Biologia plantarum, 1974 (vol. 16), issue 4


Growth of maize plants in flowing medium with different levels of iron

Eva Palátová, Z. Laštůvka

Biologia plantarum 16:241-249, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921232

The flow of the nutrient solution stimulates significantly the growth of maize plants and enhances the absorption of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Especially the content of phosphorus in the shoots and in the roots is significantly increased, but its incorporation into organic compounds is considerably decreased. The plants grown, in flowing nutrient solutions have an altered distribution of iron with a higher amount of it remaining in the roots. In the shoots there is an increase in the P/Fe ratio, the ratio between ions changes in all parts of the plants in disfavour of N, K, and Fe, the production of dry matter is higher and the synthesis...

Book reviews

K. Kvitko, J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 16:249, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921233

Cytochalasines and the transport phenomena in mycelium ofSaprolegnia monoïcaPringsheim

J. P. Larpent

Biologia plantarum 16:250-254, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921234

The cytochalasines B and D inhibit the hyphae elongation ofSaprolegnia monoïca but the ramification power is not affected. A false hyperramification becomes very clear. The cytochalasines B and D do not stop the translocations of stimulators or inhibitors in the young mycelium. The cytochalasine D has a greater eficiency than the cytochalasine B.

Reversal of auxin induced inhibition by ethrel

J. Hradilík

Biologia plantarum 16:255-261, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921235

The interaction between exogenous 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethrel, CEPA) and auxin (both native and synthetic-IAA) was studied on pea and bean seedlings, potato tubers, and processed flax plants. After the addition of ethrel the inhibiting effect of IAA was decreased in all objects and it was found that the concentration of the growth of the regulators played an important role. The growth response of a part of flax hypocotyl, as induced by exogenous auxin produced in the cotyledon, was reversed by ethrel, too. The application of ethrel on the epicotyl apex in beans resulted in the lost of apical dominance of epicotyl and in the growth of lateral...

The relationship of morphogenetic potency of tobacco tissue culture and its cytogenetic features

Nediyalka A. Zagorska, Zlata B. Shamina, Raisa G. Butenko

Biologia plantarum 16:262-274, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921236

Two strains of tobacco tissue cultures were investigated cytogenetically, their morphogenetic potency was revealed and the plant regenerates were analyzed. Strain I with less pronounced deficiency of nuclei was more capable to differentiation and organogenesis than the heterogenous strain II. The morphological variability of vegetative and reproductive organs of plant regenerates was described. The variations were characterized by high level of aberations during meiosis and unstable aneuploidy.

Effect of morphine sulphate on mitosis ofAllium cepa L. root tips

A. Kabarity, A. El-Bayoumi, A. A. Habib

Biologia plantarum 16:275-282, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921238

The cytological effect of one of the alkaloid of Opium, namely morphine sulphate onAllium cepa root tips from a qualitative and quantitative point of view were studied. It was found that morphine sulphate caused partial effect on spindle formation and also showed a mito-depressive effects particularly after long treatment.

The effect of lateral illumination on growth oscillations of pine seedling hypocotyls (Pinus silvestris L.)

M. Spurný, G. Vincent, Blanka Láníčková

Biologia plantarum 16:283-289, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921239

Phototropic sensitivity of forest wood seedlings to lateral illumination was proposed as an early assay for distinquishing various ecotypes of woody plants of the same species. Statistical analysis showed that results were significantly influenced by heterogenity of experimental material caused by an interference of phototropic movements and natural oscillations of hypocotyl. Both movements of pine seedlings (Pinus silvestris L.) were registered by phase photography and their mechanism was analyzed. The apical part of growing hypocotyl illuminated from above oscillates in a space spiral with frequency 3.3 h at mean growth rate 0.66 mm h-1....

The protein euphaseolin in Phaseolinae - A chemotaxonomical study

J. Kloz, Eva Klozová

Biologia plantarum 16:290-300, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921240

On the basis of immunochemical analyses of the main reserve protein ofPh. vulgaris, euphaseolin, in numerous cultivars ofPh. vulgaris, in additional 23Phaseolus species, and several representatives of further genera of Viciaceae and on the basis of the comparison of these data with morphological and genetical data the authors propose to separate the sectionEuphaseolus characterized by the presence of the protein euphaseolin. The species characterised by euphaseolin are closely related and capable of being crossed. The proposal requires an additional formal completion from the point of view of the conventions of classical...

Biosynthesis of ascorbic acid and mobilization pattern of macromolecules during water stress in germinating cicer seedlings

J. J. Chinoy, Y. D. Singh, K. Gurumurti

Biologia plantarum 16:301-307, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921241

Ascorbic acid (AA) turnover, and levels of RNA and protein were determined during germination ofCicer arietinum cv. Chafa under-(i) normal watering; (ii) water stress of six days; and (iii) revival upto next stage of seedling growth after water stress. Water stress lowered significantly AA, ascorbigen, ascorbic acid-macromolecule complex, RNA and protein content in embryo axis while a reverse trend was seen after revival. In the cotyledon, AA, RNA and protein contents were higher during water stress. However on revival only AA and protein contents decreased, whereas the RNA content showed further enhancement. It is suggested that increased synthesis...

Effect of umbelliferone, as rooting stimulator, on endogenous growth substances in bean cuttings

Adelina Vázquez

Biologia plantarum 16:308-311, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921243

Endogenous growth substances were estimated byAvena coleoptile test in hypocotyls of cuttings ofPhaseolus vulgaris which were treated with Umbelliferone, a coumarin which has been found to have a stimulating effect on rooting. A similar growth promoting zone which corresponded chromatographically to indole-3-acetic acid, was found in both treated and control cuttings. A growth-inhibiting zone detected in control extracts was absent in UM treated cuttings. The results are discussed in relation to Umbelliferone effect on rooting stimulation.

Book Review

Protoplastes et fusion de cellules somatiques végétales

Z. Opatrný

Biologia plantarum 16:274, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921237

Ehrendorfer, F. (ed.): Liste der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. 2., erweiterte Auflage

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 16:307, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921242

Zeitschel, B. (ed.): The biology of the Indian ocean

Z. Šesták

Biologia plantarum 16:315, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921245

Ellenberg, H. (ed.): Ökosystemforschung

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 16:320, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921247

Brief Communications

Regeneration of chlorophyll chimeras from leaf explants ofNicotiana tabacum L.

Z. Opatrný, Z. Landa

Biologia plantarum 16:312-315, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921244

Chimeral plants with variegated leaf blades were obtained by induction of organogenesis in primocultures of leaf explants ofNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Burley 49, chlorophyll mutation White Seedling. Only green plants regenerated from primocultures of explants taken from dark green leaf areas of the chimeras. The possibility of a multicellular initiation of chimera regeneration from tissue cultures is discussed.

Control of root and shoot formation and production of trees from poplar callus

V. Chalupa

Biologia plantarum 16:316-320, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921246

The technique of trees production from the undifferentiated poplar callus tissue is described. The best root formation was observed on the modifiedWolter andSkoog medium when NAA in concentration 0.2 to 0.4 mg l-1 was used as an auxin and cytokinins were omitted. The induction of leafy shoots from the undifferentiated callus was the most effective on the modifiedLinsmaier andSkoog medium in the absence of auxin and with 0.15 to 0.70 mg l-1 of BAP. The best development of roots at the basal end of excised shoots was achieved when shoots were transferred into the sterile mixture of perlit and sand (3: l, v/v) containing a modifiedWolter...