Biologia plantarum, 1968 (vol. 10), issue 4


The isolation of potato virus S from the leaves of potato plants using precipitation by polyethylene glycol

Liana Albrechtová, O. Klír

Biologia plantarum 10:271, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921009

A purified potato virus S was prepared using precipitation by the solution of 35% polyethylene glycol 4000 in the presence of an electrolyte. The mixture for precipitation of the potato virus S had to contain 11% polyethylene glycol and 0.25m NaCl. The S virus was extracted by 0.01m phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, from the precipitation separated by centrifugation. One part of the extract was further purified by means of differential centrifugation and the other by means of gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The ultraviolet absorption measurements of both preparations showed that the differential centrifugation gave a purer preparation than the gel filtration.

Gasometric method of water deficit measurement in leaves

J. Czerski

Biologia plantarum 10:275, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921010

A gasometric method was developed for measuring water deficit in leaves. For a leaf at full turgor the amount of water penetrating into the tissue after removing the air from intercellular spaces by means of a vacuum pump, is equal in volume to the gas removed from the intercellular spaces. In a leaf with a water deficit the amount of the infiltrating water is greater than the removed gas volume by the amount egual to the water deficit. Determination of the volumes of the gas removed and penetrating water enables water deficit, if any, to be calculated. Comparative measurements carried out on five plant species confirmed the correctness of the method...

Distinction des deux composants de l'aire drainée sur le tronc de l'Hevea brasiliensis

J. Luštinec, W. L. Resing, J. Simmer

Biologia plantarum 10:284-295, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921011

L'aire d'écoulement du latex a été déterminée sur le tronc de l'Hevea brasiliensis à l'aide de Rb86 inoculé avant la saignée à diverses distances de l'encoche. Une telle détermination peut être effectuée par une extrapolation non linéaire des courbes de drainage ou par une formule mathématique. Dans ce dernier cas, il suffit de connaître la quantité totale de latex écoulée depuis le début jusqu'au moment de l'apparition du latex radioactif provenant d'un point d'inoculation.
Les courbes d'écoulement du latex radioactif ayant plusieures maxima, correspondant aux divers points d'inoculation de Rb86,...

The problem of isolation of the X virus inhibitor from potato leaf sap

Liana Albrechtová

Biologia plantarum 10:296, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921012

Using moving boundary electrophoresis in a veronal buffer, pH 8.5, of 0.05 ionic strength and at 4.3 mA, we succeeded in separating the inhibitor, which was obtained by fractionation on a Sephadex G-50 column, into four components. The two most substantial components represent 25% and 65% respectively from the separated proteins as a whole. The heterogeneity of the inhibitor was proved by analytical ultracentrifugation, too. The ionex chromatography was applied for the quantitative separation of the inhibitor. We used ionex chromatography on DEAE Cellulose the concentration gradient being 0-1m NaCl in a 0.01m phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and on DEAE Sephadex...

Changes in the level of endogenous gibberellins and auxins in apical buds ofChenopodium rubrum L. after application of growth substances reversing the effect of (2-chlorethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) on flowering

Lola Teltscherová

Biologia plantarum 10:305, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921013

The application of CCC at concentrations inhibiting flowering ofChenopodium rubrum reduces the level of endogenous gibberellins in the apical buds of the plants. The effect of CCC may be reversed by appropriate concentrations of gibberellin (GA-), indole acetic acid (IAA) or kinetin. Kinetin applied to the apical bud during floral induction reduced the level of endogenous gibberellins similarly as CCC and if both CCC and kinetin were applied simultaneously their action was additive. On the other hand IAA applied under the same conditions increased the level of endogenous gibberellins and after joint application of CCC and IAA their level was...

Phosphorus disturbances associated with potato leafroll virus infection

Marie Ulrychová, J. Limberk

Biologia plantarum 10:311-317, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921014

Potato leafroll virus induces considerable disturbances of phosphorus metabolism in leafroll-infected potato plants. Each variety reacts differently in this respect on the infection, to some extent being dependent on the susceptibility of the respective variety to leafroll and to the season as well. In varieties particularly susceptible to leafroll as in Apta and Sieglinde there is a decrease of total P after infection. On the contrary, varieties showing medium susceptibility such as varieties Tatranka, Rita and Ambra react to leafroll infection with a considerable increase of total P. In the comparatively less susceptible variety Krasava, there is...

The choice of method for determination of drought resistance in woody species seedlings

M. Penka

Biologia plantarum 10:325-333, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921017

In estimating the water-holding power and thus also their drought resistance, the portion of curvature as shown by the desiccation curves (transpiration, loss curves) appears most suitable in which the water-binding forces within a plant body feature a steep and characteristic rise. Since this portion of the curving stage coincides, in the majority of cases, also with the linear stage for the desiccation curves as described byCetl, this author's method of establishing drought resistance of plants (Cetl, 1953, 1957) may be applied to good advantage also to the woody species seedlings. For particularly urgent instances serving the purpose of orientation...

On the stainability of plant cell walls with alcian blue

K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 10:334-346, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921018

This work is a continuation of a communication on the stainability of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) root tip cells with alcian blue, published some time ago. Following the standard method of staining with alcian blue, the cell walls are very strongly stained, the nuclei (except nucleolus) lightly, the nucleolus and cytoplasm are practically colourless. The weak dyeing of the nucleus is not equal throughout the whole section so that the comparison of stainability of cell walls and nuclei by itself cannot explain the staining with alcian blue. The results of this work on the staining of cell walls (if not including model experiments and experiments...

Die wirkung der β-(3-Pyridyl)-propion-und der β-(3-Pyridyl)-acrylsäure auf die Atmung der Wurzeln vonSinapis alba L.

P. Vaculík, Olga Makovcová, L. Šindelář

Biologia plantarum 10:347, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921019

In dieser Arbeit wurden die Unterschiede in der Wirksamkeit der β-(3-Pyridyl)-propion-(VIII) und der β-(3-Pyridyl)-acrylsäure (IX) mit Hinsicht auf den Sättigungsgrad der Seitenkette studiert. Beide Säuren hemmen das Wurzel- und Hypokotylenwachstum der Modellpflanze Sinapis alba L. und verursachen eine starke Hemmwirkung der Succinat-Dehydrogenase. Die Säure IX hemmt dieses SDH-System ungefähr um das Zweifache als die Säure VIII. Dagegen bleibt die Aktivität der Cytochromoxydase fast ohne Änderung. Auf Grund der erzielten Resultate wurde die Strukturbedingung der phytotoxischen Aktivität der Modellsubstanzen der Styrylpyridine (Typ I) im...

Beeinflussung der Peroxydase-Aktivität in den Wurzeln vonSinapis alba L.-Keimlingen durch Modellstoffe der Pyridinreihe

Olga Makovcová, L. Šindelář, P. Vaculík

Biologia plantarum 10:354, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921020

Bei der Untersuchung der Peroxydase-Aktivität in Wurzeln vonSinapis alba L.- Keimlingen, die durch phytotoxische Wirkstoffe-Pyridinderivate wie Phenäthylpyridine I A, B, C, trans-Styrylpyridine II A, B, C oder Pyridylphenylazetylene III A, B, C,-beeinflusst worden waren, wurde besonders bei den Versuchenin vivo eine ziemlich starke Hemmung der Enzymaktivität festgestellt. Bei den Versuchenin vitro bewirkten diese Versuchsstoffe eine Stimulation. Die Interpretation der Versuchsergebnisse führte zur Aussprache folgender Hypothese: als Ursache der niedrigen Peroxydase-Aktivität, der Unterdrückung des Wachstums und der hervorgerufenen...

Über den Einfluss phytotoxischer Pyridinderivate auf die Aktivität einiger Oxydasen in den Wurzeln vonSinapis alba L.

Olga Makovcová, L. Šindelář, P. Vaculík

Biologia plantarum 10:360, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921021

Versuche, in denen der Einfluss der Phenäthylpyridine (I A, B, C), trans-Styrylpyridine (II A, B, C) und Pyridylphenylazetylene (III A, B, C) auf die Aktivität der Pyrogallolund der Ascorbinsäure-Oxydase in den Wurzeln vonSinapis alba-Keimlingen verfolgt wurde, ergaben folgende Resultate:in vivo wurde die Pyrogallol-Oxydase durch keinen dieser Stoffe beeinflusst, jedochin vitro zeigten die trans-Styrylpyridine und die Pyridylphenylazetylene eine bedeutende Hemmung. Die gefundenen Resultate lassen darauf schliessen, dass es sich wahrscheinlich um eine direkte Inhibition, diein vivo durch Einschaltung dieser Stoffe in den...

Brief Communications

Inhibition of flowering ofChenopodium rubrum L. after the action of actinomycin D

Frideta Seidlová

Biologia plantarum 10:318-321, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921015

Floral differentiation ofChenopodium rubrum is more AD-sensitive than growth of the vegetative organs. With a suitable combination of the manner of application and the concentration of AD used, selective inhibition of flowering can be attained without any effect on growth. The inhibition of flowering was greatest if AD acted during the first two days of photoperiodic induction. With later application its effect on flowering was weaker. RNA synthesized in the first days of photoperiodic induction to a considerable extent ensured its further course.

Euonymus mosaic

V. Bojňanský, Viera Kosljarová

Biologia plantarum 10:322-324, 1968 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921016

The Euonymus Mosaic Virus was isolated fromEuonymus europaea. The virus was transmitted by sap to cucumber and other test plants, by seeds orAphis euonymi F., and it was soilborne, too. The sap from cucumbers lost its infectivity after 10 minutes at 80°C and after 35 days at 20-22°C. It is probably a new virus so far not described. The investigations of this problem are not finished, yet.