl concentrations, tomato accumulates the greatest quantities of sodium; but Na+ translocation remains proportional to the quantity absorbed in the three plants. At high salt concentrations, diffusive phenomena explain similar accumulation in every plant, but red cabbage quickly localises 50% of Na+ amount in cotyledons, while this element stays stored in tomato roots....

Mechanism of sulfate uptake by excised maize roots

S. P. Singh, R. C. Pant

Biologia plantarum 26:29-33, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880422

The mechanism of uptake of sulfate by excised maize roots (Zea mays L. cv. Ganga-5) was investigated. It was found that in the concentration range l × 10-9 M - 5 × 10-2 M, the sulfate uptake could be represented by a single multiphasic isotherm having four phases. Each phase covered a limited concentration range and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, which indicates mediation in sulfate uptake by a structure which changes characteristics (kinetic constants) at certain discrete salts concentrations (transition points).

Characterization of some nitrogen metabolism parameters in a genotype set of spring barley during vegetation

H. Klusák

Biologia plantarum 26:34-41, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880424

In the above-ground part of 12 different spring barley genotypes the phenomena were studied as follows: nitrate reductase (NR) activity, nitrate nitrogen (nN)-, ammonium nitrogen (aN)-, total nitrogen (tN)-, and soluble sugars (sS)-concentration, physiological yielding characteristics, their variability and relations during vegetation (field experiments). Significant genotypical differences in NR activity were not ascertained until in the shooting and especially in anthesis and milk ripeness. Of the parameters observed nN- and tN-concentration showed the greatest and the smallest genotypical differences during vegetation, respectively. Variability...

The effect of cytokinin- and auxin-like substances on the anatomy and ultrastructure of vascular bundles in wheat

Blanka Rovenská, Alena Volfová, L. Chvojka

Biologia plantarum 26:42, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880425

6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), β-indolylbutyric acid (IBA), phenylacetic acid (PAA) and a triazine herbicide (TH) affected the development of vascular bundles both in coleoptiles and the last intemodium below the ear of wheat plants. These substances were applied before the conductive tissues in the organs investigated were fully differentiated, the degree of their effect being dependent not only on the concentration, but also on the developmental stage of the plants and on cultivation conditions. In coleoptiles the area of vascular bundles was increased especially in the dark. In the stalk, BAP, PAA, IBA and IBA + TH increased the area of phloem....

Ontogenetic changes in response of adaxial and abaxial epidermal conductances to water stress

Jana Pospísilova, Jarmila Solárová

Biologia plantarum 26:49, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880426

The sensitivity of stomata to water stress increased during ontogeny of primary bean leaves growing under constant environmental conditions: the decrease in both adaxial and abaxial epidermal conductances was induced by slightly more negative values of leaf water potential in young than in mature and especially old leaves. However, these differences were less expressive than the differences mentioned in the literature for leaves of different insertion level, where adaptations to microclimatic conditions in different canopy layers in addition to ontogeny may occur.

The effect of water stress during ontogeny of primary bean leaves on the light-induced stomatal opening

Jarmila Solárova, Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 26:56, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880428

The increase in epidermal conductance of primary bean leaves started within 10 min after irradiation by 1200 μmol m-2 s-1 of darkened plants. The rate of stomatal opening increased toa maximum and then decreased till a steady-state value of epidermal conductance was reached. Stomata on the abaxial epidermis always started to open sooner and opened faster than stomata on adaxial epidermis. Both water stress and ageing of leaves delayed the beginning of opening and decreased the opening rate as well as the steady-state values of epidermal conductance.

Purification and properties of extracellular nuclease from tobacco pollen

J. Matoušek, J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 26:62-73, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880429

Proteins diffusing from tobacco pollen grains exhibit different phosphohydrolytic activities. Molecular sieving produces nuclease fractionation into forms I, II and III with apparent molecular masses ≥ 60 × 103, 32.9 × 103 and 24.6 × 103, respectively, and separation of principal forms II and III from phosphatase and major part of 5'- and 3'-nucleotidase activities. These forms did not differ in the mode of substrate attack and were combined for further enzyme characterization.
The preparation had 3'-nueleotidase activity even after further purification by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The enzyme is an endonuclease...

Brief Communications

The significance of cuticular transpiration for the calculation of intercellular CO2 concentration

R. Hák, L. Nátr

Biologia plantarum 26:74-76, 1984 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02880430

Under increasing water saturation deficit of leaves of young bailey plants, the proportion of the cuticular transpiration may be higher than 10%, as usually anticipated. In this case the calculation of the intercellular CO2 concentration on the basis of the premise, usually employed, that the resistance of stomata equals that of the leaf, is affected by a considerably high error.