Biologia plantarum, 1976 (vol. 18), issue 4


Phloridzin transformation and accumulation during the stratification of apple seeds and the culture of isolated embryos

Renata Bogatek, A. Podstolski, Anna Ostaszewska, St. Lewak

Biologia plantarum 18:241-250, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922366

Phloridzin level and phloridzin β-glucosidase activity were estimated during apple seed cold stratification and during the culture of apple embryos isolated from seeds after different times of stratification. Both these factors were found to increase parallel to the progress of stratification as well as to the increasing ability of seeds/embryos to germinate. However, in the seed coats phloridzin dissappears during the progress of stratification despite the increasing β-glucosidase activity.
Phloridzin formation in the embryos is postulated to be under light and gibberellin control, when isolated embryos germinate, and under temperature...

Book review

Zdena Pazourková

Biologia plantarum 18:250, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922367

Nutation rhythm of growing pine hypocotyl (Pinus silvestris L.) interferred with a phototropic stimulus

M. Spurný

Biologia plantarum 18:251-259, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922368

The interaction of nutation oscillation and phototropic curvature mechanisms of growing pine hypocotyl(Pinus silvestris L.) was investigated. Nutation parameters of growing hypocotyl are not affected by continuous lateral illumination. Frequency and nutation amplitudes undergo changes which are dependent on plant development and are nearly the same when plants are illuminated from one side or from above. Lateral illumination, however, induces a phase shift. This deviation from a normal nutation rhythm usually disappears after a period of time equal to three nutation revolutions,i.e. after 12 h.
The positive phototropio response of...

Book review

Ingbid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 18:259, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922369

Different serological behaviour of three phytoviruses non-degraded and degraded with pyrrolidin

J. Polák, J. Richter, R. Valtin

Biologia plantarum 18:260-267, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922370

Behaviour of CMV, PVY and BYV was investigated in serological precipitin drop as well as gel diffusion reactions using crude extracts from infected plants and antisera against intact viruses. Gel diffusion reaction of PVY was positively influenced by degradation of viral particles with pyrrolidin while gel tests with CMV and BYV were influenced negatively. Antiserum and antigen titers of CMV, as determined in gel diffusion tests, were 4 to 8 times higher than in drop tests. The titer of PVY antigen, as determined in gel diffusion test, was the same as in drop test. Finally the titer of BYV antigen was 16 times lower in the Ouchterlony tests. On the...

Biochemical changes in the germinating seeds ofTrigonella foenum graecum L. in relation tos-triazine herbicides

M. N. Tewari, D. Balasimha, C. Ram

Biologia plantarum 18:268-272, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922371

Thes-triazine herbicides studied (atrazine and simazine) inhibited the growth of the seedlings ofTrigonella foenum graecum L.(Viciaceae). These herbicides caused a decrease in the contents of total water soluble carbohydrates and reducing sugars. Pentose sugars increased in the cotyledons. The total protein and free amino acid contents were enhanced. The activity of peroxidase was inhibited in the cotyledons, but was enhanced in the seedling axes.

A globule-like structure in leaf epidermis and its relation to stomatal regulation inCassia auriculata L.

R. K. Bhatia, D. D. Chawan, D. N. Sen

Biologia plantarum 18:273-276, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922372

The role of a globule-like structure in the leaf epidermal cells ofC. auriculata has been studied in relation to stomatal regulation. Water stress and direct sunlight promote the appearance of globules at the same time as the stomata close. Ample water supply and shade inhibit the appearance of globules and the stomata open. The number of stomata is the same on either leaf surface, but their behaviour is different because of different exposure to light.

Synchronization of oscillatory rhythms of stems and leaves

M. Spurný

Biologia plantarum 18:277-282, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922373

A previous report on the mechanism of diurnal oscillations is supplemented here by data concerning causes of irregularities in their oscillation trajectories. Cinematographic records showed that the final trajectory is significantly influenced by the circumnutation oscillations of the stem. Amplitudes of these oscillations which are small(ca 0.7 mm as compared with 5 X larger amplitudes of leaves when measured at the leaf tip) can be enlarged up to 10 times the value at the apical tip of the leaf. These nutations are responsible for side-deviations of space spirals of growing leaves in the direction of their shorter half axis. This explanation...

Nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase and glutamate dehydrogenase levels in roots and leaves of maize seedlings

Tatiana Pšenáková, Otília Gašparíková, Anna Nižňanská

Biologia plantarum 18:283-289, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922374

Total activities of nitrate and nitrite reductases were higher in 4 to 20 day old maize plants in the leaves than in the roots. The ratio of activities found in the leaves and in the roots respectively was much higher in the case of nitrate reductase than in the case of nitrite reductase. On the other hand higher glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the roots than in the leaves clearly indicates that the roots play a more important role in the assimilation of ammonium than in the assimilation of nitrate. When comparing the distribution of seminal and nodal adventitious roots of maize seedlings with the assimilation of inorganic nitrogen on the basis...

Book review

Frideta Seidlová

Biologia plantarum 18:289, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922375

Some virus and virus-like diseases of tobacco, tomato, papaya, and rubber tree in vietnam and cambodia

J. Brčák, J. Pozděna

Biologia plantarum 18:290-292, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922376

In Vietnam a green strain of tobacco mosaic virus was isolated having TIP 89°C (10 min) and causing systemic necrosis in tobacoo 'Xanthi-nc' and sometimes also inDatura stramonium. In symptomless tomato plants an elongated virus belonging apparently to the Carlavirus group (NL 630 nm) was found. In papaya trees showing severe symptoms of mosaic and/or ringspot elongated virus particles (NL 730 nm) were observed; this virus being apparently a member of the Potyvirus group, resembled as far as its symptoms in papaya are concerned, the papaya ringspot or the distortion ringspot. In Cambodia some young rubber trees showed malformed leaves (esp....

Effect of acetylcholine on growth and isoperoxidases of the lentil(Lens culinaris) root

C. Penel, E. Darimont, H. Greppin, Th. Gaspar

Biologia plantarum 18:293-298, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922377

The effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on growth, the total peroxidase activity and the isoperoxidase spectrum of the roots ofLens culinaris were studied and compared with actual and earlier results obtained with an auxin (IAA) treatment. The general growth and peroxidase activity patterns of Ach treated roots and IAA treated ones showed many important similarities.

Book review

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 18:298, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922378

The leaf water potential of wheat and barley and its relation to soil salinity and alkalinity

S. K. Dutt

Biologia plantarum 18:299-300, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922379

The water potential of wheat and barley leaves considerably decreased with the decrease of the soil moisture percentage, with the increase of the eleotrical conductivity of the soil solution and with the increase in the exchangeable sodium percentage level. Also the leaf insertion level affected the values of water potential and the most negative values were found in the top leaves.

Growth stimulation inPhaseolus vulgaris L. induced by gamma irradiation of seeds

K. A. Mujeeb, J. K. Greig

Biologia plantarum 18:301-303, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922380

Gamma radiation in doses 0.13 to 0.77 C kg-1 (0.5 to 3.0 kR) significantly (P ≥ 0.01) stimulated seed germination, seedling height, and length of primary leaves of French bean cv. 'Blue Lake'; these doses did not affect chlorophyll content per leaf area unit. Doses of 1.16 to 1.93 C kg-1 (4.5 to 7.5 kR) induced inhibition of the four parameters studied.

Clonal propagation of someFreesia cultivars through tissue culture

Eva Petrů, Eva Jirsáková, Z. Landa

Biologia plantarum 18:304-306, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922381

A propagation method for someFreesia cultivars usingin vitro cultures is described. Bud and root formation was evoked in callus tissue culture on a modified Murashige and Skoog's medium. Reconstituted plants were transferred into soil and cultivated in the glasshouse.

Book review

Jiřina Slavíková

Biologia plantarum 18:306, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922382

On the role of exogenous gibberellin and cytokinin in the correlation between the leaf and its axillary bud in hortensia (Hydrangea opuloides C. KOCH)

J. Šebánek

Biologia plantarum 18:307-310, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922383

The role of exogenously supplied gibberellin (GA3) and cytokinin (benzyladenin -BA) in the correlation between the mature leaf and its axillary bud was investigated in one-node segments ofHydrangea. When both leaves were left on the segments, then both GA and BA were able to determine the dominance between axillary buds, that means that the bud treated with the corresponding growth regulator grew more vigorously. When one of the leaves was removed, the bud belonging to the removed leaf grew more vigorously, but GA applied onto the axillary bud belonging to the remaining leaf caused a complete correlation reversal: the bud belonging...

The occurrence of two functioning megaspores in the ovules ofGalanthus nivalis L.

Ol'rsga Erdelská

Biologia plantarum 18:311-313, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922384

InGalanthus nivalis ovules two haploid embryo sacs sometimes occur. One of them originates from the chalazal megaspore, the other from the above-chalazal one. The former is usually fertilized and pushes the latter to the lateral position.

Book review

J. Krekule

Biologia plantarum 18:313, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922385

The cytokinin-like effect of a lowered temperature on the micromorphology ofNicotiana tabacum L.

Cell Strains, Z. Opatrný, Jana OPatrná

Biologia plantarum 18:314-317, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922386

The lowering of the cultivation temperature allows one to alter the growth intensity and micromorphology of tobacco cell strains specifically. By a long-term low temperature treatment the effect is deepened, by transferring inocula into normal cultivation temperature it is repaired. Both the growth and morphogenic effects of the low temperature correspond to those of cytokinins, exhibiting even the same strain specificity.

Book review

Ingrid Tichá, Vlasta Čatská

Biologia plantarum 18:318-320, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922387