Biologia plantarum, 1996 (vol. 38), issue 1


Book review

J. Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 38:26, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879627

Book review

J. Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 38:38, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879630

Book review

J. Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 38:52, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879633

Book review

V. Novák

Biologia plantarum 38:60, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879635

Book review

J. Gloser

Biologia plantarum 38:70, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879637

Book review

J. Gloser

Biologia plantarum 38:76, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879639

Original Papers

Leaf anatomy of highbush blueberry grownin vitro and during acclimatization toex vitro conditions

N. Noé, L. Bonini

Biologia plantarum 38:19-25, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879626

Leaves of micropropagated highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cv. 'Bluetta' have been observed during the acclimatization phase. In vitro-developed leaf cells were circular and small, the spongy parenchyma was discontinuous and disorganized and formed by 1-2 layers of cells with large intercellular spaces and the palisade to spongy mesophyll thickness ratio was 1:1.5. After rooting ex vitro, the first leaves formed under natural conditions showed substantial changes in the anatomical characteristics. After 6 months, the plants produced leaves similar to those in field-grown plants. The palisade cells were rectangular, the spongy parenchyma was...

Tissue culture and transformation ofOenothera biennis

D. Pavingerová, I. Gális, M. Ondřej

Biologia plantarum 38:27, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879628

Five cultivars ofOenothera biennis have been tested for callogenesis and organogenesis on different media. The cultivar CV3 has been transformed byAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain which introduces into the plant genome kanamycin resistance gene and the T-DNAipt gene which causes increased levels of cytokinins. Transformed tissues showed elevated levels of cytokinins and grew as teratomas forming clumps of short, branched shoots with small modified leaves. Roots appeared rarely in later subcultivations of some teratomous clones.

Appearance of bulges on maize roots as affected by 6-benzylaminopurine and α-naphthylacetic acid

O. Tsvilyniuk, O. Terek

Biologia plantarum 38:33, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879629

The thickening that appeared on maize roots under the influence of 6-benzylaminopurine and α-naphthylacetic acid (concentration 10-5, 10-6, 10-7 and 10-8 M) were analysed. The changes in length and width of maize roots at the edge of elongation zone after 24,48 and 72 h of treatment were studied. The growth in length of cells at the edge of elongation zone stopped abruptly but the growth in width slowly continued. So, the growth of cells in length and width under the influence of growth regulators was not simultaneous. They had distinct time limits.

Glycanase activities associated with cell walls ofCicer arietinum L. epicotyls

J. L. Acebes, I. Zarra

Biologia plantarum 38:39, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879631

The effect of the proteins extracted with 1 M LiCl from theCicer arietinum etiolated epicotyl cell walls on the degradation of polysaccharides extracted with alkali was studied. The hemicellulosic polysaccharides were fractionated into three fractions extracted with 4 % KOH, 4 % KOH containing 8 M urea, and 24 % KOH. The protein extract showed exo-glycanase activity against all three hemicellulosic fractions whilst endo-glycanase activity was shown mainly against the hemicellulosic polysaccharides extracted with 4% KOH.

Sulphydryl groups in the maintenance of the activity of binding protein for N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid fromAcer pseudoplatanus cells

T. Xing, J. F. Hall, R. D. J. Barker, M. C. Elliott

Biologia plantarum 38:47-51, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879632

Binding protein for N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an auxin transport inhibitor, was studied by analysis of the effects of reactions which modify particular amino acid side chains upon their binding activity. Na2SO3, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and dithiobisnitrobenzoic acid all inhibited the specific binding of NPA to its binding protein fromAcer pseudoplatanus L. cells. The presence of 10-6 M Na2SO3 in the binding assay reduced the affinity of the binding protein to NPA from Kd of 1.5 £ 10-8 M to Kd of 2.1 £ 10-8 M, while concentration...

Damages of photosynthetic apparatus inAnacystis nidulans by ultraviolet-B radiation

N. Nedunchezhian, A. Abadia, J. Abadia, K. C. Ravindran, G. Kulandaivelu

Biologia plantarum 38:53, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879634

Changes in photosystem (PS) 2 activity were measured inAnacystis nidulans cells exposed to UV-B irradiation. The decrease in PS 2 activity was biphasic in cells exposed at the surface (0 cm) and at 2 cm depth in the water column, while gradual in those exposed at 10 and 30 cm depth. Addition of supplemental "white light" reduced the extent of UV-B damage. Decrease in photosynthetic activity was primarily due to the loss of energy transfer from phycobilisome to chlorophyll as the former in cyanobacteria acts as the primary light-harvesting complex. This was supported by the absorption and fluorescence excitation and emission spectral studies....

Photoprotective effect of kinetin on pigment content and photochemical activities of wheat chloroplasts agingin vitro

N. K. Choudhury, H. T. Choe

Biologia plantarum 38:61, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879636

The effects of kinetin (Kn) on pigment content and electron transport activities (ETA) in wheat leavesin vivo and chloroplastsin vitro aging in light was investigated. Excised wheat leaves were infiltrated with Kn for 3 h under irradiation. The treatment increased zeaxanthin (Zx) content by 40% and also increased chlorophyll (Chia, Chib) and major carotenoid (Car) contents in the leaves (per fresh mass unit). Chloroplasts isolated from Kn treated leaves, when incubated in light for 4 h showed relatively lower pigment loss and slower loss of ETA compared to the chloroplasts of untreated leaves. These observations suggest...

Photosynthesis ofChlorella vulgaris as affected by diaqua(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetato)copper(II) complex

F. Šeršeň, K. Kráľová, M. Blahová

Biologia plantarum 38:71, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879638

Inhibitory effect of diaqua(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetato)copper(II) complex (MCPACu) on oxygen evolution rate in algaeChlorella vulgaris was found. Electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the sites of action of MCPACu are Z+ and Y+ intermediates on the donor side of photosystem 2 as well as the manganese cluster in the oxygen evolving complex.

Relationship between transpiration and respiration in plants during the dark period

J. Stoyanova

Biologia plantarum 38:77, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879640

Energetic aspects of the relation between transpiration and respiration during the dark period were evaluated. One-year old seedlings of three trees, one bush and one annual plant were grown in controlled conditions. Experiments were performed under uniform environment during the day and two regimes of air relative humidity (RH) during the night, low (50 - 65 %) and high (95 %). For all investigated plant species the dark transpiration rate (E), the free energy of respiratory substrate, the entropy production and the free energy balance (FEB) of the dark respiration were higher at low than at high RH. E was linearly related to the FEBr 2...

Gas exchange in leaves of the root hemiparasitemelampyrum arvense L. before and after attachment to the host plant

Z. Lechowski

Biologia plantarum 38:85, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879641

Gas exchange characteristics of a hemiparasiteMelampyrum arvense L. before and after attachment to the hostCapsella bursa pastoris (L.) Med. were compared. The net photosynthetic rates (PN) on a leaf area basis were extremely low and in comparison to the value obtained for the host were about 15 % and 23 % for the unattached and attached hemiparasite, respectively. Also the concentration of photosynthetic pigments was low (as compared with the host the content of chlorophylls was about 33 % and 49 % and of carotenoids about 38 % and 36 % in the unattached and attached hemiparasite, respectively). On the other hand the rates...

Photophysiology of turion formation and germination inSpirodela polyrhiza

K. -J. Appenroth, S. Teller, M. Horn

Biologia plantarum 38:95, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879642

Standardized laboratory techniques for the vegetative growth of the duckweedSpirodela polyrhiza (Lemnaceaé), and for formation as well as germination of their turions were described. Increasing photon fluence rates of blue or red light increased the yield of turions. A specific stimulating effect of blue light was demonstrated under autotrophic but not under mixotrophic conditions. Therefore the spectral composition of light is not important in mixotrophic formation of turions whereas in autotrophic formation light sources with a higher portion of blue light are recommended. Dark-grown (etiolated) turions showed accelerated germination and higher...

Regions of lead uptake inLemna minor plants and localization of this metal within selected parts of the root

G. Kocjan, S. Samardakiewicz, A. Woźny

Biologia plantarum 38:107, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879643

Investigations were carried out to determine the sites of lead uptake within the frond and the root ofLemna minor. With the sodium rhodizonate four regions favoured in lead uptake were distinguished: the frond region between the base and the node, the basal part of the root, and the regions at the proximal and distal ends of the root cap. For analysis in electron microscope only the root regions were chosen. The highest rate of lead uptake was found in the basal part of the root. Lead was present in the apoplast of this region after 5 min of exposure and was observed in the stelar cells after 30 min of incubation. Lead deposits were detected...


Is there a gas (general adaptation syndrome) response to various types of environmental stress?

Y. Y. Leshem, P. J. C. Kuiper

Biologia plantarum 38:1, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879625

A hypothesis of existence of a general adaptation syndrome (GAS), in which different types of stress evoke similar coping mechanisms, resulting in adaptations, is tested for plants. As stress coping mechanisms, oxy-free radical scavengers and antioxidants, osmoregulation, the role of abscisic acid, jasmonates, nitric oxide, synthesis of heat shock proteins and phytochelatins as heavy metal detoxifiers are discussed.

Brief Communications

Ubiquitin messenger RNA accumulation in potato leaves as a response to the pathogenic fungusPhytophthora infestans

M. Basso, A. M. Laxalt, E. A. Madrid, L. Lamattina

Biologia plantarum 38:119, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879644

The changes in ubiquitin mRNA level in intact plants of both susceptible (cv. Spunta) and partially resistant (cv. Pampeana-INTA) potato cultivars after inoculation with low doses (l03 sporangia cm-3) ofPhytophthora infestons were studied after 72 h of treatment. Inoculation leads to 5-fold accumulation of potato ubiquitin transcripts in both cultivars. This result supports the connection between ubiquitin expression and defense reaction in plants.

Β-Galactosidase in immobilized cells ofPapaver somniferum

J. Stano, P. Nemec, D. Kákoniová, P. Kovács, D. Lišková, K. Mičieta

Biologia plantarum 38:123, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879645

Cell suspension culture of poppy was permeabilized by Tween 80 and immobilized by glutaraldehyde. Β-Galactosidase showed optimum pH 4.8 and temperature of 50 ‡C. The enzyme hydrolysis was linear during 3 h reaching 68 % conversion. The cells characterized by high Β-galactosidase activity and stability in long-term storage showed convenient physico-mechanical properties.

Short term effect of ultraviolet-B radiation on photosystem 2 photochemistry in the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus 6301

S. Rajagopal, S. D. S. Murthy

Biologia plantarum 38:129-132, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879646

Exposure of intact cells of theSynechococcus 6301 to UV-B radiation induced a loss in photosystem 2 (PS 2) electron transport activity prior to the alteration in pigment complexes. Thus the degradation of PS 2 was not directly related to pigment alteration.

Ameliorating effect of triacontanol on salt stressederythrina variegata seedlings. Changes in growth, biomass, pigments and solute accumulation

K. Muthuchelian, C. Murugan, R. Harigovindan, N. Nedunchezhian, G. Kulandaivelu

Biologia plantarum 38:133, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879647

Erythrina variegata Lam. seedlings were grown under low (100 mM NaCl) and high (250 mM NaCl) salinity. Seedlings exposed to high salinity for 10 d showed significant reduction in growth rate and biomass production while the root/shoot ratio increased. In contrast to pigment and protein contents, starch and saccharide contents increased in salt stressed seedlings. When the seedlings were subsequently sprayed with triacontanol (1 mg kg-1) the salinity effect was partially ameliorated and growth, biomass, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents increased.

Phytochelatin synthesis in maize seedlings in response to excess zinc

A. Tukendorf

Biologia plantarum 38:137, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879648

Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) specifically inhibits γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase and decreases a cellular level of glutathione (GSH) in maize seedling roots. Exogenous GSH restores Zn-phytochelatins synthesis in BSO-treated maize plants.

Gas exchange inHardwickia binata after water stress and rewatering

K. Natarajan, K. Paliwal

Biologia plantarum 38:141, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879649

The net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) ofHardwickia binata Roxb. leaves were reduced due to decrease in the leaf water potential (ψw) from -2.0 to - 5.7 MPa. PN partially recovered in the treated plants upon rewatering. Decrease in gs due to water stress may be the main factor for reduction of PN.

Effect of gibberellic acid on carbonic anhydrase, photosynthesis, growth and yield of mustard

N. A. Khan

Biologia plantarum 38:145, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879650

The plants of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were treated with 0, 25 and 50 ΜM gibberellic acid (GA3) at three fully developed leaf stage (30 d after sowing). Effect of GA3 on carbonic anhydrase activity, photosynthetic rate, leaf area index and dry mass was studied at 50, 70 and 90 d after sowing. At harvest 1000 seed mass, pod number and seed yield were recorded. GA3 treatment (50 ΜM) enhanced all the characteristics studied.

Water relations in grapevine micro-cuttings grownin vitro

J. Guerrier-Julien, A. Deloire, A. Coudret

Biologia plantarum 38:149-152, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879651

Dry mater, water content, water, osmotic and pressure potentials, content of saccharides and potassium were measured duringin vitro cultivation ofVitis rootstocks. Three cases were compared: a) the micro-cuttings with normal growth; b) micro-cuttings which stop their growth after 15 d of culture, and c) micro-cuttings reactivated by 6 d of continuous darkness.
Major differences were observed in water content and osmotic potential. The stopping of growth was not a specific property of buds, but was probably due to restriction of translocation of saccharides and water in the shoot.

Polyamines and senescence of maintenance foliage of tea,Camellia sinensis L.

R. K. Kakkar, P. K. Nagar

Biologia plantarum 38:153, 1996 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879652

In leaf discs of maintenance foliage of tea (Camellia sinensis) polyamines (PAs) and kinetin retarded chlorophyll (Chl) loss, whereas inhibitors of PA biosynthesis [difluoromethyl arginine, difluoromethyl ornithine, methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone)] and abscisic acid (ABA) promoted senescence. The contents of RNA and protein were significantly higher in PA and kinetin treated leaf discs as compared to those treated with inhibitors and ABA. The contents of total and reducing saccharides declined with the progressive loss of Chl, and the concentration of starch increased in all the PA treated leaf discs. Free amino acid content also...