Biologia plantarum, 2000 (vol. 43), issue 2


Morphological Alterations in Sterile Mutant of Pisum Sativum Obtained Via Somatic Embryogenesis

M. Griga

Biologia plantarum 43:161-165, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002751903877

A sterile mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L. line HM-6) with a number of morphological alterations was found after plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. Embryogenic callus was derived from the whole immature zygotic embryo on medium with 2.26 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Morphological changes included altered leaflet shape, one pair of leaflets only, altered stipule morphology, shortened internodia, irregular or opposite leaf position on the stem, shortened flower stalk, and aborted flowers resulting in complete sterility. If the isolation of the shoot apex and axillary buds from evidently sterile plant and their culture in...

Lambers, II., Poorter, H., Van Vuuren, M.M.I. (ed.): Inherent Variation in Plant Growth. Physiological Mechanisms and Ecological Consequences

N. Wilhelmová

Biologia plantarum 43:166, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002793303394

Biochemical and Histological Changes during In Vitro Organogenesis in Jatropha Integerrima

M. Sujatha, N. Sivaraj, M. Satya Prasad

Biologia plantarum 43:167-171, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002775420715

Biochemical changes associated with adventitious shoot regeneration during in vitro culture of hypocotyl explants of Jatropha integerrima were determined. Histological and biochemical studies were undertaken at 7-d intervals, up to four weeks on hypocotyl explants cultured on basal Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with 0.5 mg dm-3 N6-benzyladenine and 1.0 mg dm-3 indole-3-butyric acid. Initial cell proliferation occurred within one week of culture; meristemoid differentiation within two to three weeks and shoot development after four weeks. Peak activities of alkaline phosphatase, peroxidase and...

Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou, J.H., Senger, H. (ed.): The Chloroplast: From Molecular Biology to Biotechnology. (NATO Science Series 3. High Technology. Vol. 64)

I. Tichá

Biologia plantarum 43:172, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002797404303

The Effects of Photoperiod, Glucose and Gibberellic Acid on Growth In Vitro and Flowering of Chenopodium Murale

A. Mitrović, B. Živanović, Lj. Ćulafić

Biologia plantarum 43:173-177, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002727521624

In vitro culture of long-day plant Chenopodium murale L was established. The effects of photoperiod, glucose and gibberellic acid (GA3) on flowering and growth in vitro were investigated. Oscillatory changes of photoperiodic sensitivity were noticeable with regard to plant age. The plants induced at the phase of the 1st and the 3rd pair of leaves flowered to higher degree than those induced at the phase of 2nd pair. Plants induced at the phase of the 1st pair of leaves flowered to 17 % on 5 % glucose-containing medium and the addition of 5 mg dm-3 GA3...

Licth, H., Moschenko, M., Koyro, H.-W., Hamdy, A. (ed.): Halophyte Uses in Different Climates I. Ecological and Ecophysiological Studies

I. Prášil

Biologia plantarum 43:178, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002701605211

Hamdy, A., Lieth, H., Todorovič, M., Moschenko, M. (ed.): Halophyte Uses in Different Climates II. Halophyte Crop Development: Pilot Studies

I. Prášil

Biologia plantarum 43:178, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002705706120

In Vitro Preservation of Asparagus Officinalis

S.A. Bekheet

Biologia plantarum 43:179-183, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002731605694

A simple systems for in vitro storage of health asparagus germplasm was developed. High percent (90 %) of shoots cultured in a standard multiplication medium were maintained viable in vitro at 5 °C in darkness for 12 months. This percent was decreased to 60 % when cultures were stored for 18 months. At normal temperature, shoots and callus cultures also survived for 1 year under osmotic stress on medium containing 40 g dm-3 mannitol.

Kubišta, V.: Buněčné základy životnich procesů [Cellular Principles of Life Processes.]

I. Tichá

Biologia plantarum 43:184, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002709922958

Germinal Excision and Reinsertion Frequencies of the Mobile Element Ds Transposed from Two Unlinked T-DNA Loci in Tomato

J. Bříza, D. Pavingerová, H. Niedermeierová, S. Rakouský

Biologia plantarum 43:185-192, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002783622533

Acceptor sites of unlinked transposed Ds element from two T-DNA loci in tomato were mapped. Experimental data obtained from TC1 progeny testing were employed for estimation of germinal excision frequency (GEF) of Ds element and frequency of its reinsertion (FR). The donor T-DNAs 1481J and 1601D, containing a 35S:NPT transformation marker, a 35S:BAR or nos:BAR excision marker conferring phosphinothricine resistance and a Ds element in the 5' untranslated leader of the nos (or 35S): BAR gene, were located on chromosome 7 and 8, respectively. Ds transposition was induced by 105121 T-DNA...

The Development and a Cytogenetic Study of Monosomics of Gossypium Hirsutum L.

M.F. Sanamyan, J.E. Petlyakova, D.A. Musaev

Biologia plantarum 43:193-197, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002735723441

Monosomics of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were obtained by irradiation of pollen by γ-rays and by irradiation of seeds by thermal neutrons. Many monosomics were derived directly from irradiation, but a number of monosomics were also recovered in the progeny of plants with translocations and of desynaptic plants. Only 28 primary monosomics showed normal pairing at metaphase-1 of meiosis. The others formec rare trivalents or additional univalents. Partial desynapsis was detected in some monosomics. The pollen fertility levels of monosomics are presented. New morphological characters were detected among the monosome plants of cotton.

Pessarakli, M. (ed.): Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (Books in Soil, Plants, and the Environment)

I. Tichá

Biologia plantarum 43:198, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002761907028

Variation of Storage Proteins and Isozymes within Maize Inbred Lines

A.S. Haider, A.R. El-Shanshoury, A. Haider

Biologia plantarum 43:199-203, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002739807512

Seed storage proteins of ten maize inbred lines were investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition, fourteen isozyme loci representing nine isozyme systems were analysed. Salt-soluble protein fraction contained a large number of proteins (30 - 40 bands) of different sizes with genotypic differences among the ten inbred lines. The methionine-rich 10 kD zein showed differential expression in the ten inbred lines with different migration rates on the SDS-PAGE. This polypeptide was completely absent in the inbred line G221D. Among nine of the inbred lines, eight of 14 isozyme loci were polymorphic and six were monomorphic...

Rochaix, J.D., Goldschmidt-Clermont, M., Merchant, S. (ed.): The Molecular Biology of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria in Chlamydomonas

T. Kučera

Biologia plantarum 43:204, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002714023867

Variability of Storage Proteins and Esterase Isozymes in Vicia Sativa Subspecies

A.S. Haider, A.R. El-Shanshoury

Biologia plantarum 43:205-209, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002791824350

The relationships among 20 samples belonging to 6 subspecies of Vicia sativa based on the variability of seed storage proteins and esterase isozyme electrophoretic patterns was discussed in relation to variation in their morphology and chromosome characters. Electrophoretic protein profiles of different accessions of the same subspecies showed identical (e.g. macrocarpa and cordata) or similar (e.g. amphicarpa) patterns, confirming the stablity of seed storage proteins within these subspecies. However, considerable variation of protein patterns were observed within accessions of both nigra and sativa subspecies,...

Obroucheva, N.V.: Seed Germination. A Guide to the Early Stages

J. Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 43:210, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002766007937

Composition of Esterase and Peroxidase Isoenzyme Complex, Zein-2 Protein Fraction, and SDS-Protein Complex of Zea Mays L. × Tripsacum Dactyloides L. Hybrids and Parents

V. Tsanev, L. Todorova, S. Rocheva

Biologia plantarum 43:211-215, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002743908420

The patterns of esterase and peroxidase isoenzymes, subunits of zein-2 fraction and protomers of SDS-protein complex of Zea mays L. × Tripsacum dactyloides L. hybrids and their parents were compared. The study has been made to detect specific to Tripsacum isoesterases and isoperoxidases, zein subunits and SDS-protein protomers which could be used as markers for introgression of gene loci encoding these proteins from Tripsacum into hybrids of Tripsacum with Zea mays. Isoesterases and isoperoxidases as well protomers of SDS-protein complex specific to Tripsacum were detected in all hybrids analyzed. Zein...

Schekman, R., Gerhardt, J., Goldstein, L., McKnight, S.L. (ed.): Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. Vol. 18. 1999

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 43:216, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002718108846

Introduction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Lettuce Seedlings by Flooding Stress

H. Kato-Noguchi, H. Saito

Biologia plantarum 43:217-220, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002796009329

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), its isozyme profiles and ethanol concentration in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seedlings subjected to flooding stress were determined. Flooding stress caused increases in ADH activity and ethanol concentration. By 48 h, ADH activity and ethanol concentration in the flooded seedlings increased 3.2- and 7.0-fold, respectively, in comparison with those in non-stressed seedlings. Five electrophoretically separable ADH bands were found in extract of the flooded seedlings, whereas only two or three ADH bands were found in extract of non-stressed seedlings. These results indicate that lettuce ADH may have a system of three-gene...

The Role of Plant Size and Nutrient Concentrations in Associations between Medicago, and Rhizobium and/or Glomus

N. Goicoechea, M.C. Antolin, M. Sanchez-Diaz

Biologia plantarum 43:221-226, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002700226167

The aim of this research was to carry out a critical study of the method of obtaining size equivalence between non-symbiotic alfalfa and alfalfa associated with Glomus and/or Rhizobium by applying fixed addition rates of nutrients to the non-symbiotic controls. The experimental design included three nutrient response curves in which the levels of added phosphorus and/or nitrogen were constant during the whole plant growth process: 1) a phosphorus response curve, in order to compare the growth of double symbiotic plants with that of only-Rhizobium inoculated ones; 2) a nitrogen response curve, that consisted of a comparison...

Photosynthetic Traits in Wheat Grown under Decreased and Increased CO2 Concentration, and after Transfer to Natural CO2 concentration

P. Ulman, J. Čatský, J. Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 43:227-237, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002752210237

Wheat plants were grown from sowing to day 18 in 26-dm3 chambers at three different CO2 concentrations: 150 (-CO2), 350 (C, control), 800 (+CO2) μmol mol-1. Afterwards, plants of the three variants were grown at the same natural CO2 concentration. Plant characteristics were measured just before the transfer (0 days after CO2 treatment, DAT), and at 5 - 8 DAT on the 1st leaf, and at 12 - 22 DAT on the 4th leaf. Decreased or increased CO2 concentrations caused acclimations which persisted after transplantation to natural CO2 concentration....

Larkins, B.A., Vasil, I.K. (ed.): Cellular and Molecular Biology of Plant Seed Development

M. Kamínek

Biologia plantarum 43:238, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002722225684

Leaf Pubescence, Water Relations and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Two Subspecies of Lotus Creticus L.

R. Savé, C. Biel, F. de Herralde

Biologia plantarum 43:239-244, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002704327076

The objective of the present study was to compare the plant morphology, water relations and photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 in two wild. Mediterranean species Lotus creticus creticus and Lotus creticus cytisoides. L. creticus creticus showed higher density of trichomes and stomatal density on the adaxial leaf surface than L. creticus cytisoides, whereas L. creticus cytisoides showed higher stomatal density in abaxial surface than L. creticus creticus. These morphological traits promoted clear differences in leaf surface water retention and leaf reflectance. Leaf water potential and photochemical efficiency...

Increased Antioxidant Activity under Elevated Temperatures: A Mechanism of Heat Stress Tolerance in Wheat Genotypes

R.K. Sairam, G.C. Srivastava, D.C. Saxena

Biologia plantarum 43:245-251, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002756311146

An experiment was conducted with three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes C 306, HD 2285 and HD 2329 (differently susceptible to water and temperature stress) to study the extent of oxidative injury and activities of antioxidant enzymes in relation to heat stress induced by manipulating dates of sowing. Increase in temperature by late sowing significantly decreased leaf relative water content (RWC), ascorbic acid content, and increased H2O2 content and lipid peroxidation in all the genotypes at 8 and 23 d after anthesis. Temperature tolerant genotypes C 306, closely followed by HD 2285 were superior to HD 2329 in maintaining...

Pérez, M.P.Y.: Handbook of Agriculture

J. Pulkrábek, D. Novák

Biologia plantarum 43:252, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002774209754

Effect of ZnSO4 and CuSO4 on Regeneration and Lepidine Content in Lepidium Sativum L.

Saba, D. Pande, M. Iqbal, P.S. Srivastava

Biologia plantarum 43:253-256, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002708427984

Significant amounts of lepidine was detected in mature and juvenile explants from both in vivo and in vitro grown plants. The yield, however, was variable depending upon the source and type of explant used. Mature in vivo plants at vegetative stage exhibited highest yield. Among all the explants, maximum lepidine was detected after 8 weeks in shoot apex callus on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg dm-3 naphthaleneacetic acid and 5 mg dm-3 benzylaminopurine. Addition of 900 μM Zn2- or 100 μM Cu2- further enhanced the yield of lepidine.

Inhibition of Wheat Nitrate Reductase Activity by Zinc

C.M. Luna, L.M. Casano, V.S. Trippi

Biologia plantarum 43:257-262, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002760412055

The effect of Zn2- on nitrate reductase (NR, EC activity was studied in botá wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Oasis) leaves and in the NR enzyme partially purified from wheat leaves. Leaf segments were floated on 0 to 5 mM ZnSO4 solutions (pH 6.0) for 24 h under continuous light. Zn2- at 250 μM decreased NR activity and increased membrane permeability. However, parameters of cellular oxidative damage were scarcely affected by Zn2- treatments. Accordingly, the decrease of NR activity induced by Zn2- was not prevented by benzoate (a scavenger of oxygen radicals). The effect of Zn2-...

Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthetic Rate, and Pigment Content in Ruellia Tuberosa Leaves as Affected by Coal-Smoke Pollution

F. Nighat, Mahmooduzzafar, M. Iqbal

Biologia plantarum 43:263-267, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002712528893

Study of the effects of air pollution caused by thermal power plant emissions on some foliar traits of Ruellia tuberosa L. has shown that length and width of stomata, length of stomatal pore, stomatal density, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and chlerophyll content were reduced in the polluted plants in pre-flowering, flowering as well as post-flowering phases of plant growth. Intercellular carbon dioxide concentration in the palisade tissue was increased at each stage of plant development. Stomatal index remained almost unchanged at the polluted site, except on the adaxial surface during the preflowering stage where it was higher...

Morgan, D.M.L. (ed.): Polyamine Protocols

M. Cvikrová

Biologia plantarum 43:268, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002726310663

Nodule Structure and Functioning in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum) as Affected by Salt Stress

S. Babber, S. Sheokand, S. Malik

Biologia plantarum 43:269-273, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002764512963

Cicer arietinum L. plants raised in sand culture under natural light were subjected to salinity stress induced by mixture of NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and MgSO4 (40, 60 or 80 meq dm-3). Acetylene reduction activity (ARA) of nodules, leghemoglobin content and nodule structure were followed 55, 75 and 85 d after sowing. ARA declined significantly under salt treatments and the lowest ARA was observed at day 85 after sowing. Decrease in ARA was consistent with decreased nodule leghemoglobin content. The leghemoglobin content of control plants decreased by 50 % at day 85 indicating senescence of nodules. This...

Campell, A., Anderson, W., Jones, E.W. (ed.): Annual Review of Genetics. Volume 33

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 43:274, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002730427501

Water Stress Induced Changes in Anatomy of Tomato Leaf Epidermes

O. Sam, E. Jeréz, J. Dell'Amico, M.C. Ruiz-Sanchez

Biologia plantarum 43:275-277, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002716629802

Anatomical changes of leaf epidermes of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. INCA 9) submitted to water stress in the preflowering stage were studied. 20 d after germination, plants were subjected to three treatments: 1) 100 % of evapotranspired water was applied every day, 2) from 100 up to 10 % of evapotranspired water was applied every day, and 3) water supply was completely suppressed. Trichome density was similar in apical, middle and basal zones, and adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. Stomatal density and length, and epidermal cell length and width had similar values on the same leaf surface, but the values...

Šesták, Z: Jak psát a přednášet o vědě. [How to Write and Lecture in Science]

L. Skálová

Biologia plantarum 43:278, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002782411571

Anti-Auxin Enhance Rosa Hybrida L. Micropropagation

S.K. Singh, M.M. Syamal

Biologia plantarum 43:279-281, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002768613872

Shoots of rose cultivars Super Star and Sonia were multiplied for ten subcultures at 4-week intervals on solidified Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with 22.19 μM benzylaminopurine + 1.07 μM napthalene acetic acid + 0.05 μM gibberellic acid. Addition of anti-auxins 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA; 2.0 μM) and 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4,6-T; 0.39 μM) into proliferation medium increased number of shoots per explant and length of shoots in both cultivars. Treatment with TIBA increased also number of leaves per shoot and leaf chlorophyll content.

In vitro Growth and Leaf Composition of Grapevine Cultivars as Affected by Sodium Chloride

S.K. Singh, H.C. Sharma, A.M. Goswami, S.P. Datta, S.P. Singh

Biologia plantarum 43:283-286, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002720714781

In vitro proliferated shoot culture of six grape genotypes (Vitis vinifera L.) were screened for tolerance to NaCl (0 to 200 mM). The cv. Perlette was found to tolerate 175 mM NaCl followed by cvs. Pusa Seedless and Beauty Seedless 150 mM NaCl. Na, K, Cl, Ca and Mg content increased upto 100 mM NaCl in most of the genotypes. Total sugar and proline content of stem tissue gradually increased under NaCl stress while leaf chlorophyll a+b content declined. Studies suggest that the in vitro screening procedure can be used for ranking the grape genotypes for salinity tolerance.

Triacontanol-Induced Changes in the Growth, Photosynthetic Pigments, Cell Metabolites, Flowering and Yield of Green Gram

G. Kumaravelu, V. David Livingstone, M.P. Ramanujam

Biologia plantarum 43:287-290, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002724831619

Seedlings of green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek] cultivar KM-2 were sprayed with different concentrations of triacontanol (TRIA) (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg dm-3) at 15 and 25 days after sowing. Foliar spray of 0.5 mg dm-3 TRIA significantly promoted the plant height, fresh mass, and contents of chlorophylls, saccharides, starch, soluble proteins, amino acid and phenols. Leaf nitrate content was reduced by 0.5 and 1.0 mg dm-3 TRIA with a corresponding increase in nitrate reductase activity. TRIA of 0.5 mg dm-3 stimulated the onset of flowering, pod production and retention, but less number of pods...

Seed Storage Proteins in Capsicum Annuum Cultivars

R. Vladova, R. Pandeva, K. Petcolicheva

Biologia plantarum 43:291-295, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002776915689

Electrophoretic analyses of non-reduced and reduced seed storage proteins from 34 cultivars of Capsicum annuum L. were performed on two gel systems. On the basis of clearly expressed difference in electrophoretic profiles of non-reduced proteins, the investigated cultivars were divided into two groups. The two observed phenotypes were genetically determined and related with intermediary subunits of 11S globulins and/or their oligomers.

The Effect of Activated Charcoal Supplemented Media to Browning of In Vitro Cultures of Piper species

K. Madhusudhanan, B.A. Rahiman

Biologia plantarum 43:297-299, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002729032527

With the aim to effectively minimise the browning of tissue cultures of different Piper species (P. longum, P. attenuatum, P. betle, P. nigrum) explants from stem (nodal and internodal segments), petiole, and leaf were planted on Murashige and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with activated charcoal (AC). AC in the concentration of 200 mg dm-3 proved to be the best. Among the taxa studied, P. longum showed the least browning whereas, wild P. nigrum showed maximum browning.

The Relation between Accumulation of Abscisic Acid and Proline in Detached Rice Leaves

C.-W. Yang, J.W. Wang, C.H. Kao

Biologia plantarum 43:301-304, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002781016598

The relation between abscisic acid (ABA) and proline accumulation was investigated in detached rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. In darkness, proline content increased about 2-, 2,5- and 6-fold after 24, 48 and 72 h. ABA content reached maximum after 48 h. In the light, proline content remained almost unchanged until 48 h and subsequently increased slightly. ABA content in the light was lower than in darkness, but the maximum was also after 48 h. During 12-h exposure to decreased air humidity, proline content gradually increased, but ABA content increased about 25-fold after 4 h and declined thereafter. Exogenous application of ABA resulted in...

Proline, Ornithine, Arginine and Glutamic Acid Contents in Detached Rice Leaves

C.-W. Yang, C.C. Lin, C.H. Kao

Biologia plantarum 43:305-307, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002733117506

The effects of water stress on the contents of proline, ornithine, arginine and glutamic acid in detached rice leaves were examined. In water stressed leaves, the content of proline was elevated to a content approximately 8-, 14- and 17-fold higher than in control leaves after 4, 8 and 12 h, respectively. We also observed that omithine and arginine contents were much higher under water stress than in control leaves. However, the content of glutamic acid in water stressed leaves was higher after 4 and 8 h and lower after 12 h than that in control leaves.

Transfer of Cesium from the Xylem to the Phloem in the Stem of Wheat

U. Feller, T. Riesen, H.-J. Zehnder

Biologia plantarum 43:309-311, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002737201577

Steam-girdling experiments with detached wheat shoots showed that cesium was eliminated from the xylem sap and loaded into the phloem during acropetal transport. This transfer is important for the accumulation of cesium (especially also of the radiopollutants 134Cs and 137Cs) in maturing wheat grains.

Lipid Accumulation during Canola Seed Germination in Response to Cinnamic Acid Derivatives

C.R.S. Baleroni, M.L.L. Ferrarese, N.E. Souza, O. Ferrarese-Filho

Biologia plantarum 43:313-316, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002789218415

The objective of this research was to investigate how ferulic and p-coumaric acids affect lipid and fatty acid composition during canola (Brassica napus L.) seed germination. Data showed that both compounds increased total lipid and fatty acid contents in the cotyledons during germination. The largest accumulation in lipids occurred at 1.0 mM p-coumaric acid with an increase in all unsaturated fatty acids. The results suggest that allelochemicals interfere in canola seed germination by reducing lipid mobilization.

Enhancement of Peroxidase, Polyphenol Oxidase and Superoxide Dismutase Activities by Triadimefon in NaCl Stressed Raphanus Sativus L.

M. Muthukumarasamy, S. Dutta Gupta, R. Panneerselvam

Biologia plantarum 43:317-320, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002741302485

The activities of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase was significantly lower in roots and leaves of NaCl stressed radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plants. Addition of triadimefon to the NaCl stressed plants increased peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase activities, and thereby ameliorated the negative effect of NaCl stress.