Biologia Plantarum 63: 548-555, 2019 | DOI: 10.32615/bp.2019.097

Physiological and molecular responses of two Chinese cabbage genotypes to heat stress

Q. SONG1,2, F. YANG1,3, B. CUI1,2, J. LI1, Y. ZHANG1, H. LI1, N. QIU2,3, F. WANG1,*, J. GAO1,*
1 Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Shandong Key Laboratory of Greenhouse Vegetable Biology and Shandong Branch of National Vegetable Improvement Center, Jinan, 250100, P.R. China
2 College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, 250014, P.R. China
3 College of Life Sciences, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, 273165, P.R. China

A comparative investigation of heat stress-mediated physiological and biochemical parameters in conjunction with the expression analysis of heat shock transcription factors (BrHSF) from two different Chinese cabbage genotypes was done to understand the mechanism of heat tolerance. Our results show that the heat-tolerant (2013-33) genotype had a smaller relative electric conductivity, a less malondialdehyde content and a higher maximal efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry than the heat-sensitive (AM160) genotype, and was able to develop the leaf head under heat stress, whereas 'AM160' flailed to develop it. The results also indicate that '2013-33' accumulated a higher amount of soluble sugars and protein under heat stress condition than 'AM160'. However, it warrants to mention that proline content and antioxidant enzymes, such as the peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase activities, in the 2013-33 genotype under HS were recorded, being significantly lower than in 'AM160'. Additionally, the expression profile of BrHSF genes was checked and classified to three main groups, (i) HS-induced HSFs expressed in both genotypes ( group I), (ii) suppressed by HS in both genotypes (groupII), and (iii) genotype-specific expression of HSFs (repressed in the AM160 heat-sensitive genotype whereas induced in the '2013-33' heat tolerance genotype; group III). Furthermore, the result of promoter analysis shows that group III BrHSFs, i.e., 23, 30, and 33 gene promoter regions possessed a difference between '2013-33' and 'AM160'. In conclusion, the results of our study identify that '2013-33' had more heat tolerance than 'AM160' because of a higher accumulation of sugar and protein and an enhanced expression of group III HSFs, and the differential response of group III HSFs to HS in these two genotypes may be because of a promoter sequence difference. The study provides us a clue towards understanding the mechanism of heat tolerance in Chinese cabbage and offers a valuable source for further improvement of heat tolerance in Chinese cabbage.

Keywords: antioxidants, chlorophyll fluorescence, heat shock, malondialdehyde, proline, proteins, sugars, transcription factor.

Received: October 15, 2018; Revised: December 29, 2018; Accepted: January 2, 2019; Published online: July 29, 2019Show citation

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SONG, Q., YANG, F., CUI, B., LI, J., ZHANG, Y., LI, H., ... GAO, J. (2019). Physiological and molecular responses of two Chinese cabbage genotypes to heat stress. Biologia plantarum63, 548-555. doi: 10.32615/bp.2019.097.
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