Biologia plantarum, 1967 (vol. 9), issue 2


The effect of mannitol on the oxygen consumption in plant tissues

Tatjana Fkanková, J. Kolek

Biologia plantarum 9:81, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929723

It has been established that mannitol infiltrated in a vacuum into plant tissues increased the oxygen uptake. No lag phase appearing subsequently to its infiltration by the transpiration stream (Trip, Nelson, Keotkov 1963) was observed. Our results may support the opinion that the mentioned lag phase is caused by the slow penetration of mannitol into the plant cells.

Root Formation in Pea Stem Sections and its Inhibition by Kinetin, Ethionine and Chloramphenicol

Miroslav Kaminek

Biologia plantarum 9:86, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929724

Root formation in the etiolated pea stem sections and inhibition of this process is described in the present paper. Sodium fluoride, iodoacetic acid, norvaline, phenylserine, 5-bromuracil and 2-thiouracil did not inhibit the root formation completely. Complete inhibition, however, was observed after treatment of pea stem sections by kinetin, ethionine and chloramphenicol (5 X 10-5 M, 1 x 10-2 M, and 1 x 10-2 16 hours after sectioning). The concentration of kinetin which produced complete inhibition of root formation simultaneously stimulated the growth of the lateral buds.
Root formation under the conditions described...

Die wirkung steigender konzentrationen von natriumhydrogenkarbonat in wasserkulturen und die gegenwirkung des na-humats

Maria Badurowa, S. GumiŃski, Anna Suder-Moraw

Biologia plantarum 9:92-101, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929725

Die Wirkung steigender Konzentrationen von NaHCO3 auf die Ausfällung des Eisens in einer Nährlösung sowie die durch das Hydrogenkarbonat bedingte Hemmung des Wachstums der Pflanzen (begleitet von Chlorose) und zugleich die Gegenwirkung des Na-Humats wurden erforscht. Unter der Einwirkung von NaHCO3 wurde eine Verminderung des Eisengehaltes und eine Erhöhung des Verhältnisses P/Fe in den Sprossen festgestellt; in Anwesenheit von Humat in der Nährlösung blieb dieser Effekt aus.

Share of carbohydrates in the humus substances composition

Jakoslava HavrÁnkovÁ

Biologia plantarum 9:102-108, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929726

The effect of different concentrations of hydrochloric acid on the qualitative an quantitative content of carbohydrates in humus fraction hydrolyzates was investigated. Three humic acid preparations were subjected to the usual procedure for obtaining fractions of humic and hymatomelanic acids. The carbohydrate content of the hydrolyzates was determined after their Chromatographic separation on Whatman 1, using the Partridge system and detection with acid anilin phtalate. The results showed that the qualitative carbohydrate content in the hydrolyzates of most humus fractions of samples used was identical. With increasing acid concentrations the amount...

Untersuchung der eiweißspindeln des kakteen-X-Virus mit fluoreszierenden Antikörpern

Zlata Štefanac, Berislav Pende, Davor Miličić

Biologia plantarum 9:109-115, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929727

Obwohl auf Grund vieler Untersuchungen vermutet werden konnte, daß die sog. Kakteen-Eiweißspindeln, d. h. die ZelleinschlÜsse des Kakteen-X-Virus (CaXV), aus zahlreichen verlängerten Partikeln des OaXV zusammengesetzt sind, war das dennoch bis jetzt noch nicht bewiesen. Deshalb versuchten wir im Laufe dieser Untersuchungen mittels der fluoreszierenden Antikörper festzustellen, ob die Eiweißspindeln wirklich Aggregate von Viruspartikeln darstellen.
Bei dieser Untersuchung wurde die sog. indirekte Methode angewandt. Dabei haben wir zuerst die spindelhaltigen Zellen mit dem durch Immunisierung der Kaninchen hergestellten homologen Serum gegen CaXV...

Distribution of labelled assimilates within a young apple tree after supplying14CO2to a leaf or shoot

L. S. Jankiewicz, R. Antoszewski, E. Klimowicz

Biologia plantarum 9:116, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929728

Labelled carbon dioxide was supplied for 22 hrs to a leaf of the leader or to the lateral shoot in two-year-old apple seedlings. The distribution of radioactive assimilates within the plant following this treatment was investigated by using radioautography.
The transport of labelled assimilates from the young leaf of the leader was very meagre and affected only parts of the stem and the leaves situated in the close vicinity of the treated leaf.
The14C-labelled assimilates from the mature leaf of the leader were transported in a considerable amount to the apex and to the other leaves of the leader. They were also found in an appreciable...

Untersuchungen Über faktoren, die sich bei folgekultivierung der pflanzen geltend machen

František Plhák, Miroslava Vicherková

Biologia plantarum 9:122-134, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929729

In der Arbeit wurde die Möglichkeit der allelopathischen Beeinflussung von Folgepflanzen durch Vorkulturen bei der Kultivierung in abgestuften Zeitintervallen nacheinander auf demselben Bodensubstrat bei folgenden Konabinationen von Pflanzen untersucht: Mohn - ZuckerrÜbe, Ackersenf - Gerste, Hanf - Korn, Zwiebel - Raps. Die Versuche wurden in Gefassen mit Komposterde, welche im Laufe des Versuches im Garten in den Boden eingelassen worden waren, durchgefÜhrt. Es wurde das Wachstum der Vorkulturen und der Folgepflanzen in den ersten Wachstumsphasen untersucht. Von der Aussaat der Folgepflanzen wurde in Bodenproben die Respirationsintensität, die aktuelle...

The relationship between sublethal water saturation deficit and the dynamics of soil moisture in some xerophilous grasses

Milena Rychkovská

Biologia plantarum 9:135, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929730

The paper deals with the resaturation of water saturation deficit in fourStipa species tested under various ecological conditions. Attention is paid to the relations between the saturation and oversaturation types of curves, on the one hand, and soil moisture on the other. The oversaturation type appears in plants well supplied with soil moisture. The explanation of this phenomenon is discussed.

Catabolism of glucose in pea stem section during root formation and its inhibition by kinetin and ethionine

Miroslav Kamínek, Anna Štemberová

Biologia plantarum 9:142, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929731

The catabolism of specifically14C-labelled glucose during the root formation and its inhibition by kinetin and ethionine in the etiolated pea stem sections were studied. The formation of root meristematic foci in the pericycle region of sections was accompanied by the decrease of the C6/C1 ratio. Such a result and activation of pentose phosphate cycle, which was also checked by another method, suggested increased participation of pentose phosphate cycle in glucose oxidation. The above mentioned changes were also found after the prevention of root formation by ethionine and, therefore, do not seem to be specific for...

Dependence of the root suction force on the soil water content

Jiřina Slavíková

Biologia plantarum 9:149, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929732

The suction force of active roots ofFraxinus excelsior L. was estimated by the refractometric compensation method (compensation in a sucrose solution) and its dependence on the water content of soil was determined. Where differences in the soil humidity were excluded within the root system, the dependence could be expressed by a curve resembling the dependence of the suction force of soil on its water content. This dependence was valid both for the minimal gradients of suction forces between the over-and underground parts of the plant (pot experiments), as well as when transpiration and hence gradients were present (under field conditions)....