Biologia plantarum, 1987 (vol. 29), issue 1


Book review

Z. Opatrný, V. Skládal

Biologia plantarum 29:79-80, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902326

Original Papers

A comparative biochemical and cytological characterization of normal and habituated sugarbeet calli

M. Crevecoeur, C. Kevers, H. Greppin, Th. Gaspar

Biologia plantarum 29:1-6, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902305

Habituated sugarbeet callus examined by means of a light-microscope is characterized by absence of differentiated tracheary elements and of the reaction with syringaldazine. Habituated tissues also were found to exhibit low guaiacol- and syringaldazine-peroxidase activities, a deficiency of lignin as well as lower cellulose, dry mass and chlorophyll contents as compared to the normal auxin-requiring callus. These histological and cytological features led to consider this habituated callus as a vitrified tissue under stress. The question of a relationship between vitrification and habituation is posed.

Stability of Lanatoside C content in thein vitro propagatedDigitalis lanata clones

Marie Kubaláková, Irena Spitzová, F. J. Novák

Biologia plantarum 29:7-9, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902306

In vitro culture was established from shoot tips ofDigitalis lanata cotyledonous plants. The propagated plant material was rooted, transplanted into soil and grown under field conditions. Lanatoside C content was determined in a total of 20 clones and statistically evaluated by means of variance analysis of unequal-sized samples.In vitro clonal propagation ofD. lanata was found not to affect lanatoside C content. Drug level was dependent on a plant genotype.

Physiology and biochemistry of theAmaranthus cytokinin bioassay and its applications

K. H. Köhler, Carmen Opitz, Gabriele Fritsch

Biologia plantarum 29:10, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902307

The influence of some substances on the amaranthin biosynthesis inAmaranthus-seedlings was investigated with regard to the accuracy and sensitivity of theAmaranthus cytokinin bioassay. 1) The herbicide glyphosate inhibited plgment formation in a concentration of 10-4 mol 1-1 in most cases only slightly (approximately 10-25 %). 2) Shikimic acid does not seem to be a precursor, in many experiments it was slightly inhibitory. 3) Jasmonic acid promoted slightly the plgment formation with a distinct maximum at about 5 x 10-4 mol 11-. 4) The oxidation product of zeatin (with KMnO4) is not...

Relationship between stimulatory effect of methyl jasmonate on ethylene production and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid content in tomatoes

M. Saniewski, J. Czapski, J. Nowacki

Biologia plantarum 29:17, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902308

The effect of methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) applied in concentration 1.0 % in lanolin paste to detached tomato fruits at the mature green, advanced mature green and light red stages on the ethylene production and l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) content was investigated at different times after treatment. JA-Me stimulated ethylene production in all stages of ripening, but the level of ACC increased or decreased in comparison with control depending on the stage of ripening. Higher level of ACC in JA-Me treated tissue was found in mature green stage and fully ripened tomatoes-treated at advanced green stage; lower one in light red stage - treated...

Regulation of growth and morphogenesis in phenotyplc and genotyplc dwarf peas

Ella M. Kof, Nina N. Protasova, V. I. Kefeli

Biologia plantarum 29:22, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902310

White light suppressed the stem growth and promoted leaf expansion. With increased irradiance the light effect was enhanced. The morphogenetic effects induced by light and by dwarf-mutation are similar. However, the nature of phenotyplc and genotyplc dwarfism is different. In the dwarf mutants the auxin level is not changed in contrast to the GA, ABA and QGC contents. Under high irradiance which depressed the stem growth, auxin and GA-levels were lowered while the content of QGC and of growth-inhibitor non-identical with ABA increased, but the level of ABA was not affected. The sensitivity of various pea forms to the light and to exogenous phytohormones...

Gibberellin and auxin contents and ethylene production in the hypocotyls of green and etiolated bean plants treated with chlorocholine chloride

Maria Nagy, Irma Tari

Biologia plantarum 29:28, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902311

The effect of CCC treatment on the GA and IAA contents of the hypocotyls of green and etiolated bean plants and on their distribution was studied. In the treated plants the GA content of the hypocotyls was higher than that of the control. On the application of CCC the distribution of the hormone content within the organ altered: in the basal part of the hypocotyls of the treated plants the hormone content increased. In the hypocotyls of the treated plants the IAA content was less than in the controls and it was accumulated in the basal part. The ethylene production of the aplcal and basal parts of the hypocotyls proved to be correlated with their IAA...

Changes in the content of some phenolic compounds in connection with flower- and fruit-formation of vine

D. Lilov, Yordanka Angelova

Biologia plantarum 29:34-37, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902313

The quantitative changes of chlorogenic acid in shoots and leaves of two groups of grape vines differing in their flower- and fruit-formation have been studied. It was established that in most cases the acid level was lower in both shoots and leaves of grape vines with suppressed growth and intensified generative processes. The results obtained suggest that the lower content of chlorogenic acid is related to the reduced growth of shoots and acceleration of generative processes.

Ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase activity during the first developmental stages of wheat plants as affected by calcium deficiency

Alena Činčerová

Biologia plantarum 29:38, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902315

The delay in development of winter wheat plants grown under conditions of Ca deficiency manifested itself also in the time curve of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase activity. Up to the stage of the first leaf the activity increased. Thereafter it gradually decreased similarly as under conditions of complete nutrition, but with a shift of about 7 days as compared with plants given complete nutrition. Increased glutamate synthase activity in Ca-deficient plants may be one of the factors leading to a high glutamate level under these conditions.

Biochemical indicators of the water stress in maize seedlings

A. L. García, A. Torrecillas, A. León, M. C. Ruiz-Sánchez

Biologia plantarum 29:45, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902316

Free proline and chlorophyll contents, chlorophyllase, peroxidase and nitrate reductase activities were determined in maize seedlings grown under controlled conditions and submitted to water stress induced by 14 % PEG-4000 or NaCl (isotonic). All the parameters studied showed a significant response to the water stress, but the level of free proline and peroxidase activity together may preferentially be used for the diagnosis of osmotic stress or saline-osmotic stress.

Species relationships inPhaseolus: Electrophoretic analysis of seed storage proteins

Lucia Lioi

Biologia plantarum 29:49-53, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902317

Relationships among storage proteins in seeds from cultivars and primitive accessions of the four economically most important species ofPhaseolus - P. vulgaris, P. coccineus, P. acutifolius andP. lunatus - were studied.
Analysis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of storage seed proteins revealed common characteristics in the major groups of polypeptides forP. vulgaris, P. coccineus andP. acutifolius, while clear differences existed between thesePhaseolus species and P.lunatus.

Genotype differences in the proportion of different tissues in the leaves of spring barley

J. Pazourek, L. Nátr, Lenka Marková

Biologia plantarum 29:54, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902318

A number of markers characterizing the quantitative anatomical structure of the blade of the first and the third leaf were measured in young plants of eight cultivars of spring barley,Hordeum vulgare L.
The number of vascular bundles was in significant negative correlation with the mean distance between two adjoining bundles (r = -0.8) and also with their area in the cross section (r =-0.82). The proportion of the thickness of the epldermis in the thickness of the leaf and the proportion of the volume of the epldermis in the total volume of the leaf was in the order of 0.25 to 0.30. The proportion of the volume of the photosynthetic tissues...

Book Review

Gardner, F. P., Pearce, R. B., Mitchell, R. L. (ed.): Physiology of Crop Plants

Jarmila Solárová

Biologia plantarum 29:21, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902309

Neumann, K. H., Barz, W., Reinhard, E. (ed.): Primary and Secondary Metabolism of Plant Cell Cultures

Z. Opatrný

Biologia plantarum 29:33, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902312

Nuclear Techniques and in vitro Culture for Plant Improvenent

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 29:37, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902314

Green, M. B., Hedin, P. A. (ed.): Natural Resistance of Plants to Pests. Roles of Allelochemicals

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 29:69, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902321

Hauck, R. D. (ed.): Nitrogen in Crop Production

V. Škrdleta

Biologia plantarum 29:75, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902324

Brief Communications

The effect of methyl jasmonate and abscisic acid on differentiation of benzyladenine-induced bulblets inMuscari bulbs

M. Saniewski, J. Puchalski

Biologia plantarum 29:63, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902319

Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) at a concentration of 0.5% in lanolin paste totally inhibited bulblets formation induced by benzyladenine in intactMuscari bulbs. Lower concentrations of JA-Me delayed development and growth of bulblets induced by benzyladenine. It seems that methyl jasmonate acts as a powerful inhibitor of cell division induced by cytokinin in used test. In comparison with methyl jasmonate, abscisic acid did not show an inhibitory effect on bulblets formation induced by benzyladenine, even in a higher concentration.

Salt Tolerance ofEchinochloa crusgalli

Z. Aslam, M. Salim, R. H. Qureshi, G. R. Sandhu

Biologia plantarum 29:66, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902320

Salt tolerance ofEchinochloa crusgalli was studied using gravel culture with root medium electrical conductivity between 3 to 25 dS m-1. Salinity depressed germination and shoot yield. A 50 % reduction in shoot yield occurred at 15.9 dS m-1. The plant was able to maintain its tissue water content and K concentration in the tissue water while Na, Ca and Cl increased and Mg decreased with increasing root zone salinity.

Effect of the herbicide terbutryn on meiosis, yield and mitotic chromosomes in C2 plants ofVicia faba L.

A. Badr, M. A. Hamoud, S. A. Haroun

Biologia plantarum 29:70-72, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902322

The herbicide terbutryn induced up to 11.3 % chromosomal abnormalities in cells undergoing meiosis inVicia faba. The mean number of pods/plant and the mean number of seeds/pod were considerably reduced, but the average seed dry mass was not or was only slightly affected by this herbicide. In C2 plants chromosomal abnormalities were observed in few but significant numbers of cells.

Plastid degeneration induced by vanadium

J. Jásik, A. Lux, J. Hudák, M. Mikuš

Biologia plantarum 29:73-75, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902323

In the cells of primary cortex in the roots of horse bean and of root cap of maize, vanadium induced striking changes in the shape of plastids,i.e. the origin of amoeboid, ribbonlike plastids and plastid protrusions.

Cytokinin-like activity in green islands formed around infection spots ofAlternaria brassicicola on mustard leaves in nature and their role in pathogenesis

C. L. Mandahar, R. A. Suri

Biologia plantarum 29:76, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902325

Green islands were observed around infection spots ofAlternaria brassicicola on mustard leaves in nature. These green islands had higher cytokinin-like substances as compared to surrounding yellowed tissue and healthy tissue. Presence of starch in green islands has been correlated with formation of metabolic sinks in green islands, because of higher cvtokinin-like substances in them.



Biologia plantarum 29:80, 1987 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902327