Biologia plantarum, 1971 (vol. 13), issue 1


A comparison of growth rate of algae as influenced by variation in nitrogen nutrition inChlorella pyrenoidosa andScenedesmus obliquus

Jiřina Dvořáková-Hladká

Biologia plantarum 13:1-11, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930740

Algae were cultivated in nutrient solutions containing nitrates or ammonium salts as the nitrogen source. We measured the culture density in the case of autotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation at different pH values, in the presence of nitrate also at different concentrations and in the absence of molybdenum. The dry weight and amount of nitrogen in the cells under these conditions were determined.
According to results obtained we conclude thatChlorella, in contrast toScenedesmus, prefers ammonia as the nitrogen source in the first growth period, later both prefer nitrogen from nitrates. Nitrogen from ammonium salts has a positive...

Some morphological peculiarities ofMycoplasma bodies occurring in plants infected with potato witches' broom disease

O. Králík

Biologia plantarum 13:12-15, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930741

Our paper describes some morphological peculiarities ofMycoplasma bodies located in vascular bundles ofNicotiana glaucaGrah. and tomato infected with potato witches' broom disease. The influence of postfixation on the density of bodies and possible development of artifacts was studied in particular. It was found that bodies of adjoining cells may have a different shape. Also elementary bodies, approximately of uniform diameter, may occur in masses in close proximity to the cells containing "adult"Mycoplasma bodies. Deformed large bodies giving in a certain position the impression of "vacuolization" are evidently degenerated saucershaped...

Étude expérimentale des variations de la teneur en eau au cours de la déshydratation et de la réhydratation chez la Fougère:Notochlaena vellea R. Br.

Yvette Boyer

Biologia plantarum 13:16-21, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930742

Experimental Study of changes in water content during dehydration and rehydration of the Fern: Notochlaena vellea R. Br.-This study takes place after studies made on otherPolypodiaceenFerns. We have shown that, in these ferns, the survival duration was longer for the subterranean organs than for aerial ones. The problem was to show that this difference is due to a lower dehydration of the subterranean tissues. As far as we looked at the total water deficiency, we did not find any significant difference between the leaves and the meristematic parts of the subterranean organs: the main difference is the rate of rehydration which is higher...

Differentiation and properties of five strains of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from samples of cucumber fruits

P. Havránek

Biologia plantarum 13:22-32, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930743

Five strains of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were distinguished in the isolates of viruses which attack cucumber in Czechoslovakia (Havránek 1970). The strains A, B, C, D, and E of CMV were defined according to different syndromes onNicotiana tabacum L.,N. glutinosa L.,Phaseolus vulgaris L. andChenopodium polyspermum L. The Czechoslovak strains, in comparison with American ones, did not cause systemic disease inCucumis anguria L. orCucurbita moschataDuch., but strains D and E of CMV suppressed the tolerance of American cucumber cultivar Wisconsin SMR 18. The propertiesin vitro of isolated CMV strains...

On plant alcohol dehydrogenases

Sylva Leblová, Ilona Zimáková, Jana Barthová, Dana Ehlichová

Biologia plantarum 13:33-42, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930744

We have found in a number of plants (lentil, lupine, bean, barley, oats, rye, wheat, cucumber, melon, flax, sunflower and rape) that varying amounts of ethanol are formed under natural anaerobiosis and, that in later growth periods these plants continue to react to anaerobiosis by formation of ethanol. When the testa has opened in germinating plants or, when plants are transferred from the anaerobic atmosphere to air, ethanol disappears.
Plants contain alcohol dehydrogenases, the activity of which depends on the alcohol concentration in their tissue; the maximum concentration is reached during natural anaerobiosis, rising in the course of further...

Translocation of some assimilates from the sink to the donor in apple tree

R. Antoszewski, A. Mika

Biologia plantarum 13:43-49, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930745

The shoot apex or fruitlets of Jonathan apple trees grafted on M IX rootstock and grown in pots in a greenhouse were exposed to14CO2 in an assimilation chamber. The translocation of14C-labelled assimilates from treated organs to other parts of the plant was studied.
It was found that a very small amount of14C-labelled compounds was translocated from the shoot apex and very young fruitlets to the shoot stem. Preliminary chromatographic studies show that the chemical composition of the labelled substances detected below assimilation chamber differs profoundly from that of those remaining in the supplied...

Efect of decapitation on the level of endogenous stimulators and inhibitors and some morphogenetic phenomena in peach trees

Z. Raška, F. Hladík

Biologia plantarum 13:50-56, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930746

In experiments from 1966-1968 a comparison was performed concerning the level of endogenous stimulators and inhibitors in leaves and shoots of peaches decapitated in three different times and in controls.
For the determination of these substances a biological test was employed after separation of the acid fraction of ethyl ether extracts by means of paper chromatography. Mathematical addition of total stimulations and inhibitions gave a new value, called "growth disposition" by the authors. Its graphical demonstration gives a simple curve which documents the growth rhythm of control plants as well as the response of plants to the time-regulated...

Transport and localization of 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)-purine-8-14C cytokinin in apple trees

L. Chvojka, J. Stohr, Libuše Hejmová, J. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 13:65-68, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930749

When cytokinin 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)-purine-8-14C was injected into the side root of a one-year-old apple graft, variety Cox's Orange Pippin, it was mainly transported acropetally, but a certain part of the radioactivity was also transported basipetally into the root below the place of injection. 6 days after application of the labelled cytokinin most of the radioactivity was detected in the xylem, 20-30 cm above the place of application. An appreciable quantity of radioactivity was transported toward the apical part of the plant as far as 100 cm from the point of application. Special analysis showed that 6 days after exposition...

Contribution to the study on the reparative effect of exogenous DNA in the irradiated meristem ofVicia faba

Jana Šlotová, Z. Karpfel, Dagmar Kubíčková

Biologia plantarum 13:69-78, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930750

The present report is focused on the study of participation of exogenous DNA in the process of postirradiation reparation of meristematic cells ofVicia faba primary roots. It is aimed at comparison of the positive reparative effect of isologous DNA with postirradiation action of heterologous DNA in its native, thermally denatured and DNAase-degraded forms, or DNA degraded by ultrasound, and with the effect of other biologically important macromolecules (RNA, histone, heparin, and dextran sulphate). For this purpose, the roots ofVicia faba irradiated by 150 r exposure were cultivated in solutions containing the above substances for an...

Concerning variability in the delimitation of the vascular system in root primordia of maize embryos

Mária Luxová

Biologia plantarum 13:79-87, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930751

1. The transfer of immature embryos from maternal plants to artificial media influenced the radial arrangement of vascular bundles in developing root primordia. The variability in the number of poles of the prospective protoxylem and protophloem, observed as a rule during embryogenesis under natural conditions, could not be suppressed even under the conditions ofin vitro cultivation. The possibility is admitted that when using agar medium the nutrient supply need not necessarily be equivalent for all embryos.
2. Using excised embryos of various ages the period of delimination of the vascular system in the root primordium was determined. It...

Heat-treatment dependent dormancy in seeds of Psoralea corylifolia Linn.

S. P. Shukla

Biologia plantarum 13:88-99, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930752

The intact seeds ofPsoralea corylifolia which are actieually one-seeded fruit, presents a unique problem of dormancy. Germinability of these dormant seeds is not enhanced as a result of a number of treatments: 1) Dry-storage of 44 months under moderate conditions of the laboratory. 2) Periodic germination in different months of the year. 3) Immersion in ethylalcohol (70% and 100%), hydrogen-peroxide, nitric acid, acetone, ether solvent and hydrochloric acid. 4) Removal of pericarp.
Four distinct methods have also been evolved which effectively overcome the dormancy of the seeds: 1) Mechanical puncturing of seedcoverings. 2) Sulphuric acid...

Nativity of the macromolecule of isologous DNA as a condition for its reparative effect on radiation damage

Jana Šlotová, Z. Karpfel, Dagmar Kubíčková

Biologia plantarum 13:100-109, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930753

The effect of isologous DNA on the course of postirradiation reparation of meristematic cells ofVicia faba primary roots was studied in detail. A considerable interest was devoted to determinations of fundamental qualitative and quantitative conditions of the above effect of isologous DNA. Main criteria of the effect were both mitotic activity of irradiated cellular population and dynamics of chromosome aberrations induced by radiation. One set of experiments compared the course of reparation as occurred in regard to applied dose of ionizing radiation in native isologous DNA, DNA denaturated by heat and degraded by DNAase, and post-irradiation...

Brief Communications

Brdička's Reaktion auf Eiweisstoffe wurde zur Verfolgung der Wirkung einiger Herbizidstoffe benützt

L. Šindelář, Olga Makovcová

Biologia plantarum 13:57-59, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930747

Der Verlauf von Brdička's serologischer Reaktion bildete ein Beschädigungskriterium der VersuchspflanzeSinapis alba L., die durch folgende Herbizidstoffe behandelt wurde: 2,4-D; 2,45-T; MCPA; Atrazin; Aminotriazol; 4-Phenäthylpyridin in den Konzentrationen 10-3M, 10-4M und 10-5M. Während der polarographischen Bestimmung bewirkten die pathologischen Veränderungen der Pflanze verschiedene Höhen der katalytischen Eiweissdoppelstufen. Bei der oszillopolarographischen Bewertung kam es mit steigender Beschädingung zur Ausgleichung der Einschnitte der Kurvenabhängigkeit dE/dt=f(E). Die benützten Methoden zeigten grösste...

The effect of abscisic acid on flowering inChenopodium rubrum L.

J. Krekule, J. Ullmann

Biologia plantarum 13:60-63, 1971 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930748

Flowering in the short-day speciesChenopodium rubrum L. was stimulated by treatment with abscisic acid (ABA) in concentrations from 1×10-3M to 1×10-7M only in plants partly induced by two dark periods. We assume that ABA weakens the inhibitory effect of continuous light (similarly as do some other substancese.g nucleic acid inhibitors) and thus enables the expression of the evoked floral state. ABA was ineffective in promoting flowering in photoperiodically non-induced plants.