Biologia plantarum, 1967 (vol. 9), issue 1


Changes in the composition of winter rape oil during seed maturation

Ivo Zeman, Vladimír Kratochvíl

Biologia plantarum 9:1-14, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930729

The course of biosynthesis of fatty acids in the seeds of winter rape (Brassica napus L. ssp.oleifera, f.biennis cv. Třebíčská) was investigated. After the termination of flowering seed samples were taken at five intervals, the seeds were divided into 4 fractions according to size, and their weight, water content, oil content and fatty acid composition were determined. The oil content was found to increase in all size categories with time, with the exception of a minute drop when complete maturity is reached. Larger seeds contained more oil. The fatty acid composition changes with time in the individual size fractions almost continuously....

The influence of60Co γ-irradiation of pea seeds on the thiamine biosýnthesis in 10-daý plants

J. Kulesza, P. Moszczýnski, J. Kroh

Biologia plantarum 9:15-19, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930730

Pea seeds were subjected to 1; 5 and 20 krad doses of60Co γ-raýs. The irradiated seeds were planted in damp sand and in Petri vessels. After 10-daý vegetation at room temperature and under natural light conditions the content of the following components was determined in ýoung plants: free thiamine and thiamine pýrophosphate and drý substance.
It was found that 1 krad dose stimulates the growth of the plant and increases the crop of its green parts. The doses within the range of 1-5 krads do not affect the production of thiamine. The content of the latter, particularlý in its free form, increases markedlý for the dose of 20 krads....

Compensation of Root Suction Force within a Single

Jiřina Slavíková

Biologia plantarum 9:20-27, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930731

A modified refractometric method (compensation in sucrose solution) was used for measuring the suction force (water potential) of active roots ofFraxinas excelsior L. in pot experiments and in the field under natural humidity conditions in two soil types. It was shown that if one part of the root system was in soil with low humidity as compared with the remaining predominant part, the suction force of roots in the "dry" soil did not rise in proportion with the rise of the suction force of the drying soil but, due to gradients of suction forces between these root parts, water was translocated into roots in the "dry" soil and thus their suction...

Some Problems of the Determination of Stomatal Aperture by the Microrelief Method

Jan Gloser

Biologia plantarum 9:28-33, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930732

The applicability of the microrelief (or reprint) method for stomatal aperture determinations was studied in middle-aged sugar beet leaves. It was found that the picture of the central aperture (CA) of stomata on the reprints could be observed only if their eisoiial aperture (EA) was sufficiently wide. If the width of EA was small (about 1-3 μ), it was impossible to determine the width of CA by means of the reprint method, in view of the proportional dimensions of the upper closing flaps. A lower concentration of the chlorophorm solution of methylmethacrylate used for taking reprints had a favourable influence on the amount of stomata whose width...

Content of total chlorophyll and free amino acids of the chlorina mutant of arabidopsis thaliana in artificial glucose nutrition

Jiřina Švachulová

Biologia plantarum 9:34, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930733

When the lethal radiomutant chlorina 42 was cultivated on glucose containing and glucose-free medium the cotyledons of the matant sown on glucose medium had a higher chlorophyll content than those of the matant sown on glucose-free madium. In further cultivation of this mitant on glucose medium until flowering the total chlorophyll content is maintained at the same level, it increases slightly in the case of flowering plants. The mutant cultivated on glucose medium differs somewhat with regard to the content of free amino acids from the green control cultivated also on glucose medium over the whole vegetation period. The former has a higher glutamine...

A new polyphenoloxidase test for distinguishing between wood-rotting fungi

Lubomír Scháněl

Biologia plantarum 9:41, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930734

White-rot fungi causing the white decay of wood, secrete polyphenol oxidase type enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of diphenols to quinones. If the substrate also contains amino acids, they can be oxidized secondarily to a red pigment, the intensity of which depends on the activity of oxidation oxoenzymes. This finding was used for devising a quick test to demonstrate the oxidases secreted into the cultivation medium by wood-rotting fungi. As substrates we used hydroquinone and glycine. We tested a total of 89 species and 131 strains of wood-rotting fungi. Simultaneously, we compared the newly devised test with the most common test for the detection...

Chromosome aberrations caused by the effect of ultrasound in the meristematic cells ofvicia faba

Jana Šlotová, Zdeněk Karpfel, Ivo Hrazdira

Biologia plantarum 9:49, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930735

In our present work the formation of chromosome aberrations has been studied in dependence on the tima interval between sonication and fixation of the primary root tips of Vicia faba. Maximum occurrence of aberrations was recorded immediately after sonication. The results of our experiments pointed to the fact that the frequency of the induced changes was independent on the sonic waves intensity within the range of 0-2-3-0 W/cm2 and on ultrasond treatment duration within the range of 1-20 min.
Studies of the distribution of chromosome abnormalities caused by ultrasound between the large and small chromosomes of theVicia faba...

Metabolic disturbances in nicotiana glauca, a symptomless

Marie Ulrychová, Jaroslav Limberk

Biologia plantarum 9:56, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930736

Metabolic disturbances inNicotiana glauca, a symptomless carrier of potato witches' broom were studied. The dry weight content of leaves of diseased plants was slightly decreased, that of the stems increased. The ash content in the dry weight of the whole diseased plant was decreased by 11%. Contrary to tomato plants which had shown considerable disproportions in the distribution of metabolites among the individual organs investigated (ULRYCHOVÁ, LIMBERK 1964), the content of the total nitrogen and of the individual nitrogen fractions of both leaves and stems of diseasedNicotiana glauca were decreased. The content of glutamine was increased...

Growth response of excised ovaries of reseda odorata in sterile culture

Narendra Sankhla, Daksha Sankhla

Biologia plantarum 9:61-63, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930737

In the basal growth medium only the ovaries excised 15 days after pollination reached maturity. In a medium containing IAA (5ppm) and kinetin (0.5ppm) ovaries excised even 10 days after polliration produced viable seeds.
Young ovaries formed in the pedicel region a callus, which later differentiated into roots; older ovaries (excised 15 days after pollination) produced callus tissue and roots from the ovary wall.

Effect of trophic conditions on aspartate transamination in wheat plants

Alena Činčerová

Biologia plantarum 9:64-74, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930738

The enzymatic transamination reactions between aspartic and α-ketoglutaric acid and between aspartic and pyruvic acid were studied in fresh dialysed extracts of young wheat plants cultivated under various trophical conditions, in mineral solution (Knop), in the solution of an soil organic substance (potassium humate) and without nutrients (H2O). Simultaneously, the level of endogenic aspartic acid, glutamic acid and the growth values were determined. The enzymatic reactions were characterized by determining the optimum pH, the time course, and the effect of coenzyme and of inhibitors.
The activity of the aspartate-glutamate transaminase...

Bestimmung des respirationsquotienten an vegetationskegeln von weizenpflanzen auf verschiedenen entwicklungsstufen der pflanzen

Lola Teltscherová, Jan Krekule

Biologia plantarum 9:75, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930739

Mit Hilfe eines Kapillar-Differentialmikrorespirometers nach Grunbaum, Siegel Schultz und Kirk wurde der Respirationsquotient von Vegetationskegeln von Weizenpflanzen, Triticum aestivum L., cultivar Chlumecká 12 in drei Etappen der Organogenese bestimmt. In der 2. Etappe der Organogenese, welche völlig vegetative Vegetationskegel bezeichnet, liegt der Respirationsquotient immer über 1. Im Laufe der 3. Etappe, zur Zeit der Anlage von Brakteen, sinkt er auf Werte um 1 und dasselbe gilt für die folgende Etappe, in der die Ährchenprimordien angelegt werden. Dieser Befund bestätigt unsere frühere, auf dem Studium des Atmungsstoffwechsels von Vegetationskegeln...