Biologia plantarum, 1965 (vol. 7), issue 4


Interaktion zwischen diploiden und polyploiden Zellen

Bohumil Němec

Biologia plantarum 7:246, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921433

Es wird auf Grund von Untersuchungen der chloralysierten Wurzeln vonVicia faba das gegenseitige Verhalten von diploiden und polyploiden Zellen und Geweben diskutiert und konkrete Beispiele angeführt. In ganz jungen Wurzeln entwickeln sich die mixoploiden Gewebe friedlich neben einander, wachsen, teilen und differenzieren sich normal. Aber später, besonders wenn die Wurzelspitzen hoch polyploide Gewebe (8 n, 16 n) enthalten, verhalten sich dieselben gegeneinander feindlich. Die polyploiden Sektoren werden abgetrennt und stellen Teilungen ihrer Zellen sowie ihr Streckungswachstum frühzeitig ein. Es kommt zu Gewebespannungen und in den polyploiden...

Die durch Blattdüngung mit Humusstoffen hervorgerufenen anatomischen und physiologischen Veränderungen der Zuckerrübe

Zdeněk Sladký

Biologia plantarum 7:251, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921434

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Einwirkung der Humusstoffe durch Besprühen der Zuskerrübenblätter untersucht. Gleichzeitig ist auch die Eignung der Kombination von Humusstoffen und Minerallösung bei der Blattdüngung überprüft worden. Die Versuchsergebnisse lassen sich folgendermassen zusammenfassen: Die Blattdüngung mit Humusstoffen, insbesondere in Kombination mit Mineralnährstoffen beeinflusst das Wachstum der Zuckerrübe günstig. Das Gewicht der Rübenblätter und der Wurzel, sowie der Zuckergehalt werden erhöht. Bei den in Wasserkultur gezogenen und mit einer Nährlösung von vollständigerer Zusammensetzung der Mineralstoffe besprühten Pflanzen...

The symmetry of the lateral leaflets ofMedicago sativa L.

Jaroslav Pazourek

Biologia plantarum 7:261-269, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921435

The given data shows that between the halves of lateral leaflets ofMedicago sativa there exists an anatomical symmetry of the epidermis as well as in the case when both lateral leaflets are compared one with another. In spite of several differences, which may be caused by the environmental conditions, the analysis of variance shows that these differences have no importance in the total variability of obtained data.
Similarly, the symmetry was shown by the study of water loss of the pairs' lateral leaflets. In this case the total course of the water loss curve must be appreciated, which is the same in the curves of a leaflets' pair of the...

Irreversible effects of ionizing RTG-radiation on the osmotic properties of the epidermal cells ofAllium cepa L. bulbs

Vladimír Srb

Biologia plantarum 7:270, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921436

The effect of different exposures to RTG radiation (100 r, 250 r, 500 r, 1000 r, 2500 r, 5000 r) on the changes of the permeability of the epidermal cells ofAllium cepa L., variety Všetaty, bulbs was studied during three vegetation periods. Bulbs from growing plants (followed from the development phase of bulb growth) and bulbs immediately after harvesting were used for the experiments.
It was demonstrated in our experiments by plasmolysis that the radiation-induced changes of cell permeability were irreversible. When plasmolytic agents of non-electrolyte character (1M sucrose, 1M glycerol, 1M urea) were used, the equilibrium state (total...

The uptake of mannitol by higher plants

V. Kozinka, S. Klenovská

Biologia plantarum 7:285, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921437

Experiments with youngHordeum sativum andHelianthus annus plants showed that in the excretion of mannitol in the guttation liquid observed byGroenewegen andMills (1960) after uptake by the root system of plants, the osmotic concentration of mannitol in the nutrient medium and the temperature are significant. The beginning of mannitol excretion during guttation is accelerated considerably by the increase of the osmotic concentration of mannitol in the nutrient medium and the rising temperature. The osmotic concentration of mannitol is also important for the duration of mannitol excretion in the guttation liquid after transfer of the plants...

The electron microscopic and classic Golgi apparatus

Ivan Hršel

Biologia plantarum 7:293-307, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921438

The relationship of the membrane structure, designated in electron microscopy as the Golgi apparatus, to the classic Golgi apparatus in the light microscope were studied withFagopyrum. Comparison of these structures in plant cells with the same or similar structures in animal cells led to the following conclusions: there exist two groups of formations, impregnable with osmium or silver, considered as the classic Golgi apparatus. The first group contains the active membrane structures. These are the dictyosomes and the anastomosing form of the electron microscopic Golgi apparatus. To this group belongs also the endoplasmatic reticulum, which...

Symmetry in thePisum seedling and growth regulators

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 7:308-317, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921439

The rather equal development of the two cotyledons determines the bilateral symmetry in the pea seedling, just as their unilateral position results in the dorsiventrality of the epicotyl and root. The morphogenic manifestation of the symmetry relations conditioned, in the first place, by a different distribution of auxin out of the cotyledons may be enhanced by means of exogenous growth regulators, particularly IAA, GA3, and TIBA.

Analysis of resistance to corn smut in progenies of S3 generation of varietal populations of maize

Galina Voždová

Biologia plantarum 7:318-324, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921440

Plants of ten varietal populations of maize and their progenies in S3 generation had been evaluated for their resistance to sources of corn smut in conditions of increased infection level. According to the infection degree, the experimental material was divided into classes (I-V) corresponding to five categories of resistance.
The relative representation of progenies from populations differing in their susceptibility to the parasite in their particular classes showed that the heterozygous varietal populations posses some imunological structure.
1. In the composition of the populations the resistant forms prevail over the susceptible...

The effect of inhibitors on the mutagenic activity of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and N-ethyl-N-Nitrosourea inArabidopsis thaliana

J. Velemínský, T. Gichner, V. Pokorný

Biologia plantarum 7:325-329, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921441

NaN3-a respiratory inhibitor and anaerobic conditions (nitrogen) decrease the mutagenic activity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea inArabidopsis thaliana. DNP-an uncoupling agent increases the effect of both nitrosoureas, but this may not be caused by the specific action of DNP.

Brief Communications

Electron microscopy of ribosomes isolated from young green fruit of the apple tree

A. Volfová, Aleš Friedrich, L. Chvojka

Biologia plantarum 7:330-333, 1965 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921442

Many studies have been made on ribosomes both in plant and animal material, on account of their importance in the proteosynthesis of protein. In plant material, studies have been made on the pea by Ts'o andBonner (1956), Ts'o,Bonner andVinograd (1958),Setterfield et al. (1960) andSisakyan et al. (1963). Ribosome from spinach were investigated byLyttleton (1962) andMurakami (1963) and fromClivia byMikulská et al. (1962). As part of a wider study of the mechanism of biosynthesis of nucleic acids in apple trees, we isolated ribosomes from the young green fruit and studied them by means of electron microscopy. Young apples were selected because...