Biologia plantarum, 1983 (vol. 25), issue 3


Book reviews

T. Gichner, J. Velemínský

Biologia plantarum 25:208, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902104

Book review

Jana Pospíšilová, Jiřina Slavíková, J. Tupý, Ingrid Tichá, T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 25:237-240, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902111

Original Papers

The effect of penicillin on the levels of endogenous gibberellins and cytokinins in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) seedlings

S. Mukherji, P. F. Wareing

Biologia plantarum 25:161, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902095

The levels of gibberellin and cytokinin like substances are increased in mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) seedlings by penicillin treatment. The possible role of penicillin in regulating the hormone levels in plant tissues is suggested.

Do tomato plants contain endogenous indoleacetylaspartic acid?

Natalia Rekoslavskaya, K. Z. Gamburg

Biologia plantarum 25:166, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902096

The data of Rowet al. (1961) on endogenous indoleacetylaspartic acid in tomato plants were reexamined. It was shown that two indole compounds were present in ethanolic extract of tomato stems and leaves. The predominating substance was concluded to be N-malonyltryptophan on account of its UV- and IR-spectra, colour reactions with the Ehrlich and Salkovski reagents and products of acidic and alkaline hydrolyses. The chemical nature of the second indole compound remained unknown. It differed from N-malonyltryptophan, N-aeetyltryptophan, indoleacetylaspartic acid and indoleacetic acid and may result from non-enzymatic transformation of N-malonyltryptopha...

Cytophotometric study of DNA-fuchsin complex in cultured mesophyll protoplasts ofNicotiana tabacum andVicia faba

A. V. Nosov, Irina N. Smolenskaya, Anna L. Nosova

Biologia plantarum 25:173-179, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902098

IsolatedN. tabacum andV. faba protoplasts were used as a model to examine the DNA-fuchsin changes during the dedifferentiationin vitro. Using the pattern recognition method for the evaluation of cytophotometric data obtained we have established: 1) the major fraction of cells of the original tobacco and bean leaf tissue is in G1-period of the cell cycle; 2) the significant decrease to 1C DNA-fuchsin content in nuclei in the first hours of cultivation and then a reconstitution of 2C pool followed by entering of these cells into S-period of mitotic cycle; 3) only 2% of tobacco and 4% of bean mesophyll cells contain 4C DNA.

Studies on plant recovery from mesophyll protoplasts ofSolatium tuberosum L. andSolanum phureja Juj. et Buk

Ursula Schumann, H. Koblitz

Biologia plantarum 25:180, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902099

Plants were regenerated from mesophyll protoplasts of axenically growing plants of four dihaploid clones and five tetraploid cultivars ofSolanum tuberosum L. andSolanum phureja Juz. etBuk.

Incorporation of [14C]-glutamate into proteins and chlorophylls inDunaliella tertiolecta, a marine chlorophyte

R. Precali, P. G. Falkowski

Biologia plantarum 25:187-195, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902101

Incorporation of [14C]-glutamate into soluble proteins accounted for about 14% of the total glutamate uptake, while < 1% of the ammo acid carbon was incorporated into chlorophylla. Most of the remaining 85% of the glutamate was retained in low molecular mass pools. High uptake rates appeared to be related to a "shift-up" phenomenon, resulting from the addition of fresh media. Apparent turnover times, estimated from reverse isotope dilution experiments, varied from about 1 to 3.5 h for the soluble proteins and about 3 to 5 h for chlorophyll a. Rapid changes in glutamate to glutamine ratios, resulting from changes in irradiance,...

Ontogenetic changes in the content of endogenous gibberellins inBryophyllum crenatum leaves with respect to stem polarity

J. Šebánek, K. Slabý

Biologia plantarum 25:196, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902102

The content of endogenous gibberellins was estimated in leaves adjacent to the individual nodes ofBryophyllum crenatum in five ontogenetic periods (July 10, August 12, September 17, October 22, and December 8). Their content decreased from the stem base to the apex when 5 to 7 leaf pairs were developed (July 10 and August 12). Before transition to the generative state when 8 leaf pairs were formed (Sept. 17 and Oct. 22) the content of gibberellins was gradually increased in the apical leaves and decreased in the basal ones. This change resulted in the increasing gradient of leaf gibberellins from the stem base to the apex just before flowering...

Immunochemical characterization of seed proteins of some species of the genusArachis L.

Eva Klozová, Věra Turková, J. Smartt, Kvéta Pitterová, Jiřina Švachulová

Biologia plantarum 25:201-208, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902103

Relationships between seed protein patterns of 16 species ofArachis were studied by means of immunochemical methods (immunoelectrophoresis and double diffusion). The broad similarity of these patterns suggests that protein patterns are conservative in this genus from an evolutionary viewpoint. The differences which have evolved support recent schemes for classifying the genus, particularly the breakdown into sections. It also suggests thatA. villosa andA. correntina should probably be recognized as distinct species. The strong relationship indicated betweenA. hypogaea andA. batizocoi supports the hypothesis that the...

Cholinesterase activity in some species of theAllium genus

Vera Hadačová, Květa Vacková, Eva Klozová, M. Kutáček, Květa Pitterová

Biologia plantarum 25:209, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902105

In partly purified protein complexes obtained from 22 species of theAllium genus and 6 cultivars ofAllium cepa the activity of cholinesterases was detected and measured using the method of Ellman et al. The degree of its inhibition with 10-4 M neostigmine was also tested. It was found that the activity of cholinesterase differed in individual species up to two hundred times, while the differences in the inhibitory activity of 10-4 M neostigmine occurred only in a few cases. Individual sections and cultivars could not be characterized on the basis of the differences in the activities of the cholinesterases. Of all...

Effect of silymarin on plant tissue cultures

Eva Petrů, Marie Ulrychová

Biologia plantarum 25:216, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902106

The effect of silymarin complex on various types of expiants differing in their nutrition requirements was investigated. The growth of tumorous periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus [L.] G. Don) callus tissue was still identical with the control tissue at the silymarin concentration of 35 mg in 1000 ml of the nutrient medium. However, this silymarin concentration totally inhibited the growth of habituated periwinkle callus tissue; in the presence of 10 mg of silymarin, the growth of this tissue was similar to that of the corresponding tissue grown without silymarin. The growth of tobacco callus tissue (D-strain) requiring for its growth kinetin was...

Terpenoid compounds from different parts ofAchillea collina Becker inflorescences

P. Černaj, M. Repčák, K. Tesařík, R. Hončariv

Biologia plantarum 25:221-224, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902107

Extracts of small amounts of inflorescence material (3 lingular flowers, 3 tubular flowers, 1 receptacle with involucral bracts), obtained withn-hexane, were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography using a capillary column. The presence of terpenoids was demonstrated and differences in composition between extracts from different inflorescence parts were found.

Post-illumination burst of carbon dioxide inPhaseolus vulgaris L. as affected by leaf temperature

M. Kaše, J. Čatský

Biologia plantarum 25:225, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902108

The effect of leaf temperature on the post-illumination burst of CO2 (PIB) in 15 day-old primary bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was studied by means of infrared gas analysis in a closed gas exchange system. The amplitude and kinetic of PIB was different with its own characteristic course for different temperature steps. The temperature optimum for the PIB at 21% O2 near the carbon dioxide compensation concentration Λ (150 mg m-3) was 33 °C while that for net photosynthetic rate (P N) at 21% O2 and 600 mg m-3 CO2 was 24.5 °C. The PIB was observed to...

Developmental changes in gene expression during pollen differentiation and maturation inNicotiana tabacum L

J. Tupý, J. Süss, Eva Hrabětová, Ludmila Říhová

Biologia plantarum 25:231, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902110

Total and polysome-bound ribosomes and the uptake and incorporation of3H-uridine and14C-leucine were examined in dividing microspores and in pollen grains isolated from anthers of 6 different developmental stages. Direct evidence was obtained that the formation of cytoplasm of the vegetative cell following microspore division is related to a rapid activation of RNA and protein synthesis and of ribosomes in differentiating pollen. Total ribosomes associated with gametophytic programme rose about 10times and the process of differentiation was accompanied by a rapid increase in uptake capacity of pollen grains for both uridine and...

Book Review

Mokronosov, A. T. : Ontogeneticheskiï aspekt fotosinteza. [Ontogenetic aspect of Photosynthesis.]

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 25:172, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902097

Unger, K., Schuh, J. (ed.):Umwelt-Stress

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 25:186, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902100

Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote Sensing

L. Nátr

Biologia plantarum 25:230, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902109