Biologia plantarum, 1976 (vol. 18), issue 5


Peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity in malformed mango inflorescence caused byFusarium moniliforme var.subglutinans

N. CH. Chattopadhyay, B. Nandi

Biologia plantarum 18:321-326, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922455

Peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities in malformed mango inflorescences of 'Himsagar' and 'Bombay green' oultivars wore found to be increased considerably following infection byFusarium moniliforme var.subglutinans. Whether such increased activities were due to their synthesis by the pathogen or the host, or both, was not studied although it was found that the pathogen was incapable of producing the enzymesin vitro. The activities of both the enzymes in infected tissues were found to increase considerably during the experimental period. It was found that activities of polyphenol oxidase were inhibited in the presence of...

Book review

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 18:326, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922456

Auxin Biosynthesis in vivo from Indole and Tryptophan under Sterile Conditions

R. Heerkloss, E. Libbeet

Biologia plantarum 18:327-334, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922457

Indole-3H or tryptophan-3H are applied to tips of sterile grown oat or maize coleoptiles. The produced amounts of IAA and Try are extracted, purified by paper ohromatography, and quantitatively determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Admixtures of serine or inhibitors of monoamine oxidase are without effect on the IAA production from indole. The yield of IAA from indole equals the IAA yield from Try. If the amount of free Try-3H in the tissue is used as a reference quantity, indole-3H application yields higher3H-activity in the protein and in the IAA fraction than does Try-3H...

Allopolyploid of tetraploid phaseolus species × p. calcaratus cross

M. R. Biswas, S. Dana

Biologia plantarum 18:335-338, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922458

Allopolyploids were raised by oolchicine treatment of vegetative buds in the triploid hybrid of tetraploidPhaseolus species xP. calcaratus cross. They had 70 per cent pollen fertility and produced many viable seeds. The average chromosome configuration per cell at MI in them was 1.56IV + 0.01m + 29.30II + l.llr. It has been concluded that the increased fertility in allopolyploids was due to more regular meiosis and the low frequency of quadrivalents indicated the occurrence of preferential pairing.

Effect of ammonium concentration on growth and nitrogen accumulation by soybean grown in nutrient solution

R. A. Joseph, Tang Van Hai, J. Lambert

Biologia plantarum 18:339-343, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922459

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) MERR. CV. 'Amsoy') plants were grown for 40 days in nutrient solution at various concentrations of ammonium. Maximum yield of dry matter was obtained at a concentration of 715 μM. Further increase in the concentration of ammonium resulted in a reduction in growth due to ammonium toxicity which affected both root and shoot development. The pattern of nitrogen accumulation in tops was consistent with the multiphasic uptake of ammonium and can be represented by 2 phases in the range 1.78 X 10-5-3.57 x X 10-3 M of ammonium.

The Cause ot the Inhibitory Effect of Humate on the Growth of Oscillatoria sancta Population

Natalia W. Skinder, S. GumiŃski

Biologia plantarum 18:344-350, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922460

Algologically pure strain ofOscillatoria sancta (KÜTZING) GOMONT was cultivated in a phototermostat using a modified medium of Chu-Gerloff. The inhibiting effect of Na-humate on the numbers of cells and dry weight of this blue-green alga was investigated in dependence on polyvalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+) concentration, nature of associated anions, and pH of the nutrient solution. Moreover the absorption of light due to humate colour was taken into consideration. Humate restricted the uptake of polyvalent cations (especially calcium); its unfavourable effect on the growth of the investigated organism decreased...

Studies on RNases in cotyledons of afterripened and dormant seeds ofAgrostemma githago

B. Schmerdee, M. Hecker

Biologia plantarum 18:351-358, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922461

Activities of RNasea were studied in cotyledons of dormant and afterripenedAgrostemma githago seeds. Activity of RNase increases during imbibition and germination. This increase in activity cannot be observed in variants which are not able to germinate (dormant seeds and seeds blocked by higher temperature). The development of RNase activities during germination cannot be inhibited by concentrations of cycloheximide or actinomycine D completely preventing phosphatase synthesis. These results may be indicative for the assumption that the increase of RNase during germination is caused by enzyme activation and not by enzyme synthesis. Cytokinins...

The specificity of the effect of 2,4-D and NAA of the growth, micromorphology, and occurrence of starch in long-termNicotiana tabacum L. Cell strains

Z. Opatrný, Jana Opatrná

Biologia plantarum 18:359-365, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922462

The characteristic micromorphology of the tobaoco cell strains, or its cyclic changes in the course of the subcultivation interval can be affected by auxin composition of the medium,i.e. by the application of either 2,4-D alone, or NAA, or their combination. On omitting one of the auxins, the over-all growth of the cultures is not substantially affeoted; however, the participation of various oell types, as well as the occurrenoe of starch grains are altered. The presenoe of 2,4-D alone results in an inhibition of starch occurrence, NAA alone causes a stimulation. There is no causal dependence of the occurrence or absence of starch grains on...

The influence of pretreatment with exogenous DNA on the frequencies of aberrations induced by X-Rays

M. Ondřej, Lim En Se

Biologia plantarum 18:366-372, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922463

Pretreatment with calf thymus DNA decreases the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in metaphases and anaphases induced by X-rays in barley root meristem cella. This effect is manifested in a wide range of concentrations (5% -0.001%) without any great dependence on the concentration. Calf thymus DNA alone does not induce any chromosomal aberrations in barley root meristem cells.

Book review

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 18:372, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922464

Control of carbohydrate metabolism by ethylene in latex vessels ofHevea brasiliensis MUEL. ARC in relation to rubber production

J. Tupý, L. Peimot

Biologia plantarum 18:373-383, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922465

The treatment of the bark of regularly tapped trees with 2-ohloroethylphosphonio acid (CEPA) in the long run brings down sucrose level in the latex even when latex production is not increased. The sucrose deficit thus caused persists for a number of months after the treatment probably due to the depletion of carbohydrate reserves by the stimulation. The loss of carbohydrates not related to an increase of rubber produotion grows as the concentrations of applied CEPA are raised.
The treatment increases the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase and decreases pyruvate deoarboxylation in mitochondria-free oytoplasmic latex serum. The pyruvate...

Book review

Danuše Hodaňová

Biologia plantarum 18:383, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922466

The effect of sugars on inverse relation between the growth and chlorophy11 synthesis in tobacco tissue

M. Kamínek, J. Luštinec

Biologia plantarum 18:384-388, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922467

Cytokinin-dependent and cytokinin-autonomous strains of tobacco callus tissue (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. 'Wisconsin 38') were grown on media containing sucrose, glucose and fructose, respectively. The tissues were kept 14 days in darkness and then transferred for 9 days to continuous light after which time the fresh weight and chlorophyll content were estimated. The highest chlorophyll concentration was recorded at sugar levels which were either suboptimal (sucrose in the case of cytokinin-dependent strain) or supraoptimal (all other sugars for both strains and sucrose for the cytokinin-autonomous strain) for tissue growth. The chlorophyll concentration...

Book review

J. Čatský

Biologia plantarum 18:388, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922468

Book review

J. Velemínský, Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 18:396, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922472

Effect of cannabis (hashish) on mitosis ofallium cepa L. root tips

A. Kabaeity, A. El-Bayoumi, A. Habib

Biologia plantarum 18:401-407, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922475

Treatment with cannabis induces a partial inactivation of the spindle apparatus, and an unequal separation of the chromosomes. There is more or less a tendency to с-mitosis at higher concentrations and to multipolar anaphases at lower concentrations like so many other narcotic substances. The MI value decreases linearly and sharply with the increase of concentrations used,i.e. cannabis had a severe mitodepressive effect. Long treatment for 24 h caused the death of all colls examined.
Cannabis causes a complete dissolution of the matrix substance of the chromosomes and breaks down the chromatin material of the nucleus to minute granules....

Book review

J. čatský

Biologia plantarum 18:407, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922476

Effect of auxin on the elongation of lateral buds and 32P accumulation in 2-leaf decapitated pea seedlings

S. M. Husain

Biologia plantarum 18:408-414, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922477

The effect of short and long term auxin treatments on the elongation of axillary buds and32P accumulation were studied in 2-leaf decapitated Alaska pea sailings. It was found that (1) auxin delayed the elongation of the lateral buds, (2) none of the auxin concentration applied completely inhibited the elongation of axillary buds, (3) auxin had no retarding effect on the growing buds, (4) strong polarization of 32P occurred in the parts above the treated leaf, when auxin was applied for a short period just after decapitation, (5) long term auxin treatments did not induce any such polarization of 32P to the parts above the treated leaf, (6)...

Brief Communications

Isolation of protoplasts from sugar beet leaves

Li-Su-Nam, Běla Landová, Z. Landa

Biologia plantarum 18:389-392, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922469

Isolated protoplasts were prepared from sugar beet leaves by means of the action of a non-specific enzyme xylonase; homologous fusions and total yield were examined.

Book review

Ingrid Tichá, Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 18:392, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922470

The influence of Zn2+ ions on the tryptophan biosynthesis in plants

V. Horák, I. Trčka, M. Štefl

Biologia plantarum 18:393-396, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922471

Zn2+ ions slightly enhance at low concentrations (0.01 μg ml-1) the activity of tryptophan synthase obtained from the shoots of 14-day-old pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.). On the contrary, high concentrations of Zn2+ (10 μg ml-l) exert an inhibitory effect. The direct Zn2+ activation of tryptophan synthase, establishedin vitro with a partially purified enzyme preparation, is relatively low and obviously is not decisive from the point of view of tryptophan biosynthesis of the enzyme and thus they are participating in thein vivo experiments.

The effects of methyl methanesulphonate on mitosis and chromosomes of excised barley embryos

T. Gichner, M. Ondřej, Lim En Se, J. Velemínský

Biologia plantarum 18:397-400, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922473

Excised barley embryos were treated with methyl methanesulphonate and cultivatedin vitro in water or in a nutrient medium. The alkylating compound induced a high frequency of chromosome aberrations observed at anaphase and metaphase and depressed the mitotic division in the root-tips of excised embryos.

Book review

J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 18:400, 1976 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02922474